Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dazhong Interview Chairman of Shan Shandong Wollongong long travel group

 Shan Shandong Wollongong Tourism Group chairman Dazhong long accepted an exclusive interview

Shan Shandong Wollongong Travel Group Chairman to accept long Dazhong exclusive interview

Dazhong News (Ben Wang Jer Liu Guoyu Zhao Hongdong) February 15, 2011, a time when the Eleventh National People's Congress of Shandong Province and the fourth session of the Fourth Session of the Tenth CPPCC Provincial Committee during the two sessions , Provincial People's Congress, Chairman of Shan Shandong Wollongong Tourism Group was invited to guest Dazhong long. Two proposals this year, personal experiences, group-second five-tourism development planning, group tour marketing, product development and innovation, the Group listed on the minor roads and services to tourists accept the Dazhong interview with reporters. Turning to the future development of Longgang Tourism Group, Shan-long confidence and expectations, and invite friends to the ground the majority of the Grand Canyon, fluorescent underground lake, play area Tianma Island vacation.
Reporter: Good afternoon netizens! Today, we are delighted to develop rapidly the Welcome, General Zhang.
Shan years: Thank you, moderator. Moderator Hello, good friends, the majority of users.
Reporter: Zhang once again welcome to come. We all know that today is General Zhang Jinan, with a task, as the deputies once again to participate in two Shandong, feel? Tell us to share it?
Shan long: good, should be said that a deep impression, especially after listening to the governor Jiang Daming after the government work report, we also adapted to Shandong's that felt very encouraged and very inspiring. Report on the governor Jiang Daming, we agreed to think it is a summary of the work the previous five years should be very objective and very pragmatic. The first five years, especially in Shandong's economic construction, political construction and cultural construction, and construction of ecological problems, etc., should be said that great achievements have been made. Particularly in the economic aggregate, total economic output in Shandong reached 3.9 trillion last year, and local revenues exceeded 2,700 billion. These figures are fully Shandong's economic strength that we are constantly enhanced. Therefore, this report is very good. Especially for the next five years, also paints a magnificent blueprint and set some hard and fast, and can do in place of the indicators. For example, the second five at the end, that is, 2015, the total can reach 6 trillion economy, and local revenues to break 50 million. In particular the report involves three production services, and can gradually increased to 47,48,45. Special mention here, that is, the ratio of services to reach 45, this is a very impressive figure, especially to see service during the second five could have a big increase gradually, as tourism is concerned, as a dry service business people, feel very encouraged. If our plan, in accordance with the provincial government's plan to complete, I believe the next five years, fifty-some may exceed 5, the service industry should be the ratio of the total GDP reached 50% or more, and this close to the medium-developed National Service in the entire gross national product among the levels. So I think the development of industries in Shandong, should be very good. Especially the service industry, it should be said more and more dry head, increasingly greater potential for the development. I travel because it is dry, so that the development of service industries and tourism are closely related. It should be said is that special feeling.
Reporter: That is very exciting, I feel the future is very bright, very bright.
Shan years: Yes.
Reporter: You just mentioned that such service is a ratio of 45%, in fact, we know that, although it is a number, but represents the entire future direction of adjustment of industrial development in Shandong. You also mentioned that, in itself as the tourism, the tourism industry in Shandong Longgang Group is a very important development indicators, we Wollongong Tourism Group the next five years, there is a kind of planning? Or relative to the specific direction of a development?
Shan years: identification of a moment in this direction, especially our Wollongong Group, is also the second five year development plan of the first year. With the situation in the province's large tourism industry is getting better, the whole province in particular, government leaders, the tourism industry as a major issue, in this situation, the development of tourism in terms of Wollongong Group is also very favorable, with a development environment. As Wollongong Group, developed a few years ago the main underground Yishui tourist area Grand Canyon, fluorescence Lake tourist area, Mountain Hill tourist area, and the ending of Junan Island tourist area. Yishui County is now building five-star hotel, is now in the renovation stage. Taian is building while the sun in the tourist area tribes. Some time ago, and also signed Pingyi County tourist area and Wollongong city gelatin Dream Park tourism. Over the years, Longgang Group with the support of leaders at all levels, in community care, attention, should be said that some achievements made, particularly last year, 10 months, successfully listed on NASDAQ in the United States, which is our province as a tourist enterprises, the first listed company. I think these achievements, but also to thank the leadership at all levels, especially the Provincial Tourism Bureau, the Municipal Tourism Bureau, and our friends in the community support.
the next five years as a development plan, the Group also has relatively small development plan. If the current basis, cave tourism to increase to about 10, to increase tourism landscape about 5. This is a development in the area. We also have service facilities next step to further to increase. Such as the construction of five-star hotel in Yishui and will continue to gradually build Pingyin four star hotel, also built in other places. Meanwhile, with the platform in the U.S. market to further expand the market plate, and the stock market to gradually improve further the financial side of a lot of money from the United States, to support our domestic projects in various scenic spots, hotel projects. In this case, the operation of these projects mature, performance went up later, we re-loaded plates listed to form a virtuous cycle. This will allow the Group to further strengthen and expand Longgang. This is in the next five years, in projects, listing work.
other in the recruitment, training of talents, in the planning, design, and will increase our professionals, professionals, etc., have a good number of programs to support our development of these projects.
Reporter: Well, Zhang, because we Wollongong Group as a very well-known tourist Shandong enterprises, feel particularly fast development in recent years. Speaking before the might of Shandong travel, we think of is the What we think of the Grand Canyon Yishui, and our fluorescence lake. In fact, we may be asked in private, saying that development is very fast in recent years in Linyi, tourism development has been relatively rapid. You think through what kind of situation, can an old revolutionary base areas, may people think of a less developed area, we all made a very want to go, including many young people particularly want to play where? What factors do you think led to such a Linyi, including Yishui we can develop in such a short period of time so well?
Shan years: this is the tourism product, it should be said, and other industrial products, food companies are not the same, stating that it is an innovative industry. As the area is concerned, is that each area should have the uniqueness of each area, there are highlights of each area, which is to attract tourists. This is important, as the Wollongong Group, Grand Canyon, why the development of the underground, underground lake is too fluorescent to attract tourists? Visitors are very satisfied and later reading? This is the start area from the development of this innovative concept had, so innovation and development, this is our Wollongong Group, a business philosophy. Such as the development of underground Grand Canyon, one is invited experts, a team of our own, are in research, discussion, wondering what the project attractive. This argument by the full, through expert planning, we are the underground wonders of the valley, the use of the underground river's natural resources and create a domestic first underground river rafting. This is the canyon drift characteristics, and is underground, so give them a large number of tourists to enjoy, it also brings them their appreciation and recognition.

