Wednesday, October 27, 2010

renunciation of the current show

 Bodhidharma said, can humanely, Dunbar had a monk Geshe Chung said more to the point, Around the tower is of course welcome, if a repair method, is more gratifying than this. ! discarded.

> If we are really to understand a rare, Buddhism bad, cause and effect is true, the heart will be seeking relief is extremely strong, renunciation will naturally appear. but without the monks were on the discovery by the theory, beginningless time we just by themselves polluted by the Ask yourself, among the flowers I do not have the ability to stick a leaf through it? that in the secular life, do not continue the pollution by Liu Chen, can be done? If so, may rest not far from the clamor of the Red Sound , the moment that there is a renunciation. If not, we honestly by the school in Dade their precept it.

their true renunciation is still fear in the six realms of reincarnation is Eight bitter fear of life. (eight suffering: Birth is stressful, aging is stressful, agony, death is stressful, loving bitter parting, the request shall not suffer, meet with the unpleasant bitter, Youbei angry bitter) when the mind can not pretentious to vigorously arises seeking relief center, which is the standard renunciation arises.

Buddhism emphasizes, is the most basic conditions of practicing the Dharma.

then what is the renunciation do? renunciation is basically a wish from the corrupt world of Oliver freed. corrupt world because it is known as the Oliver There exist three realms that Yu Jie, color community, formless beings, and contain sentient life and the ruthless worldly life, from his colleagues in the Buddha, three realms of the living beings have felt the pain, so after his enlightenment Zhuan Falun time when about the Four Noble Truths law. Kudi the Four Noble Truths is the first meaning, we must first understand what the pain, suffering what the phenomenon, so as to make us rise renunciation.

fact, human beings at birth, physical pain felt, the mother with the baby are true. another kind of pain is agony, regardless of any age, life experience will have a sick, old and everyone will experience pain is to, such as the power of the body, blurred vision, etc., and died bitter and inevitable. The so-called sickness and suffering is the portrayal of human life, whether king or beggar, has four types of bitter experience, even if some people were in the past world of good deeds, so that his life less hard, for example him less ill, but he will still have the experience of agony. the pain of disappointment. Another type of pain is the unpleasant bitter, that is, we often come across people who we do not like hate born from the heart, the opposite is Aibie Li bitter, that is, to get along with people we love will soon be separated Happiness can not be sustained, that the greatest suffering is impermanent suffering from, we find that the world of things can not last for ever, along with the distribution of various causes and conditions that the dukkha very strong.

So when we rise above the pain to get rid of the time, is rising renunciation, the way out of the way to have a correct. But rising renunciation also need to have a correct attitude, some people's renunciation reborn in the next life is to enjoy a day of blessing to Heaven, but Heaven has his bitter beings, after enjoying his merit, he will still fall into the three evil paths with, and some people's renunciation is to avoid falling into three evil fills the renunciation of these are not enough, we have to understand the grievances of six, so as to truly rise from six of the renunciation.

according to teachings of the Buddha, the classification can be more bitter detailed breakdown, but certainly do not want everyone who tasted bitter, and hoped to get relief from the pain. That should we seek happiness? even as a human beings or three on the road, their happiness is short-lived , not the ultimate goal. So bitter is the nature of impermanence and change, we want eternal happiness, then what should we do? is free from the corrupt world inside out, so that it can be truly happy, that understand the bitter reasons, that bitter way off.

bitter because from our bad karma, what is the industry? industry is to make meaning from our Shenkou Yi's behavior, such as rising greed of our hearts , hatred, heart, or silly, we will make evil mouth, or hurtful behavior, that is caused by bad karma, bad karma that will provoke bitter fruit. So what is happiness Why? happy because from our good karma, that is, there is compassion in my heart, there is compassion, and no desire, no harm to other people's hearts, not ignorance natural cultivate good fruit. so kind-hearted, since there will be good behavior, such as helping others, will naturally be happy. So if we want to leave suffering and attain music, it should do all sorts of good karma, and put aside all the bad karma. But since we know the reason for suffering sentient beings, we will rise renunciation, as Saha Can not find eternal happiness in the world to renunciation as the basis of Dharma, that finally we will get eternal happiness. Therefore, the most fundamental renunciation of the original teachings of Buddhism, Mahayana and Vajrayana repair is necessary for , only to let us on the right of renunciation and self-cultivation. because the heart out of line, Theravada Buddhist monks and nuns will be a monk, who keep the precepts sophisticated meditation, and eventually get free achievements Aluohanguo.
< br> Bodhicitta and to facilitate the Bodhi three meanings:

one, true enlightenment is a read minds, the upper to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, down to hell beings, ten Dharma love, all the situation right. This is a self-nature of the such as such as management, alias name Bodhisattva Road, on the machine saying, in order to facilitate liberate all sentient beings.

