Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Core Tip Historical turning out at this time

 The evening of November 11, Chen Yun and moving in the street back to his home, as appropriate, again, again written in the calendar on the back of the outline of his speech. This is his old habits. Then he called his wife on if the wood for his fair copy of the outline, the larger the word, make him look more convenient. 30 years from the last century before they were married, copy files to a transcript of Chen Yun is on if the wood of his job.

Hua Nan recalled: The north gate in, dressed in coat, carrying a bag, walking very light, spirits, very happy. He went to the west, sitting in the front west of the southernmost of the first place. That meeting was chaired by Yang Yong, I sat behind him, I said Yang, Comrade Chen Yun came with bags, should be called the speech of Comrade Chen Yun. Yong said, you remind well. Soon the beginning of the meeting he said, please Yun comrades to speak. His opening remarks before the first reference to the work of the Third Plenary Session of the Tenth Conference: Chen Yun said: have concerns. Some of large or wide-ranging issues that require consideration and decision by the Central. Wang Wei Group, the original title: What is modern, a kind of fifties and sixties is not the same, even the seventies is not the same

1978 came out earlier in the spring. Beginning of spring arrived in solar terms, all the way from north to south, land of warm sun has let the people feel a strange atmosphere:

- 1978 年 2 3, Version prominently published a report entitled Said the party secretary of Anhui under the leadership of thousands of miles, to develop a The main spirit of respect for the autonomy of the production team, allowing farmers to engage in legitimate household sideline production teams to implement the responsibility system, only individuals can be done farm work responsibilities to the people, and so on.

surprising is the fourth edition of the newspaper that day was almost full-page photos of Deng Xiaoping's visit to Myanmar.

Perhaps this is just a coincidence. But no doubt read the story of Deng Xiaoping. At this point, he is responsible for the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and then talking to people, Xiaoping recommended to the responsible person of this article, and then went to Nepal. Before leaving he said: immediately sent to Anhui to learn, just two days after the promulgation of Anhui, Sichuan Provincial Party Committee to follow the restoration and development of rural economy,

- a very special seven-seventh college students after the Spring Festival in 1978, after another school, egg white to the red of the badge wearer has brought great honor. Even still trapped in the prison of Deng Xiaoping, Hu Feng's son SOCIOLOGY also the personal care under the age of 30 finally got the college admission notice. This allows for more ill-fated young man can find hope.

- 3 months of spring, the National Conference was held, Guo chant his chant never in this life - Prior to that, Former

- 4 5 April, the CPC Central Committee approved the Central United Front Work Department and the Ministry of Public Security to consult the report, decided to remove all

- This year, there hundred years of severe drought in Anhui, the province is not much rain in 10 months, a famine is imminent. Held in the provincial emergency meeting, when he was Party Secretary of the thousands of miles at the meeting said: We could not see large tracts of land fallow, with its abandoned, it is better to to degree of famine. At that time, the farmers in the spread of the jingle: eat rice, look for miles.

- This year, the newly appointed Minister of Hu Yaobang, the Central Organization Department,UGG boots cheap, withstood the pressure from inside and outside, in the

- This year, 12 more than Deputy Prime Minister and the Deputy Chairman of the national leaders, has 20 visits in 51 countries, witnessed and a taste of the outside world, feel the pulse of the world economy . Deng Xiaoping's visit one to four times, travel across eight countries. Kim Il Sung in North Korea he said: a.

However, the characteristics of early spring is what turns warm again. Part of the Communists in the heart, there are a bunch of not untie the knot: Liu's widow, Wang Guangmei still big prison, Peng's ashes can not enter Babaoshan, Bing-Chen Qingming Tiananmen incident is still known as the two whatevers Beijing. Premier Hua Guofeng the government work report on behalf of the State Council. He summarized the work in the past 16 months, and proposed a Economic Research Institute when he was director of the State Planning Commission's Xue Muqiao from the Great Hall of the home, actually crying in the corner crying. His weeping, said: Xue Muqiao appropriate, again, pick up a pen to the central letter. Ten-Year Plan in the letter, again directed at the impetuosity of the phenomenon requiring more than 20 years since the founding of the economy to correct the work of

this year's May 11, that The great debate, became the great turning point of the Chinese Communist Party's ideological leader to achieve more comprehensive reform and opening up and modernization practice thought leader.