as fluorescent lake as well. Firefly started in front of a lot of holes. Because a hole is very good surrounding environment, a large number of fireflies in this place. We gradually introduced into the hole to the firefly, and the longer introduced into the hole, the more to attract tourists, so there may be sitting in the boat to see fireflies, to capture the fireflies, this effect should be said as well as very romantic, and very stimulation, so that it is possible to reason, but also their favorite causes.
by these two scenic spots, I also have this experience, that is, just mention this problem. Engage in tourist areas, each area must have every area of innovation, highlights of each area, so that I feel that innovation is very important. Now the two are also further enhance the area, are being further expanded. One is to expand outside the cave, and to further intends to travel way, parking lots, green, shopping, etc., are in accordance with national 5A standards for class tourist area, in accordance with the Shandong Provincial Tourism Bureau enhance the building. Way to inside, outside the cave are promoted to build a good future, the group to apply for approval to the State 5A class tourist area. This is also incorporated into our plans within five years.
Reporter: Zhang Zonggang only a simple introduction, I very much want to go all the feelings. Many friends have mentioned before that there is very fun fluorescence Lake. General users may also want to know, then the fun place, is not particularly expensive tickets? If two or three individuals, small groups go, give us the case of tourism consumption that it?
Shan long: Consumer should not be high, and now the tickets, in the second phase after the completion of the upgrade up the place like a lake underground fluorescence, runs about two and a half hour or so, inside not only can watch the fireflies, but also watch and capture our ecological Butterfly Valley, and the drift of our forests, and the boat ride on the lake on our tour of Huanglong. In this case, a person's consumption, and tickets are 80 dollars, 10 dollars is about to eat, we should say is still very cheap.
Reporter: Yes, in fact, students can also be consumed.
Shan long: Yes, students can also be discounted.
Reporter: Are there concessions?
Shan long: Yes, there are benefits. This said, it should be said as a consumer, but still not high, and relatively inexpensive.
Reporter: Exactly. The total goes, you just mentioned a lot in our area is in the ground, underground fluorescence Lake, G Gorge, which of them throughout the year, which season to play area would be better? Seasons for viewing or have some effect?
Shan long: it should be said from the current operating situation, fluorescent lake throughout the year can be.
Reporter: are more suitable to visit?
Shan long: Yes, are more appropriate. Of course, we North in accordance with the season, the best time is from early March, that is from the Women's Day, after we had been to the end of October, or even to 11 months, this time is very good. Till February this time, we have fireflies in caves, that is, less than usual, but there should be a lot of fireflies, but also a large number of butterflies. So it should be said that ground fluorescence Lake tourist area, is a year round every day can visit the tourist areas, it is not very strong seasonal.
Reporter: If you from many parts of Shandong, Jinan or to let area, traffic is not very convenient?
Shan years: very convenient, from Jinan to the ground fluorescence Lake tourist area, take the southern route to the Yishui Ji-Qing expressway, to the Yishui the exit, this is the case, the general self-driving is more than two hours, it should be said is still very close, and more convenient.
Reporter: Zhang, you just said that we Wollongong in recent years the development of very fast, but the future is also the intention of radiation many markets in Shandong. There is a saying that you just had a little band that we companies listed on Nasdaq, is the first in Shandong Province, I do not know so far only listed tourism companies.
Shan long: the only one, should be the only one, was the first.
Q: I would like to know how you would go to the United States taking into account the financing? Many domestic enterprises as it is now, we are also more concerned about the market, but the vision to put on the domestic situation. How did you take into account the financing to go there?
Shan years: as a public issue, we actually had this before in the three years in planning, design, in the Wollongong Group's first five-year plan which will have this one. Select in the United States, also based on several reasons. One aspect is the U.S. financial markets are more active, year, any time financing, that financing should be very convenient, its financial market is very active, that is according to your needs, as long as investors recognized the financing you can at any time with, so very convenient, on demand, easy financing.
second Wollongong Group as a few scenic spots, like not only in domestic propaganda, to make our domestic visitors to tour, we also want to make foreign tourists to increase by listing awareness, play our brand of Shandong, to tourist attractions, to attract and to attract outside tourists, which is also a reasons.
Another reason is that as our team of professionals in terms of talent, the capital of their U.S. operation there is also Bijiao Shu, there are people in this area. So we chose this listing platform in the United States financing, this is the case.
Reporter: This is the platform for a higher, and it is estimated that the development of enterprises is also the concept and we have relations, innovation and development, corporate thinking is more open than other, more long-term vision.
Shan years: that, as engaging in enterprises, in particular, engage in tourist areas, should be considered a little too long that the area will not only start, the more important it is to do after recognized to have a large number of visitors you, this is very important.
Reporter: Zhang, let's just say the whole area listed, listing what the whole enterprise we change? Including the area this one.

