Thursday, November 11, 2010

Normal to the face the world I hope so it ~ ~

 Forum on the Global Times, users see the most recently asked why did not see China's new liberal elite gathering place, view. obviously could not understand who the users is advocating Western-style liberal scholars, the subtext of his question is: you have always advocated the liberal spirit and the spirit of the original representatives of the Western media, but also so, how do you say? < br> that it is, fox really did not see view article so unique, sharp strokes, but the basic point of view or agree with the fox, and so turn to the full text can be considered to have recently been carried away a little bit patriotic blood is too hot temperature and it points people down ~ ~ ~
1 flame burning two cultures, two nations
4 30, 100-day countdown to the Beijing Olympic Games.
from March 30, held in Greece since the Olympic torch handover ceremony, which flies very quiet month. torch from London, Paris, San Francisco, reached Mumbai, Nagano, Canberra, Seoul, both by local residents and overseas Chinese, students studying for the warm welcome, but also caused some discontent in Tibet, the Chinese government practices of people lined the streets to protest. To ensure the smooth progress of the torch transmission line national security police had to take, temporary diversions, reduce journey, the torch being extinguished, arrest protesters and other measures. Along the way, support the Beijing Olympic Games overseas Chinese, students and support conflict. symbol of peace, unity of the Olympic flame burning so actually can not think of two Chinese Han and Tibetan peoples, two cultures in the West.
Olympics, the Chinese people's hopes for the past century. When it is finally in our capital held a grand, when suddenly we encounter so embarrassed. Baozhan two passions in our bid, it had thought that the Olympics is in the family courtyard Dataichangxi from showcase to the world the rise of nation, peace and prosperity of the stage; did not take into account to the Olympics like a telescope, the host country is not perfect all the focus and high magnification defects. We in the subconscious, looking forward to the whole world to marvel at the Beijing Olympics by China's modernization achievements, so that Chinese around the world proud. However, we failed to clearly recognize that people around the world, mass media, NGO, including the embrace of certain political forces do not have the help of the Olympic Games will be on the governance of our country, talking about the habit of doing things, pick the nose vertical cross hypercritical. Two different trends of Chinese and foreign expectations collide with each other, of course not help to take the Olympic torch relay, set off the embarrassing situation. the Olympic Games was originally the opportunities and challenges both sides of a coin.
2 Olympic China's integration into the world eager to
Beijing Olympic Games, Shanghai World Expo, WTO, opening up the United Nations peacekeeping force, are all the Chinese people into the mainstream of world civilization, the sincere desire of the Chinese Government's solemn commitment to the international community . of course not necessary, not because of pressure from external and internal concerns, and change the direction we are moving.
The Chinese nation has contains all of the grand vision and breadth of mind. so-called and digestion of the Buddhist civilization, Neo is the integration of Chinese culture, the crystallization of cultural exchange with India. Tang Dynasty, Yangzhou, the two major international city, Quanzhou, not only Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, the three major religions of the deep dip, and even find Judaism, Brahmanism, and other international impact of small religious scene. Although the Chinese encountered in the external allies in the war against fascism Boxer Rebellion occurred in the house, the Declaration In 1969, Communist China international strategy of reconciliation with the United States to adjust, and Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai during his lifetime to open the Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations and U.S. foreign policy in the new situation. to deal with is the tide The big country out of the Mao Zedong era of isolation. In Japan, Deng Xiaoping visited the new production lines and is 99 times FAW in Changchun, China, Nissan Motor Company, the emotion, said: Princeton, Deng watch horses race, the Knights took over a cowboy hat, worn on the head. a leader of communist countries to embrace American culture markers, freeze-frame the moment by the media, become the symbol of China's open door.