Sanyi from the above, we may be summarized as practiced in the pedestrian , as Bodhicitta is a Sanskrit A mattress and more Romans despise abbreviation of the three enlightenment, the Chinese meaning of such enlightenment should be the supreme being. The enlightenment is different from the world's so-called the truth, never from the troubles of consciousness from reincarnation.

II, May. can not and the general comfort of the language, give the joy of being compared to.

Third, in practice it is necessary to service for the purpose. This service is different from the modern society of the service industry, it is a no complaints no regrets, equality clean for all living things, to seek enlightenment for their own behavior. When we do a job, not only their own benefit (but not their own self-interest), but also let others benefit, this is a true service .

bodhicitta we further studies, and the cause to the situation right. Bodhi Heart. .

Second, according to mercy door, pull out the pain of all sentient beings. This is to all beings Jieneng derived from non-secure peace.

three, according to facilitate the door, have mercy on all beings. This is far from respectful to support themselves, must do so.

should have three things along Bodhicitta is:

one, no dye pure heart: not for themselves, not for all music So.

II, Ann pure heart: the pain of all sentient beings to pull it.

three Yueqing clear your mind: To make it all sentient beings who obtain enlightenment.

addition We should also send the following three types of heart:

one, hair samvega heart: the vows into. will be available.

Bodhicitta Karma

four thousand Dharma practice of the law,UGG boots, Bodhicitta is the world out of the king of all the world Zhushan law. Because the Five Precepts is a human good; Treatise and Zen is a Yujie days of good taste; Sichan eight set in color, formless days good; Jieding Hui, Four Noble Truths, karma is the least squares twelve good; degrees million line is the Buddha good. Bodhicitta reason for the Buddha, good for the Buddha, it said Zhu Shan in the king. and this Bodhicitta Although all of this with all beings, no birth and no death, no cause can not be made contingent. Um this according to the provincial master, ten causes and conditions are as follows:

one, chanting Chong'en. Buddha Three Realms teacher, four students loving father, to all living beings have the grace of Baku with the music, the grace most important for parents and teachers of the reach, Therefore, the first column. as reported Vaughn, when the Fat heart save sentient beings, the Bodhisattva Path is the Buddha. This is the first cause bodhicitta.

Second, read Fu Muen. Ruoyu report Vaughn, compassion, and repair Bodhisattva, saying the degree students, not the body is not due to read the body born from the parents, by extension, all of the parents would like to equal Purdue. Bodhicitta is the second cause.

three teachers read ex. method chosen by the World Bank was born out of this world two kinds of teachers have, knows is Thanksgiving, when we made Cape May Win the heart of Mahayana, the Bank kept Italy out of this world all teachers. This is us The third cause Bodhicitta.

four, read Shizhu En. Nian Shi Zhuen is a master of the monks and said, donor giving support, so that four things no shortage of monks, so the monks can feel at ease to do Road, Achievement Road industry. it is the fourth cause bodhicitta.

V. En beings read. we all living beings, since reincarnation without beginning to each other parents, each other mutual Motherly Love; our day food and clothing are needed depends on people using the supply, there is grace note to me; the rest of beasts beings, such as oxen and horses labor, vigils and other dogs and we also have grace; Bodhisattva concept ants are in the past parents, the future Buddha, we should always think are the interests of read the report of its grace. This is the fifth cause bodhicitta.

six, read bitter life and death. We and all living beings, beginningless time often in a life and death among the six cycle, heave a moment, come and go watery. Therefore in brave heart to be made, cross-sectional flow of life and death, the Eros Cave, of his own, the other side of paradise with the board. This is the sixth cause bodhicitta.

seven, respect has spirit, we read the previous cardiac He immediately goes for no other Buddhas, both the Buddha, must be respected, Wuling mountains forever buried the five aggregates. Therefore in our good deeds should be brave to the infinite annoyance of the government to rule attachment of boundless wisdom. virtue active , of Germany was, turn three barrier for the three German, party to live up to the Buddha's degree, live up to your ability. This is the seventh cause bodhicitta.

eight, repentance karma. Repentance is to repent by The Qian Qian, who is regret later regret too, that is, to change the meaning to repair. our daily lives, often illegally Fojie every move, a meal made Shiluo frequency of water, if not burst into tears deep repentance, sincerity repentance, very undesirable escape the evil for thousands of students. This is the eighth Bodhicitta cause.