Yu Guangyuan: I do not know when, who first proposed this meeting to be held and how to put forward, do not know a few people in the Central Standing Committee will have hold this kind of thinking

1978 年 11 on 5, Deng Xiaoping and his wife Zhuo Lin visit to three Southeast Asian countries. This is a Chinese leader since 1976, first visit to Southeast Asia. The sixth day of this trip, they went to the Prime Minister of Malaysia Prime Minister Meet Ann, talked with each other from the international situation. It was in that meeting, Deng Xiaoping made it clear that China's foreign policy is to delay the outbreak of war in order to gain more peace time.

During the same time, the CPC Central Committee Work Conference held in Beijing Jingxi Hotel Conference Room of the podium, standing next to Hua Guofeng Deng Xiaoping's position. Today, many people still care about this history could not understand why in such a critical moment in history, Deng Xiaoping did not even at the scene.

At this point, Chen Yun, sitting room seats facing the podium, he is only a Central Committee member, in addition to any office at all. Third Plenary Session of the Tenth a year ago, and Hua Guofeng Politburo rejected the proposal to Chen Yun. But I am afraid not think the pre-Hua Guofeng, the very old politicians like Pingtan CPC will make a surprise move this meeting.

years later, Yu Guangyuan recalls, not at all clear that the Central Work Conference What is the origin, did not see any records, put forward; do not know a few people on the Central Standing Committee will have hold this kind of thinking; clear to convene the meeting, between the Central Committee have been some kind of discussion, and finally how to make a decision . He hoped that the comrades of the Party it clear.

this point, it is necessary to October 1976 the political climate in 1978 to do a brief review: smashing of the The

1977 年 2 7, Conference topics, summarize smashing of the Hua Guofeng in the process of drafting of the report, instructions writing team take the

at that meeting, when it comes to the The return of Deng Xiaoping, Hua Guofeng made to wait until the fruition matter of course. Because no matter what, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, the question of Imperial. In the central work conference, Hua stressed: > In this regard, Chen Yun, the delegation to Shanghai where the written submission of the pre-written statements. Pointed out: as the Comrade Deng Xiaoping and the Communist Party of China to the Chinese revolution and the need to re-take the party Central Committee with Comrade Deng Xiaoping's leadership, is absolutely correct, absolutely necessary, I fully support. Chen Yun's speech

not be allowed to be published in a briefing on the meeting.

1977 年 16 to 21 July, at the Third Plenum of the CPC on the tenth, by Deng Xiaoping on the resumption of CPC Central Committee, Standing Committee, the Central Vice President, Vice-Premier PLA Chief of General Staff and other job resolution.

third comeback of Deng Xiaoping. But the

1978 年 9 months, when the criterion of truth, when discussing the battle intensified, Hua Guofeng and Ye Jianying, the Politburo Standing Committee to the proposal of the comrades to engage in theoretical work together to open a retreat, so that everyone the different views laid out, in full, based on democratic discussion, common understanding, to solve this problem.

Hu Qiaomu: the work of the party's focus from Qingcha up to economic construction, it seems like a simple thing, but at the time, that is, before the Third Plenum of the Central Work Conference, the end of 1978 on the very easy

1978 年 11 On 10 April, Beijing, sunny.

4 pm, at the Jingxi Hotel, the central work of the session. The central government, and military departments, mass organizations, municipalities and autonomous regions is mainly responsible for a total of 212 people to the meeting.