the end of the Cold War, the era of multi-polar world, although there are still remnants of the interference of the Cold War mentality, the Chinese people still seize the opportunity to promote the opening up of the institution. the third generation leader Jiang Zemin on the eve of leaving the political arena, and the United States George W. Bush invited the president's ranch in Crawford, Texas walks, boating, the establishment of Sino-US strategic partnership between the foundation. in the face of China's accession to WTO, the domestic concerns of Western hostility and attack the historical barrier of fear Zhu base is only one answer: to the fourth issue, Zhu Rongji, said: eliminated the biggest obstacle in one fell swoop. in charge of foreign trade, former Deputy Prime Minister Wu Yi, to actively promote the integration of China into the world economy, handling foreign trade disputes polite and restrained. in Sino-US intellectual property rights negotiations, the Americans said, negotiations I am selling is my motherland, China. , Taiwan capital, foreign investment, China is third in the world, there are the other. we do not remain outside the high-tech, China is the world's second-largest country and the largest mobile Internet countries, 221 million Internet users, 539 million mobile phone users . in the economic integration, technological integration, the Chinese in the modern political system, social management, and cultural exchanges has also made great efforts. PRC publicly declared that the rule of law, democracy as the goal, to expand political participation, democracy within the party anti-corruption, administrative reform are split step forward. from the public to the Government, the Chinese Olympic Games in Beijing this support and love, represents a rise in culture, communication with the world equal and sincere look forward to. the outside of China and opening up for 30 years, the Chinese people in the end with action then sigh of Hegel: great fortune.
3 Western cultural hegemony in China, the Chinese people who cause rebound
Unfortunately, we docked with the world's goodwill and sincerity of civilization, often suffer profoundly cultural bias of Western media, government and even the very misunderstanding of some people. When young people in China like the United States Hollywood, NBA and Coca-Cola, when, in the daily international exchanges, we feel it is most unreasonable to suppress the Western developed countries.
from the event, the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia was bombed, the South China Sea collision, to the . and these cultural differences, economic barriers and political arrogance, military strike, it is easy for young people to think of China from the Opium War in the national mind the backlog of a hundred years of humiliation.
say this caused a great uproar in the international issue of Tibet It appeared once in the history of the centrifugal tendencies, are related with the mischief of British imperialism. British troops invaded East Asia, Gyantse, the Tibetan army fight back to defend the homeland. Thirteenth Dalai Lama had cast Although the anti-British, the ups and downs in exile in India, but in the end their senses and return to Lhasa, the Central Government to re-submission, firmly rejected the British concocted McMahon Line.'s internal and external problems in modern China, the Tibetan and Han Chinese compatriots to soak in nation suffering in the face of Western hegemony, filled with anger, humiliation and injustice. brave Tibetans, the Tibetan leader clearly knows, is a Chinese national cohesion, an important part of combat, those who should be allowed to the territorial integrity of China deter malicious political forces think twice.
in the month, we startling to see that some in the West of the new China was founded 59 years of political discrimination, the Chinese nation since the Opium War 168 years of cultural contempt, and China's reform started 30 years after the exclusion of peaceful rise, and some even showed symptoms of hysteria. CNN host Jack Cafferty said that Chinese were , is one example.
I gathered these days in some cities, boycott foreign goods and businesses, not a smart move. We must guard against narrow nationalism and populist ideological influence on young people, the Government also needs to take measures to prevent landslides in China's investment environment. However, I have to draw the West to understand and respect historical tragedy of the stagnation of the Chinese people, as well as Western media and cultural hegemony in the Olympic torch relay in China caused by the rebound in crude derogatory. There is bound to a reaction force, the West's cultural hegemony of the West is worth serious reflection. < br> Chinese young people can not forgive some Western media and NGO, as they riot in Lhasa and other Tibetan-inhabited areas of the facts, on the Sino-Tibetan ethnic relations between the rich and complex, made the cut and one-sided subjective interpretation. In 3.14 riots in Lhasa, is obviously a small number of militant violence by Tibetans Han vandalism burned, they put Tibetans are the victims of mass; obviously throw gold by the central government to support Tibet's development sprinkle of silver, the introduction of Mainland Talents and Professionals, funding basic education, access to modern technology, the construction of the railway into Tibet, despite the efforts of the Department is not perfect, but all are said to deliberately destroy the native culture of Tibet, this is not the lack of basic fairness and justice? Do Westerners want our Tibetan live forever in traffic behind, lack of information, living by hunting and gathering society to a nation the cost of stagnation time in order to meet the West on the mountain sanctuary of aesthetic appreciation?
Chinese young people can not forgive some Western media and the NGO, because they and the Chinese government the Chinese people's enthusiasm for the Olympics, but also cynical. organizational details in the Olympics, we very interesting conversation, although it also points to international practice the use of unfamiliar, awkward, often good intentions do stupid, but after all, represent the Chinese people and the world civilization active docking attempt, including the dialogue with the Western culture. but our sincerity and efforts, like a face, like the Olympic torch relay dogged some Western people, do they want to China hit back before the era of isolationism satisfied?
in the last month, MSN instant messaging software in China and 15 million users, more than 600 million users with a , warning the West not to forget the words and deeds of any light, injury is a big country of 1.3 billion people!