IX survive the Pure Land. Pure Land Dharma is easy to track, the practice, Walker asked to find reborn in the Buddha land, no success Faren and reclaim transfer students, and unite in virtue, wisdom, the Bodhisattva Path times. Wuzhuoeshi corrupt world, all three heavy barrier, to make confession so difficult to make real sense, a small margin because of Fellowship, it will survival Pure Land, Pure Land is to help channel more margin, all the club will be a good man, way easily into the industry. Therefore in the Pure Land Dharma, everyone tends to holy worthies, thousands upon thousand of everywhere in the Times. So we should send the majority of the heart ( many good roots), sticking name (Duofu De), by Amitabha big wish of the ship, into a clean soil of the sea, the West decided to go, this is the ninth cause bodhicitta.

ten, read Dhamma long-established residents. Sakyamuni Buddha to all living beings, in order to repair the Bodhisattva path limitless robbery, forty-nine weeks alms finished, showing into Nirvana. is at the Dharma, but there are no rows fruit doctrine. pathogen is difficult to distinguish right and wrong, MO identified, competitive people I struggle strong, non-Thriving and striving for fame and fortune abound; difficult to have right view, I do not know why the meaning of the Three Treasures. miss this, compassion cried. As the Buddha, when the Fat heart, Although we can not restore the degenerated Doom, must when trying mostly from Dhamma. Therefore in May Zhushan Friends with Fat May, would like to ask the next of the willing to make the future more than the occasion today, although the body of this report, the country with the Health and bliss, no birth certificate fast tolerance, back into the Saha world, so that long-established residents Dhamma, Dharma and then explain. This is the tenth cause bodhicitta.

Manjusri is our example of ten would like us

has to understand the heart and mind and of the ten causes and conditions, it follows that must be compassion,cheap UGG boots, so that it can become musical instruments, sentient beings. So how should send it Bodhicitta? very difficult for many beginners start with the Buddha, this introduces dozens of Manjusri profound endless big wish, as our example Walker, the top ten would like to be:

Buddha perception. If you do not hear my name, in order to be heard; upon hearing my name, do my hair Bodhi law, back to the Mahayana, repair supreme Road. If beings or various ways of the world of medical illness, or enumerated, Handicraft, the World Code, arts and other miscellaneous categories with colleagues, escorts secular, guided beings, so that made Bodhi right view, I would like both were destined, salty note that Fat Buddha heart. Mother, Teacher of all Bodhisattvas. From this, we Buddhists should wisdom as guidance, not to the general religious attitude to learning. Because Buddhism is a consciousness of the university ask Buddhists to be rational, mind must have a correct target, or tend to become superstitious.

secular, guided beings, so that made Bodhi right view, and I am fortunate are willing to, make note of salt sent Bodhi heart. environment that is saints. Therefore Buddhists have to do is to understand the environment around all things, that both are telling us the meaning of life, the Sixth Patriarch Master said: I wish people were destined so salty that made note of the heart of Buddha. affinity, salty note that made the heart of Buddha. Bodhi Heart. I, should I, never from me, see see me, and if so all beings, all willing and I am fortunate, make note of salt sent Bodhi heart. , so have lost a personal dismay timekeeping heart, Xiling case of living beings, salty hair Bodhi heart. If living beings, take my property and I property, or to give to my property, or I applied his property, income property or property were not, the case of sentient beings, may all were I am fortunate, make note of salt sent Bodhi heart. Sengfang blue if so, the image of Buddha and Bodhisattva Ji Zhu merit, above activities cause the repair blessings, Ji Zhu noted this back to the Bodhi Dharma Realm beings with the stick this blessing. There are living beings or their partner, practice style and Clean achievements do not ask whether, if the claim that in and hear it on the taught, I taught him to teach, peer in the industry, the total of all living beings are willing I am fortunate, make note of salt sent Bodhi Heart . according to the teachings Yijiaofengxing good mentor, but vowed to be ready with the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas with counterparts.