Jingxi Hotel Conference Room can accommodate 400 people. The front of a huge wall painting depicting the Great Wall, a word on each side painting the piece, one side is the root tall cylinder.

participants after registration, respectively, received the Secretary of the Central Work Conference group issued the group list. CPC Central Committee Chairman, Deputy Chairman is not into the group. Divided by region throughout the Conference North, Northeast, East, South, Southwest, Northwest six groups, each designated four convener.

This is the State Council retreat and meeting in September to continue the national program, but also the Third Plenary Session of the Preparatory Meeting. National Plan for the State retreats and meetings to discuss the 1978,1979 and related economic plan on economic policies, and these parts need to be discussed by the party's plenary session, the final decision. By convention, after the need to convene a working conference.

Today, the literature has opened a lot of books like the following passage: From 1979 onwards the party shifted its focus to the problems of socialist modernization. Other important historical details:

to the summer of 1978 at the turn, smash the continued with the number of people who expose another part of the investigation, the normal working hard to expand.

1978 年 9 13, Deng Xiaoping's visit to North Korea back into the Northeast, he toured non-stop, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, and then went to Tianjin. In his own words, he is

10 月 3 afternoon, Deng Xiaoping and Hu Qiaomu, Deng Liqun, Yu Guangyuan conversation. Deng Xiaoping said: ten, the ten percent over, to turn to work, otherwise you get when. We must expose and criticize the 'gang of four' struggle in the end. However, we can not say what are the 'gang of four' to engage in, Some things still responsible for their own. not only means the end of movement, but also means that the This is Hua Guofeng, whether emotionally or from ideological understanding, are difficult to accept.

Hu Qiaomu in 1983 the National Conference on Propaganda Work also mentioned this point:

the party's focus to economic construction by the inventory, it looks very simple thing, but at the time, that is, before the Third Plenum of the Central Work Conference, the end of 1978, is not easy. Then insisted to Comrade Xiaoping for the development of socialist economic construction as the party's central task, we can say is the real beginning of great significance. We can not say that Comrade Hua Guofeng opposed to economic development, but he does not agree at that time to implement such a change, he thinks too early, to continue to inventory.

on November 10, 1978 the afternoon of the opening ceremony, Hua Guofeng in the three talked about the meeting agenda, said: discuss an issue, that is, to the general line and general task in the new era under the guidance of starting from next January, to shift the focus of the party's work to socialist modernization. to class struggle, production struggle, the three great revolutionary scientific experiment grasping movement. After he opened the meeting, told the conference themes: 1 to discuss how to further implement the policy based on agriculture, boost agricultural production as soon as the problem. Meeting to send two files, one on the decision to accelerate the speed of agricultural development discussion paper, a pilot rural communes of the draft discussion paper work regulations; 2, two-year national economic plan agreed arrangements 1979,1980; 3, to discuss Vice President Li Xiannian speech at the State Department retreat.

the first day, the meeting atmosphere of alarm.

next day, November 11, group discussion.

Hua Nan, when he was He recalled: inspiration.

11 11 evening, Chen Yun and moving in the street back to his home, as appropriate, again, again written in the calendar on the back of the outline of his speech. This is his old habits. Then he called his wife on if the wood for his fair copy of the outline, the larger the word, make him look more convenient. 30 years from the last century before they were married, copy files to a transcript of Chen Yun is on if the wood of his job.

Hua Nan recalled: The north gate in, dressed in coat, carrying a bag, walking very light, spirits, very happy. He went to the west, sitting in the front west of the southernmost of the first place. That meeting was chaired by Yang Yong, I sat behind him, I said Yang, Comrade Chen Yun came with bags, should be called the speech of Comrade Chen Yun. Yong said, you remind well. Soon the beginning of the meeting he said, please Yun comrades to speak. His opening remarks, first mentioned the work before the Third Plenary Meeting Shijie: Chen Yun said: have concerns. Some of large or wide-ranging issues that require consideration and decision by the Central. Bomb:

I. Sixty-one people Comrade Bo Yibo and other so-called renegade group case. They reflect the Party and the central hospital is the decision, not a traitor.

