Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Secret History of fortune booksellers stall (Figure)

 It is said that memories of the past, ZHANG Jianbo say that, memories of the future. As it has been thing of the past, if retained without the slightest value recollection of Yang or no room for people, it has long been a solo, from the brain was wrinkled Ta erased. As can be recalled, is whether it is pain or pleasure, the total is one dream, to weigh the soul, it must be something good for the next life, so the memories of the pain produced, like pleasure in general, gives a face life the courage, to give encouragement, to give people warm.
Zhang Jianbo to speak very slowly, like clouds over the prairie, in the Tanggula against the background, floating slowly: meals also drink the wine. taking advantage of the liquor power, 19-year-old me and my two comrades climbed bet Tuotuohe Kaixinling peak at 20 km south of mmm, Babel 20 km Hebei nearly 5,000 meters above sea level peaks. climbed more than two hours , under the snow of the partners on the back, and I am a person Tangzhe snow, it took 5 hours to reach the summit. Then I heard the whole board with only two people ever have that mountain, one of which was also bitten Tibetan Mastiff a. How long off, no one remembered him. It is this ; I said Yizhi of his unknown, but later forgot to ask him. I know he is an angular ballast calendar has always been a hard stone, with his character, like the shape of his words including but not exposed, but in reality directed edge. Zhang Jianbo
mild nature, and approachable. He never bluff, brusque, and never self-righteous, and he always treat people sincerely, frankly, it is very easy to get along with him. He helped many people who need help in the distribution ring all know, as long as the issue of peer-to Lanzhou, he always enthusiastically invited to play host to him, if you went to Lanzhou, also without the knowledge of him, then he will be so depressed that he does not mind hh music filled with love, peace and tolerance, where no irreconcilable disputes, can not hear the voice of arrogant. Later, I learned from Xinjiang to Beijing, Lanzhou, passing the time, but also by his days. with him, listening to him, see him busy, and my heart will always breed a kind of feeling: but his attitude is calm, demeanor is elegant. cotton hand force, and can dial the extremely heavy; pleasant, its own majesty. busy the whole day, he finally had the time with me, the second day, he took me to play Mt. that is, here, I know those unknown Zhang Jianbo years experience.
end of 1984, after demobilization Zhang Jianbo back home Wuwei in Gansu, to work in the transport company. He loves reading, find home without a place to sell books, sell books on swing-up stall. He once every few days to carry goods in Lanzhou . earn 1,000 yuan a month. At the time, people pay only 90 yuan per month. A year later, he quit and became a br> full use for 20 years, Zhang Jianbo only become a major book wholesalers. his stock to a change and then change: Lanzhou, Xi'an, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Changsha, Guangzhou, until the magazine he did 8 mm magazine, the country's total agent; He is also a change of scale and then change: the spread from Wuwei, Lanzhou Desert Pegasus Bookstore Book Ltd; business is also a variety of changes and then change: from 50 to 500. and was learning his street vendor people had already disappeared.
these 20 years, Zhang Jianbo fear most is the memories of September 30, 1997 took place in Wuwei bus station in the middle of the night that fire, a fire burned the book in Wuwei Tianma. surface on the raging fire, he stunned! 17 shelves 18 counter value of about 26 million Immediately the assets into the smoke. At that moment, he truly understood to what is called Wife: all rushed over to comfort him, though he still looks like slowly, but 3 pounds and her husband drank liquor!
fire has closed down the perpetrators is a motorized city, compensation hopeless .26 million, 80% of the book on credit to , Zhang Jianbo face tough choices: debt,UGG shoes, or just walk away. His second industry, there are retreat. critical moment the choice is often determined the fate of a person's later life. thought and thought, Zhang Jianbo chose the former. a years later, he paid off all debt, including the post office was 9,000 yuan owed to Wuwei Journal section. However, many creditors simply do not know, they have probably not justify the loss. Zhang Jianbo of desperation he had just experienced did not mention a word . desperate place, this man chose to withstand the difficulties in the Northwest walked.
85 years of operation in Wuwei Tianma from bookstores, years of experience and money savings, wholesale books 95 years stationed in Lanzhou in Lanzhou, a flash is ten years . He created Pegasus Books Ltd, Lanzhou desert well before the operation, has been more than the national identity Publication Press Release unit and keep the best collaborations.
Zhang Jianbo is such a gentle nature, good people, that is such a good-hearted benevolence. benevolent love, you can see from his face, almost always sincere smile. He spoke the tone, calm and soothing, warm eyes and looked at each other, bringing a special kind feelings. Buddist he rarely interrupt others, and never when people talk, looked around,bailey UGG boots, distracted. when he does not agree with you, to express different views, he would say: problem, I thought hh that if the impact is not so and so who, himself not doing things so well, speech is full of heartfelt gratitude. But who, if so imagine the kind of submissive Zhang Jianbo hypocrites, it would be wrong . In fact, as long as he thinks is right, and indeed proved right, he would firmly believe; as long as he thinks is wrong, and indeed proved to be wrong, he has never been afraid to the sharp express their views.
Zhang Jianbo summed up his own business sense: a letter to see is unpacking the ; money This unique still and I have been on the front line. big business, I have not as directly to the reader as the year, but every day of my required course is to look at the report: what the book sells well, what books consignment, and then sum up the reasons. big. in previous years, high-end magazines very hard to sell in the second channel, such as With the precipitation of these years, I finally got the exclusive rights. There is a two hundred million registered capital of Beijing, and a unit of Shanghai foreign-funded enterprises want to get the agency issue, it is evil birds and go. some things, that is not there money can do for. ministry, but also a deeper level of conflicting interests and power disputes. worse which link, which person, may be counterproductive. I can not rely on money to settle these things, how do? I have two ways: First, by performance, this is the best weapon. I acted on a magazine, the plot took 3 months to make sales rose 30%! Second, by the frank, fair and reasonable. I acted a magazine, called on all localities issuers must implement distribution policies. such as Guangzhou and magazine publisher with many years of relationship, refused to cooperate. dismissed him, and may cause reactions; not withdraw,UGG boots cheap, but also affect the overall strategy. I went to fly to Beijing, and distribution of club gay discussion. if they can not say tough, because the magazine's most objectionable arbitrary agents, particularly agent. placed severe clear, I said: l in the agency if he is a friend or a relative of which, that That is how, I can understand, do not move. If not, is not considered to move about. r a result, the agent was successfully replaced the. My use of personnel is: moral integrity and ability to send out, kicked out talent without virtue, virtuous and talented to stay. The employer and industry characteristics are inseparable. Book low threshold of the wholesale industry, the real sooner or later have the ability To own company, I think the peer is not enemy, men who can go it alone once, and I simply offered, the Rotary launched a process, the next you or a friend. But talent without virtue, I determined not to leave, that only back to the bad. First, his views had a great impact on me. At that time, I asked him a question, the principle of the Journal of the principle of whether to move closer to the book publishing? Zhang Jianbo that the journal is to pursue long-term effects,UGGs, if it is in order and best-selling book competition, which inevitably short-term pursuit of sensational effects, the long run will undermine the trust the magazine readers, long-term culture lost its base. Literary Journals Books route to go, is its own special value and special readers have lost confidence in the performance of interest. Yes, in a can not take the book route.
bigger business, there is always prepared in the human sense of the sea alone, think family, think of the dream of youth, think of time flowing, Zhang Jianbo always feel some warmth. tomorrow not necessarily better, just as the snow is not the spring but it must be like water, but he believes there will be sunshine tomorrow. 

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