4 we have to guard against external
we protest against the intolerance of Western cultural hegemony, against the political conspiracy behind the same time, have to ask ourselves. Olympic Games and the WTO, like, both to help China to share universal human civilization bonuses, but also reflects the requirements of the international community to China, rather than the will of their own in China. in the world equipped with the international system there is no free ride. emphasis on the cultural differences of the Olympic spirit of tolerance and beyond, we citizens of the world's mind, to know and understand different cultures, different values, and Institute of diverse environments in harmony. in the western wall of the cultural barriers between the need to learn Western Liangmian to demolition. our own way of doing things, way of communication with the international community, expression,cheap UGG boots, what needs improvement?
China has had years of foreign intolerance .1972 shall invitation of Prime Minister Zhou Enlai, Italy documentary film director Michelangelo Antonioni in China, commentator's article, for foreigners to bad influence. Guo China's first diplomat, served as minister in the British and French during the literati Can He was Manchao as the door is slander and insults on the squire paste posters.
Today, we are firm and strong expression of the West of China's national interests and national dignity, we also need to maintain and develop the cultural mindset of a pluralistic and inclusive. We need to reason to express their position and treat seriously and have different voices. disabled torch bearer Jin Jing in Paris with the body to protect the torch, we can praise her loudly; when she opposed the boycott, . Meanwhile, do not study in the United States because of sympathy for the girl Grace Wang Tibetan students in the school parade, on the adoption of the Internet to the Western media's false, distorted reports and malicious defamation of comments made solemn protest against the Western media of Chinese reality, explained that counter-criticism, and Tanran received another Culture. in the West believe in openness and freedom of expression, information and cultural environment, malicious and hostile reporting just one voice, we can express dissatisfaction, but can not be expected to complete disappear. in diverse media environment, news reports reflect the views of all parties in general, or balanced. we need only try to increase the appeal of China's position. news reporting is a dynamic process, owing to the closure and cultural barriers due to inaccuracy, the sustainable development in the situation, follow-up reports are supplemented and corrected. an Olympics just around the corner of the country, not because of some of the false and malicious reports, leading people on a large-scale foreign mainstream media hostility. because the mainstream media Behind, a considerable portion of the host country may be public opinion. public opinion and public opinion against, can only rely on dialogue to resolve.
Western cultural barriers exacerbate an important factor, is the information gap between the West. We must continue to improve China's transparency of information within, but also highly respect the Chinese people's right to know. faced with an emergency, mass incidents, involving ethnic relations and religious issues, must promptly report, frank and transparent public information, it will not fall down. We must learn a wide range of voice for media relations, public relations crisis, including emergencies. The only left at the scene of the British the authenticity of the regional government press release site mmm very restrained in the riot police. This shows that foreign journalists are not all political bias, and even more are not all hostile elements, should not be excluded Yigai.
China needs social stability, public power needs the appropriate authority to maintain order, but the public authority can and must run out into the sunlight. transparent and open is the best way through the crisis. I agree with Deputy Director of the State Council Information Office Cai after riots in Lhasa, according to Reuters position: The Chinese Government will not be angry because of external accusations, it will not block players have a negative evaluation of the content written by the blog, I hope the Olympics as the world's press with a different perspective of a turning point in China.
we should see more clearly, a successful Olympics in addition to economic strength, physical strength, it is important to have political, cultural, social, and other people's quality of soft power. only by economic take-off, sports gold medal from the male to stare, technical pressure world, it is only narcissism, self-loss image.
5 processing requires a high degree of ethnic and religious relations humanities
Tibet, Xinjiang and Taiwan, involves China's core interests, namely national sovereignty and territorial integrity. This is a premise. In this premise, there are many specific issues, including ethnic, religious issues, social issues, historical issues, you need to analyze specific issues.
the development of the Chinese people longing for peace, and a few are incompatible. This is the national cause, cardinal. but not a long time between the two groups Tibetan complete ablation of the gap, not all major issues. Therefore, patient communication and seek consensus honest. Han as political, economic, occupies a leading position on the long-term great nation, in particular, need the courage to admit our faults and shortcomings, in particular, have the courage to reflect on the history of the harm to the Tibetan.