Second, for those in the great impact. Do not solve the problem of these comrades, is very unpopular.

Third, Tao Zhu, Wang Heshou other seventy-seven After the war, the Kuomintang by our party to come out from prison comrades, (. Review by the Central Organization Department, to put matters on the historical circumstances to examine, and make realistic conclusions. Like this, there are both the Central Organization Department of the task force, this abnormal state, should be ended.

Fourth, a great contribution to the party, Comrade Peng,UGG shoes, his ashes should be placed in the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery.

five, on Tiananmen Square, Beijing was also now proposed, and also out of the drama comrades a great mass movement, and many major cities across the country have the same movement. Should affirm the central movement.

six, Kang was born in the ... ...

Yun Wu Mandarin thick venue overshadowed all the noise, the delegates surprised, amazed, as excited with the Yun throws a bomb than a more powerful and ups and downs.

Chen Yun finally said: His historical issues raised are now inside and outside the major issues of great concern. Chen Yun, the General Assembly will be immediately issued a brief statement, and soon all the delegates have seen this unusual presentation, the entire atmosphere of the meeting suddenly heated up, the focus of each group to speak to the rapid concentration of resolving historical issues, redress injustices up .

statement by Chen Yun, Zhao Jianmin and then discovered in the Northeast group problems Kang Sheng, Yao Yilin, Chen GD, Chen diffuse far, Cheng Zihua, Ma Wenrui told the group of 61 North case, the Tiananmen Incident, Kang Sheng and Xie Fu governance problem. 13 am, Xiao Ke group made it clear that in East China, Chen Yun and relevant to the question about stability and unity, it is necessary to expedite the settlement.

, however, held the afternoon of the 13th plenary meeting, on the second, Hua Guofeng was still under his original vision, said: . .

However, most participants are not subject to this arrangement, is still around to discuss historical issues, but throwing more and more firepower, more and more problems to mention, also head of the Central made some comments .

Miles: I agree. Such problem is very large, there are some provinces, such as Wuhan's 'millions of bold warriors,' Sichuan 'industrial army' and so on. It should be clear. . be reviewed on a grass-roots cadres, workers, ordinary people and their immediate family members, nearly 1 million people. so many people's issues are not well, it's hard heart and one mind, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all, to eliminate harmful factors of unity can not be .

Zeng Tao: Xinhua News Agency, adding the title of press is our practice, we are responsible for this subject matter, you do not control the

in Chen Yun's speech on November 12 the day of Hua Guofeng Ye said, Hua Guofeng, Ye Jianying

to the trust is senior politicians. Hua Guofeng believe that remarks touched on a very profound.

At this point, outside the hotel in western Beijing, there is a meeting, which is an enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of Beijing Municipal Committee. This is a special standing committee. September, the opening of the enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of Beijing Municipal Committee, when Wu is still the Party first secretary, a month later, Wu was removed, transferred from Tianjin Lin added almost Beijing instead. Expansion of the Standing Committee will continue to hold. November 11, Municipal Committee meeting near the end of expansion, on the Delegates reacted very strongly. Conference Communique changed several times, yet to be finalized. November 13, Municipal summarized the meeting. Night, the final preparation meeting communiqué.

14 morning, almost added to the Lin Hua Guofeng, Ye Jianying, Deng Xiaoping, Li Xiannian, Wang Dongxing and several other Politburo Standing Committee wrote a report, emergency referrals on the The letter said: Lin added
report almost no mention of the

said that in Beijing, the Politburo Standing Committee in the letter drew a circle. That offer was later recorded in a variety of Shishu Wen: In fact, as one of the Standing Committee at this time before the end of Deng Xiaoping's visit in Singapore. He must not be there to circle above.