Shan years: listed, should be said that the enterprise is concerned, though relatively short time, there is some change for the better. One is our financing, to fund the development of our entire group is supporting this one.
Secondly, our business in the operation, management, services, operating on the whole is more standardized, more in accordance with high standards, in accordance with the Provincial Tourism Bureau initiated area to do the service standards. This is one aspect.
third aspect, the whole group of people on our mental outlook, it should be said has been a large increase. They feel more confident for the future development will contribute to, the development of stronger confidence in the future. So there is a change should be said, of course, the longer the greater will change.
Reporter: Zhang, users can see I do have a series of titles Dong Zhang, Eleventh People's Congress of Shandong Province, Shandong Province, seventh outstanding entrepreneurs, Republic of Tourism and Culture Advanced figures, the Chinese private entrepreneurs Double Excellence, the 60th anniversary of the most influential figures in Shandong first mode, and so on, of course, and many below, I simply introduced the part. Zhang, we are in fact very much like to know more about you as a tourist business manager, would like to briefly look at some of the work before you, that you really are legendary, and you've engaged in medical work is not it?
Shan years: Yes.
Q: When is a student of the University of Medicine, then later made a doctor, and later did some similar industrial products like industrial stuff, and finally to a tourism industry we or emerging industries. You can say that experience is really quite rich, you can give us a brief introduction?
Shan long: Well, it is. I had really learned all the medical profession after graduation to the Second People's Hospital of Linyi City, when the physician. When medical Zhuzhidafu 16 years later to nine years, the state is also vigorously advocated by all walks of life can venture into the sea, is to follow their own ideas to develop. This is the reform and opening up a very important aspect, so in this situation, I had to consider how to better reflect the value of a person's life, that is how to play your greatest strengths. So in this case, I consider, because I respect a number of paintings, and some arts and crafts, have a certain interest. Time to consider the first to promote tourism products is our bronze handicrafts, imitation of the country at that time a number of artifacts, a cultural relics, two artifacts. Generic came out, when the crafts to sell, this is the case. In the process of selling crafts, and travel agencies, and a number of museums, galleries better the relationship. Bronze crafts through the operation, in the process, more and more Chinese are traveling should be a very large potential, because at that time just to mention the private enterprise to do.
I know the situation then, to first set up a second travel agency in Linyi is Yimeng Mountain Travel Limited. After the company made to a large number of guests to the outside to go to Beijing, Shanghai and sent to the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta where a large number of teams to travel to these places. That the money the Yimeng Mountain, are sent outside to go, is such a situation.
but in the process, of course, a good resource people, people of the tourist attractions Ye Hao, tourists abound. I feel that the money sent to the outside, was not developed Yimeng Mountain, is relatively poor. But there are some resources that we can also give us a lot of tourists Yimengshan give money? At that time, this consideration. First, we have this idea, the second to please a number of experts to prove this matter. After the argument, to feel Yishui this place, there are certain resources should be said, by building the future, can become a major tourist area to attract tourists. In this case, on the development of the tourist area Yishui first, that pre-ground fluorescence Lake - four openings, and then later developed the ground of the Grand Canyon, etc., have developed these tourist areas.