we have every reason to declare the reform and opening up, Hu devoted to the Tibetan people filled the truth, the central government supports Tibet Qingnangerchu. 10 yuan in Tibet, there are financial 9 yuan from the central government transfer payments per capita GDP in Tibet .2007 more than 12,000 yuan, higher than the mainland Many provinces and cities. Tibet, urban and rural areas across the country realize free compulsory education earlier, the full coverage of medical insurance for urban residents, including farmers and herdsmen can enjoy 100 per person per year for medical assistance, although this standard is still quite low. The central government at huge amounts of money, repair the Potala Palace, Norbulingka and Sakya Monastery, Tibet nine Buddhist organization works, also organized collation and publishing of Tibetan fellow Han Chinese and Tibetans are obvious, not nation, support for aid to Tibet to ecological environment and human environment, to stop grazing on the grassland,UGG boots cheap, forest resources, deforestation, over-exploitation of the killing of rare animals. For the Dalai Lama, we should strongly reaffirm opposition to principled stand against political violence, but also good at doing spiritual and cultural dimensions of communication and criticism. Dalai Lama to good to include the demands of political interests, packing a pair to defend a spiritual and cultural purity. Since many Tibetans still recognize Dalai Lama as spiritual leader, we will be very clever and artistic use of political attacks and the spirit of cultural criticism social problems, such as how to more harmonious relationship between cadres and grassroots level, the mainland business to take off together with the local Tibetans, and common prosperity. We need more flexible and autonomous mechanism of social management system, to avoid the politicization of social issues. wise leader is always good at the political, ideological problem decomposition, evolution is one of specific social issues, make the best use of each break, not the other, frequently made of different interest groups with different interest demands labeled as conspiracy and ethnic and religious issues.
According to reports, Fudan University, Yunnan University and the University of Texas, Harvard University and many other scientists more than a dozen colleges and universities to cooperate on the Chinese Han population in 22 provinces and cities, as well as Tibet, Qinghai, Yunnan, the Tibetan population of male Y chromosome types were analyzed and found that Han and Tibetan populations have a common specific Y chromosome type. Han Chinese and Tibetans share a common history of respected figures such as Confucius, Guan Yu, Bao Zheng. In ancient times, Tibetan and pro-between, repaired, mourn, meetings, the letters presented endless. Jokhang Temple in Lhasa before the Tablet of Tang and Tibet, Tibetan commensurate with uncle and nephew. Tang Princess Wen Cheng marrying Tibetan King Songtsan , liberation of the PLA entered Lhasa, were brought from the mainland of advanced science and technology and cultural achievements. Tibetan Buddhism also sow the mainland. Beijing's Lama Temple, Summer Palace, the White Pagoda Temple, the Tar Monastery in Qinghai, Inner Mongolia Hohhot Zhao Temple, Mount Wutai in Shanxi Province, Hangzhou, Temple, are permeated with the Tibetan architecture, sculpture and murals. agrarian reform in Tibet has greatly improved the social status of farmers and herdsmen, Sino-Tibetan relations there is no fundamental change in the social fundamentals of the Han Tibetan people have full confidence in harmony.
I agree with Phoenix TV political commentator independent views: the central government officials, ethnic minorities and religious affairs requires a high degree of ethnology, anthropology, literacy, be able to enter the Tibetans inner world of Tibetan culture are familiar to the extent of obsession. Qianlong emperor to host the Sixth Panchen, Tibetan cramming respect to the emperor. the British colonial presence of the Governor, usually the background study history, political science, anthropology Participation is very thorough study, every movement, every political speech, suggesting very decent. I suggest that the government has positioned itself might stand higher, not only do the defenders of social order, you can also play a more harmonic Ding Nai's social arbiter role, do the Chinese Sino-Tibetan family in the gap between the two great nations, misunderstanding, conflict, the arbitrator, but also may wish to do within the Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama and radical violent elements (such as the Tibetan Youth Congress) in between the arbitrator. Here, I think of Emperor Kangxi period of motto: And the border from the solid, is also the so-called united. Great ancient civilizations, the Brahmaputra is the Eurasian Plate and the Indian plate collision in the cracks. Roof of the World Plateau, elevation 3 times higher than Mount Tai, the Brahmaputra, should not be a barrier between different civilizations.