Central Standing Committee's review and approval should be completed before noon the same day.

for the afternoon, Municipal Standing Committee held a news conference, Deputy Director of Beijing,UGG boots clearance, Hong Zhou Branch book also invited to the meeting. News from the Beijing Municipal Chamber III issued the third secretary of Jia. His story that he left the speech, a piece of paper from the table, read the words:

Premier Zhou in the infinite love, infinite memory, and deep feelings of sorrow; is completely out of the 'Gang of Four' disastrous deep hatred of heinous crimes, which reflects the aspirations of millions of people across the country. masses mourn beloved Premier Zhou Enlai, anger denouncing the 'Gang of Four', is completely revolutionary action, for the memorial because of Premier Zhou, against the 'Gang of Four', all the comrades persecuted rehabilitated rehabilitated. that those remarks. There is no one passage that He was sensitive to the fact this passage is A closing, he hurried to the Xinhua News Agency drove to find the derivative of domestic director of DU is to report on the meetings, and asked him not to put it on single piece of content. Du correcting said: to fight it. Hong Zhou

book and hurried back to Beijing bureau, wondering for a long time, decided to write a manuscript of more than 2,000 big words, the on news, for a single hair.

10 o'clock that night, Hong Zhou, submit the audited party secretary of Beijing there are echoes of the manuscript. Party secretary of Mao Union Jue to Hong Zhou books called and said: not. This increase was almost asked the comrades.

night, the editors of the domestic department who is not steadfast, they found the deputy editor Mu Qing, editing out their intentions. Mu Qing is in favor of, and immediately let them pick out a few hundred words, all the rest do not.

as a precautionary measure, Mu Qing telephone call to discuss President Zeng Tao, Tao is Jingxi Hotel at that time to participate in the Central Work Conference, Mu Qing told him this advice, and said: You are right in the Council , you can seek the views of other comrades, listen to Can not.

Therefore, the Xinhua News Agency did not issue the night the news. The next morning, the book was recalled to Hong Zhou headquarters. Du correcting the domestic offices of the Ministry, we study how the meeting highlighted reports

discussed for a long time still undecided, the last being said Du guide: we make two proposals, one is the The second option is to single out, and finally by Mu Qing to be.

manuscript written, Shu who added a title: And then sent to Mu Qing Department. Tao Mu Qing in turn had given the manuscript.

in Jingxi Hotel, for this post, Zeng Tao and out of this a few other people, when they are either Yu Guangyuan people.

Hu Jiwei recalled:

after lunch that day, Xinhua News Agency has been editor in chief of Guangming Daily, Tao Yang, the light and I find his West living room, with us to discuss. ... ... Read the news, we are very excited to think that this is a sensational headlines. Yang Xiguang said, should mark a sharp eye-catching subject. But to be marked I thought for a moment, it is better simply labeled as Some people say that because the central Tiananmen Square has been the nature of a

order to more carefully, we have specially invited to Comrade Yu Guangyuan Zeng Tao's room to seek his advice.

Yu Guangyuan later recalled:

... ... I look at their proposed press release, and then put on the table goes draw the lines in which they read about the Tiananmen Square incident, the lines. My first reaction was, press releases, the title and the Beijing Municipal Committee meeting a few words that do not fully get on the number of ... ... but I then I thought: Party meeting that those remarks on the Tiananmen Square incident, and I remember very clearly March 1977 at the Central Work Conference in terms of Hua Guofeng, then compared to a lot of progress, or even that turned over. Although municipal few words that did not specify how the nature of the Tiananmen incident, is essentially flat for the incident anti. Not only because of the central position, not explicitly written. Xinhua News Agency issued a news now, with the title that they intend to put the substance of few words point out the Party, may be able to make this problem solved.

end, said Yu Guangyuan in favor.