Reporter: Linyi this congenital condition of travel, coupled with General Zhang This is more keen visual, Yishui put a lot of tourist attractions so far have developed. Zhang, you just mentioned, and from the doctor now and then jump to the head of a tourism enterprise. The medical profession do you think the feelings and the feelings do travel so far, I feel the biggest difference in what areas?
Shan years: I am speaking from the macro, it should be said to be no different. With nothing more than the doctor, it should be said that the health of the patient is to restore the patient, the patient's pain is eliminated it, or reduce, alleviate, eliminate, which is directly on a person with the disease state , to eliminate the pain. But now, with the improvement of living standards after the spiritual needs of a person's health is very important aspect. Spiritual needs that should be more important. Engage in tourist areas, the actual is to satisfy people's spiritual needs, that meet the spiritual needs. So in order to meet people's spiritual needs, you do scenic spot development, your management, your fine service, your service facilities, etc., had all for the sake of tourists. So when a doctor, and when a tour operator is concerned, I feel a whole is concerned, there should be no much difference between the patient should be carefully nurtured and cared for tourists. So I think it should be not much difference, but not the same working environment, one is in the hospital, one is in the tourist area for the guests. So my view is.
Reporter: In fact, we are to take care of health needs, from basic health is only a one to a spiritual level.
Shan long: Yes, one is from the happiness index, one is to remove the pain.
Reporter: Zhang experience is really very rich, from hospitals to the arts and crafts, and then to travel. I do not know you just mentioned that the sea, on the one hand is their own interests, the choice of crafts, such a trade, and later to travel. In fact, did you select the travel, the main consideration is what? In addition to dealing with the travel agency, is not also considered as a green tourism industry, the future development is also very good. You were taken into consideration these?
Shan long: Yes, because whether it is a lot of information in terms of foreign or domestic we, from the tourism sector, experts mention of the gradually increase the industry So I want this industry, the feeling should be very good, it should be said not only good for tourists, on their own Ye Hao, in terms of the whole society is also highly beneficial. To do this, should be chosen very right.

Reporter: sights is a very healthy industry.
Shan years: Yes.
Reporter: Zhang, just now we have talked so much, I actually want to say is let the company is listed, so far, do not you think there are some difficulties or bottlenecks? There is no going beyond the barriers? Is present, the development of the company whether we any obstacles?
Shan years: listed, did not make any bottlenecks, the most important work, and I think it is very standardized in accordance with the requirements of listed companies, according to the standards of listed companies, have in accordance with the laws of the United States to the operation of the listed companies. It is not listed as a very casual and in the past, there will be some non-standard places where they can. From now on even in the future, we need to operate in a very standardized. I think this is very important.
Reporter: Let's also promote the management of this business.
Shan years: Yes. Because the operation must be standardized, and have to make better and better performance to support the listed companies. You have to consider not only the majority of the citizenry, as investors, is such a situation.
Reporter: Zhang, in fact, before we go to a number of interviews with the leadership of the tourism department, said that tourism is now a fact, we all really like, whether young or the elderly, We all feel that tourism is a very pleasing activities. But you talk about travel to, we also have some of their own distress, or travel which encountered some things, so we are more worry about things, including some of the industry is not standardized, or the recent news may have reported that some tours including tour guides, to let the tourism industry, or that the industry produced some negative impacts. You as the head of tourism enterprises, is look at how such a thing?

long: Your question is an industry standards and industry self-regulation problems. In this matter, we either national or provincial, has some corresponding regulations and laws. In these respects, the process of the market among a number of tourism enterprises, including restaurants, including travel agencies and scenic spots, and even some competition, even to the vicious competition, but also the circumstances of individual existence, but also to tourists irresponsible situation. It should be said that this is a reality. But I would like to work with according to specifications, in accordance with the requirements of the law more stringent act, coupled with the gradual improvement of the quality of our citizens and our operators to self-discipline, this constant management capabilities, service levels, and so in this area some improvement, I think these issues will be less and less, and the human environment will become increasingly large increase will get better.