, was born five camel donkey interest for cattle, slaves, carrying still life, made him the loan for living beings here, and I was five under with the shape of, or hardship for the poor, blind deaf and dumb beggar, etc., similar, with edge, colleagues, peers and the teaching of the willing are a total of I am fortunate, salty note made that the heart of Buddha. mouth, Wicked all sin, death by falling Abi immeasurable suffering, so sentient beings, may all were I am fortunate, make note of salt sent Bodhi heart. > Line Four Boundless Minds, six perfections is equal to the void, without a Xiuxie breadth sentient, living beings above activities, is willing to reach enlightenment, board feel the same way. immeasurable heart, heart to Qin-xiu four homes limitless photo, six times, with the Manjusri Bodhi Boulevard onto it!

your bodhicitta for further studies in the Wang Tai; Diamond non-kin, vows the hardest. we, as disciples of Buddha, can not stand big wish in life,UGG boots clearance, but until what date? a practitioner should not allow themselves the cycle, the same should be made universal and let all this heart, those who have not made that hair, those that have been made up, ready to Compassion and Wisdom practitioner Calvary double movement, Fu Hui Qi Xiu, assimilation beings, such enlightenment is the same as supreme, so the heart and, side to really practice! < br>
stresses Is not Huayan, France and China, rooftops, all that was taught, it should Esoteric to lower some, and this is where misunderstanding often leads to contradictions. So Huayan cases, Tendai, Zen, Pure Land Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism very seriously, not so low, do not have this view, education is significant in view of the see see below. And now we in the Han Buddhism, were all called to teach, the Lama called Tantric. So for the terminology is different, heard these words, to give birth to many misunderstandings. Han said the Buddhist Tantric contempt, but that's not the meaning, refers to the concept, see, see below.

see also in view of the Yellow Sect of Tibet is fundamental. See the very concept of Most Excellent, and has been successful to a great view, or even see the front of the Insight are Nagarjuna established. Buddhism is divided into ten, in addition to Hinayana kosa cases, into actual cases, the other founder of the eight denominations are Nagarjuna, so in ancient times less points. China's Tang Dynasty Tang secret, and the dense eastern Japan, are passed down Nagarjuna also pass the mantle of the founder of Zen. Flower Adornment Sutra and Nagarjuna from the sutra is underwater, please come out, this is a very special great bodhisattvas. Buddhism is also not the time, is the Ming Ma,UGGs, Nagarjuna Both of these large Buddha Dharma born ZTE up only then.

All laws are not born immortal, constantly, rarely, do not come, go, different, not different, this is called Including the possession of knowledge of the current image, and Consciousness, see, world law, the law in this world of all things right, You Zixing, are not born immortal, constantly, rarely, do not come, do not, different , not differences.

None of the students from the law, it does not have a start, how to give birth to such a So off ignorance and, finally, breaking a meristematic phase ignorance.

Since it is no beginning, it is not available at the beginning, the initial start time students can not have, which students can get it? Students will not be won. So there was no life, it has not been destroyed. We do not talk about immortality, all of this to non-students. Consequent born not born, not what caused. Buddhism since the environment is clean from this, and complete virtue. What chance is not born, born of causes and conditions set what is inanimate. Therefore, no birth certificate Faren Buddhism and no birth is therefore not out.

Health, which is a starting point, in fact, must not be the starting point, a circular thing, you say is the starting point, walk around back. Starting point not available, the starting point is the Health Department, the starting point should not be, not to non-students.

Alaya consciousness is how? Similar phase continued, much like to continue. Rarely been the reason is obvious, one thing it is not fixed, it is just like it, it is not normal. Such as film, the one with the next piece of the film, similar to it. Alaya consciousness is changing its old, something to which the addition of a little; that moment moment similar to the front, similar to this life with that life. Add some things, or removal out of practice some seeds, all similar, since it is similar, it is not often, do not fall into the common. It continued with, for example, it is a piece of old movies and then to keep out. So Alaya consciousness to keep infrequently; since been infrequently Alaya consciousness, it appears that the phase will continue to often.

Where to go? All times, all from the heart. Where going? From heart to heart from the self. From Beijing to Washington, Beijing is my own mind that Washington is also my own heart, from the heart to the mind from, how can He go?

worry that greedy crazy, see how a large successful? Kunga guru to teach us, and do not look at it the fault to see if it came from, where to go. Recruited at the unattainable, to find place also not available. Have come at the unattainable, place is also not available to come to nothing, to nothing to go, it is the Tathagata. So turn Bodhi worry, I said, do not turn up, trouble is Bodhi, this is the best way to turn, the most excellent turn, which turn out. So it is not to go, all over the place!

However, there is no difference of all the Buddha's body of law, it is

Thus, according to the It is no fixed self-nature. This close observation to get rid of heretics, Theravada, Insight's see, did not show that all phenomena, not in a naturally immortal.

so Homes that do not turn spins. Relatively straightforward, and no conversion layer by layer, step by step than the Most Excellent. So no great merit students, non-gifted with no off, everything is free to not go, the less deal with, everything was equal. One and two things could have been different, and now are not, do not have equality; not to go, all these were all eliminated.

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