15 日 晚上 at around 7, the Pro dispatch, and had phoned the Mu Qing Tao, said: Mu Qing said: >
Mu Qing replied: announced the 'Tiananmen incident' is completely revolutionary action ... ...

day's Delegates excited to join efforts have been scrambling to shake hands with Tao.

Yu Guangyuan remember that day at 8 am and more to his residence to the northwest group meeting rooms, Ji Dengkui sitting on the sofa without a word. Then could not help, say He is a member of the Politburo, which meant nothing to say in advance that he heard. Almost the same time the people at the scene said:

Hu to see that day's

the evening meal, TC White, secretary of Jiangxi Provincial Committee and first secretary of Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Wang Feng, all of Zeng Tao said, Xinhua News Agency, so if you can not stay, you are welcome to our place to go .

Tao Lin had almost added to the title of his calling to ask how to add the phrase, but has not answered Tao asked back: Lin said, almost adding: Organization Department of CPC Central Committee with Comrade Hu Yaobang,

11 16,

under this version of the newspaper also published a signed Previously, Chen Yun's speech on the 12th, also made special mention of the play.

1978 年 5 months, the Shanghai heat treatment plant fu young workers were the first use of sick leave time, spent more than 20 days that the Department wrote the script to promote the history drama 30 years later, when reporters flocked to interview were the first blessing, he said most of the sentence was: of ordinary workers, in 1976 that a special festival, he also felt the tragic Tiananmen Square, the atmosphere thousands of miles away. April 6, he met a hotel in Shanghai from Beijing railway station over a friend, were first recalled Fu:

show me a piece of his tragic, majestic image: a wreath into the Hermit may sea, crepe over and over tears like rain. This message is strange for me, can this feeling, this atmosphere, it is familiar to me! Listened until my tears ... ... the hotel lobby where we stand, and he completely ignored the crowd around the stream, a first-name to curse those few young workers had never felt depression and anger, until two years later he verse.

1978 年 9 23, play. With the dramatic theater noisy plot development, more and more quiet, when the final word,

then going into, more than 40 consecutive games played. Theatre Theatre moved from small drama, when the Shanghai is really hard to get a ticket.

At this point, the new Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing President Hu Qiaomu see

It took another three days, when he was Deputy Minister of Culture of Liu Fu also came to Shanghai, the announcement on the transfer Meanwhile Shanghai, November 7, CCTV requirements Shanghai TV broadcast live to the nation

At this point, the stage,

1978 年 11 13,

were blessing the memory of the motor has to paraphrase: the final decision to transfer the show we went to Beijing was the Organization Department of CPC Central Committee with Comrade Hu Yaobang. Motor, when he was

11 16, Su Zhenhua CPC Central Committee, Ni Zhifu and other leaders, and cultural dignitaries Yang, Yu, Lin Mohan, Zhou Wei Zhi, HE Jing, Zhang light years, Feng Mu, Liu Baiyu, Rip Charles attended. News reports described the Beijing premiere site:

watching the film, the light at first light. Tiananmen Square has been involved in the capital of representatives of the masses come to the stage. Among them, some have been posted in the square the first to denounce Some to be

In fact, this story has been quite restrained. The fact is, the day many people crying, sobbing, owned the stage, hugged the actors on stage, most of them is the .

11 19, crew specialized in Jingxi Hotel for the representatives of the Central Work Conference of the special performances.

Hu: China to open a gap of President hoe, the tide of history, how to break through what the gap, this all depends on the strength of the people, who can not be estimated prior to the

1978 年 11 the evening of May 14, Deng Xiaoping returned from Southeast Asia. He soon came to the residence of Ye Jianying, the two central work conference on the progress made to communicate fully. They also spoke of a This clearly is referring to.

From this day, the meeting process is no longer possible, as Hua Guofeng as pre-arranged into the discussion of economic issues, almost all of the group are based on Chen Yun's speech for further expansion.