Reporter: As we area, how the tourists will want to be more thoughtful, how to work the tourist center? How development?
Shan years: as a tourist area is concerned, this should be promoted more and more personalized service, people-oriented, Longgang Group is advocating all these years to do so. Such as the addition to our cart drivers have a cool place, where there is water, water free of charge for visitors, providing drinking water places, especially toilets, and more attention in this area look, according to state some of the star, standard four-star toilet to do it well. So, in the service, to achieve the greatest degree possible service with a smile, do minor service. Such as rain, ahead of an umbrella provided free of charge to tourists and so on. In doing so the area is best to meet the needs of tourists. As Tatsuoka business purpose, is to satisfy the maximum demand of tourists, but also to meet as much as possible to provide good service for tourists.

Reporter: Zhang, business development so fast we, of course, is based on some of the local foundation, and we feel that the past few years the city of Linyi in Shandong building is also very fast. How much we now employ a total staff of business? In fact, with the development of enterprises, for we the local economy, driving is very large, for solving the employment also plays a very important role. Can you talk about employment in this area?
Shan long: I as a group here, has also been promoting harmony and win-win situation, with such a guiding ideology. In this respect, we should say from the outset, Longgang Group focus on the In the staff, a considerable part of the original number of laid-off workers of state-owned enterprises, we have to absorb the greatest extent possible. Another, we and the surrounding communities, the surrounding residents, but also in harmony, live in harmony. Year old party members, poor households, we have to drop in on, look at the cost of some of their contract, some user fees, we are paid in advance. Years, with some authorities, as well as all aspects of tax, are very harmonious with these bodies to finish the job. Our idea is to achieve a harmonious, win situation, including the media, and travel agencies, as well as some of the community and relevant, are to create a harmonious atmosphere, to create a win-win situation, are in line with The guiding ideology.
Reporter: Zhang, I have one last question, we have also mentioned that the area we Yishui very special, we caught a lot more concerned about, whether fireflies The natural scenery is quite magnificent. A lot of people to invest in your eyes that you can be Zhang, you tell us to talk about, how did you put the brand in this market set up? What is the brand and market a relationship?
Shan long: This relationship should be mutually reinforcing. In fact a few scenic spots as the Wollongong Group, over the years to build on the market, should have been, and our county, and surrounding counties some of the area, has been playing this tour on-line operation. We also attach great importance to the construction of three marketing system. Summed up the years, Construction of the three so-called marketing, one is the source to the marketing, and then one of the media to marketing, and destination marketing, referred to as the In this issue, we focus on these three aspects in research marketing plan, think was more comprehensive, focus on their investment, pay attention to emotional input. In this case, we should say that the years of marketing them in the whole, it should be said to have achieved some results, so that our brand as well as several scenic Longgang Group sub-brands have been recognized by the society, with a certain degree of visibility.
Reporter: It may still relatively short time, but such a short time, we also learned that Shandong Wollongong Group, the development by leaps and bounds, in fact, and his strict management, and human service are inseparable. Such a short time, we also know we Zhang, I feel should be a legendary and rich work experience, because for a lot of different positions. Longgang Group's development, in fact, can be said that tourism development in recent years, a microcosm of Shandong Province, by Zhang's introduction, we also see the future development of the tourism industry in Shandong, a new hope.
end of the program, General Zhang also said that some just want to tell our friends talk about. Zhang, possibly time, we show come to an end today, you say a few words with our friends now.
Shan years: Thank you, the majority of users, but also sincerely invited the community of users can come to our Grand Canyon travel Longgang District, underground, underground fluorescence Lake tourist area, a guest Tianma Island tourist area, but also hope to our five-star hotel opened, when users are welcome to visit. Thanks for the majority of netizens!
Reporter: Thanks again for Zhang to come to our show! Longgang Group also hope that the development was getting better and better!
Shan years: Thank you.

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