Chinese Embassy in UK Ambassador Fu Ying in the ; I fear that the Chinese people and between people's perception of the West, will move rapidly to a confrontation. Heads of Government came to Beijing, will inevitably bring about a number of different values and social evaluation perspective. Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee's repeated calls not to politicize the Olympics,Discount UGG boots, hoping to avoid the Beijing Olympics Tibet, human rights, same problem. But we can not require all foreigners in Beijing come just for sports, but can not ask them to judge the issue as we observed. We will treat inconsistent with his position sound? This is a test for our integration into the globalization.
Obviously, the Government as soon as possible the role of government from the Almighty to get out, in the face of the international community can not require all the main floor are from the same perspective, with a position statement. Central Government is concerned about national unity and social order; Beijing Municipal Government is concerned about Beijing safety, traffic, counter-terrorism; Beijing Olympic Games Organizing Committee concerned the normal, undisturbed. At the same time, may wish to encourage market-oriented media, NGO, network the issue of Tibet and the Beijing Olympics released a separate report and comment. In recent years, Xiamen PX incident, snowstorms in the south, the network of citizen journalists to the scene Ta Fang spontaneous shot back first-hand reports, to make up for the lack of official media reported deficiencies . The riots in Lhasa, if you encourage the residents of Lhasa, the victims, tourists on the Internet about their own knowledge and feelings, for let the world know the truth and Chinese riots in the voice, is certainly more good than harm. As for the Tibetan economy and the improvement of human rights, the advancement of national policy, the process of modernization of Tibet, the impact of culture, the misunderstanding between Chinese and Tibetan, hostility and resolve, by the non-governmental organizations and individuals to comment on the effect certainly better. diversified information transparency and public opinion , is skillfully deflected the question, a good way hostile digestion.
remember very quiet in the same relations with the West in 1999, from May I Embassy in Yugoslavia was bombed, and 12 Sino-US bilateral WTO agreement signed by more than six months time to reverse the critical situation. from the West torch relay controversy, to the Beijing Olympics 100 days left, time is more urgent! It is gratifying that the Chinese and foreign people of insight in their efforts to dilute the upcoming celebration of humanity cynical, and create a harmonious.
storm in the whirlpool of flame in Paris,UGG boots, the French Senate President Christian. Poncelet arrived in Shanghai on April 21, the aircraft went to visit a landing in Paris, protesters attacked the disabled suffered torch Jin Jing. Speaker of the girl happens to come to the Shanghai French President Nicolas Sarkozy a condolence letter on Jin Jing in Paris by the people toward the Chinese people's feelings Recently, Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping met with U.S. National Broadcasting Company (NBC) Dick, chairman of the Olympic Games. Ebb Saul and his party. in the Chinese media and the public sternly criticized CNN, questioned the Western mainstream media coverage of Lhasa riots seriously inaccurate and hostile to China , Vice President out of the face of NBC's Olympic coverage, said media exchange ways to encourage objective and fair coverage and reduce mutual hostility demonized.
Chinese government Xinhua News Agency announced that the recent preparation and contacts with representatives of the Dalai Lama's private consultations. social movement theory, the classic argument is that for moderates, the radicals crowded out. we urge the Dalai Lama can play their influence to restrain the violence of Tibetan activists, including Tibetans, including more on China's peaceful development of useful things.
actual The Chinese Government has long been to create and open environment appropriate to the Olympic Games, made a great effort. respect for the Olympic practices, the Chinese government from January 1, 2007, the relaxation of restrictions interview with foreign journalists in China, not to the field interviews need for specialized applications, can sell foreign newspapers and periodicals. China's Ministry of Culture has spread all over the world Beijing performed.
peaceful rise of China is. China has been exporting home appliances, shoes, textiles, China should also strive for style. Olympic spirit is part of universal human values of civilization, the expression of awareness of human rights and pluralism is essentially the same. before and after the opening of the Beijing Olympic Games may be some noise, is itself part of the Olympic culture. should not be on hand to show the Olympic Games , the sanctity of mind, frequently blame others against the Olympic spirit. rashly blame others to avoid , the principle of the rule of law, to treat opposition, to create an open and harmonious environment of public opinion should be respected in the international community to do a member. to borrow on the mainland of the slogan: resolve social disharmony factors, including between rich and poor, between urban and rural areas, the gap between nations, barriers, misunderstandings and historical grievances. We host the Games, confirmed the existence of such defects and deficiencies and the like, but As Premier Wen Jiabao in the country this year, People will be reciprocated. all the Chinese people and the world in the palm of the people, want to spread understanding of our planet, respect and love of the legend, because the Beijing Olympic slogan is:

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