11 19, Hua Guofeng held talks with leaders of Hubei Province, he was very fair to say that meeting was good, freely.

He said the meeting time be extended, can not be expected to complete the task.

He also talked about

But then, Hua said: Tan Liaodui Chen Xilian, Wu, Ji Dengkui opinions on handling the problem.

Obviously, this came back with the square of the Politburo met to discuss the results of closely related.

Central Committee believe it is necessary to redress injustices of several related, resolving historical issues a decision, after discussion, the Central Committee decided to convene the Third Plenary Session.

11 25, this is an important day, 16:00, Hua Guofeng on behalf of the Central Political Bureau in the General Assembly declared:

one question about the Tiananmen Square massacre. The central authorities believe that the Tiananmen incident was entirely revolutionary mass movement. For the public to be completely vindicated the Tiananmen incident.

Second, the so-called Central believes that reversing the verdict on the wind back the Right is wrong. Politburo decided to reverse the verdict on the wind back all the documents Right to be withdrawn.

Third, on the Central believes that the Wei River Because of the so-called

IV, Bo Yibo, etc. Sixty-one people on the issue. Been identified, this was a great wrong. Central to this major miscarriage of vindication of the decision.

V. Peng comrades on the issue. Peng have made significant contributions. History there have been errors, but in the past doubt that he Litongwaiguo is unfounded. The ashes should be placed in the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery.

VI, on the question of Comrade Tao Zhu. Comrade Tao Zhu old comrades, the old party members, the work of the party for decades, people have a large contribution. After review proved him wrong as a traitor and should be rehabilitated.

seven, on the question of Comrade Yang Shangkun. In the past to him as a conspiracy against the party, Litongwaiguo is wrong and should be rehabilitated. Comrade Yang Shangkun to assign work on and restore the party's organizational life.

eight, on Kang Sheng, Xie Fu governance issues. They have great public anger against them to expose and critique is reasonable.

nine, on a number of local events, the central decision to be by the provinces, municipalities and autonomous regional party committee dealt with according to the situation realistically. The camp was split into two mass organizations, to properly handle, can not lead to factional struggles; to guide the people to look forward, eliminate the bourgeois factionalism.

the few in the announced decision, Hua Guofeng, said: is correct and timely. Moreover, the delegates also felt from a long absence in the speech of the atmosphere, which is emancipate the mind, say what they want democratic atmosphere. Hua Guofeng's speech to the delegates applauded.

That evening, Hu left the venue, a rare Huile Tang family. At home, he excited the first time'll be tempted to emotion, to the family about the venue situation. On this day, the eldest son of Hu Yaobang, Hu Deping also excited intolerable, he noted in the diary his father's reflections:

of the Chinese people suffered the pain and suffering in exchange for the awakening of the entire nation today. What is There is only one meaning, that is, a chip thought leadership, action, ahead of the original people who do not want to move forward but also to follow this step. ... ... In a dam, President of China to open a gap in the hoe, the tide of history, whether the gap in how to break through, and this all depends on the strength of the people, who can not be estimated in advance. Ye: Chinese written report submitted by the President in the future do not write This modest inescapable

11 26, thus meeting has opened a full 16 days, which was supposed to be the end of the day of the meeting, but the waves will be active in the field, excitement, and free flow of air, so that downward extension of the meeting was no suspense. Many representatives in the excitement, but also deeply regret: Hua Guofeng behalf of the Central Political Bureau made the previous day a number of conclusions in the article, no mention from the media since May launched a the only criterion,

Subsequently, the deputies continued to expand in depth.

Hu Jiwei: the

Geng Biao: February 7, 1977

Jin Ming:

Qin Jiwei: ideology is not unity, unity of action is difficult, such as the .

Chenhe Bridge: the criterion of truth, not only Yu Guangyuan


25 Day The General Assembly opened that evening, I went to a real river (when he was Minister of Health - cited by injection) room, with him to discuss whether Wang Dongxing criticized by name. We believe that Wang Dongxing in the smashing of the But talk about the the negative attitude, and so on, Wang Dongxing accounts owed to many. His position is indeed very wrong, not to point out his name, many things to say not a thorough, many of the problems that he did not understand.

the first ten days of the group meeting, the statement is responsible for matters related to Wang Dongxing, but also have to avoid to reveal his name. But we think that hide the head but show the tail of the practice, with the fully inconsistent with the spirit of democracy. After much thought, we believe that the meeting open to such a stage, is to name the critics of the time Wang Dongxing, this is good for the meeting.

course, we are not without concerns. We have also considered the best leaders have agreed to ask for instructions to do such a thing before, but that inconvenience. Therefore decided to take on this responsibility themselves.

26 am, a real river in the Northwest group, is also the first one to stand out throughout the session by name criticizing Wang Dongxing. A true Jiang said: Wang Dongxing in December 1976 said, Wang Dongxing Jiang a really criticized the

a true statement by Jiang, and Yang Yu Guangyuan West made a light in the Northwest group joint statement, they focused on criticizing Wang Dongxing in the smashing of the discuss such things.

From that point on, many people are reassured, with their echoes of the speeches have emerged slowly. Southwest Group criticized by name the first person Hu Jiwei Wang Dongxing.

Hu Jiwei also particularly on the the disclosure.

However, the situation is not so smooth advance. 25, after the speech, not when you see Hua Guofeng on the criterion of truth on to the next conclusion,

in that meeting room, as ; bear recovery, when he was the

their discussion of the criterion of truth of the accusations made, not in favor of the discussion of the criterion of truth as a political problem, routing problem, the problem is related to national destiny. They believe that such discussions will lead to domestic political situation of stability and unity concerns. Published articles in the press do not agree with the method of beating around the bush, in fact, lead people to talk in Chairman Mao's mistakes.

These statements were also made a presentation.

12 3 December, bears re-statement: I think that is not appropriate. errors in the re-evaluation of Mao. This is not a The delegates said that we can not correct the errors of Mao Zedong in his later years with the maintenance of the banner of opposition to Chairman Mao, but can not be used for the implementation of and adherence to the Rendered by the foreign

Miles statement: Mao Zedong Thought, the four modernizations of the struggle, not just a theoretical dispute. a great influence on the work, it is related to the implementation of what route we actually issue.

this, Deng Xiaoping quickly clear: on the changes to see what we have, people can add, subtract one can not, control how big the problem is not your move, bite the bullet and do not move. This is the big picture. foreign lot of people we do business, but also look at the overall situation. br>
12 1 March, the Central Committee to the part of the military region commander and provincial first secretary of the greeting, Deng also stressed that the four issues:

a historical problem can only engage in rough , can not engage in detailed. An extension of time will do fine, and this disadvantage. Count me a request to this situation, truth in you, in the masses. Foreigners are not interested in other things, mainly to see the stability and instability in China. I have consciously half-hearted, and only half-baked is correct. ... ...

Second, the central personnel issues, no one can, the only on. Several comrades of that criticism, but can not move, in fact, more than a few of them. The existing Central Committee, and some can not fulfill its mandate, not to participate in conference activities, but not removed, do not give the impression that the struggle for power. We have views on those who cross the border forget. Review is not all pass, we pass the whole thing did not last.

Third, on the Too much, not right, not easy to settle. Add a few people? Chen Yun and Discipline Committee; Deng sister, Hu Yaobang. Plenty of qualified people, such as Wang beard (referring to Wang Zhen), also qualified. Two options, a 3 person, a 4 person. Constitution provides that the Central Committee is not elected Central Committee, would like to open a case, by-election that the number can not be too much. There are several first secretary of the Central Committee is not, such as Xi, Wang Renzhong, Zhou Hui, and Song Renqiong, Han Guang, Hu Qiaomu, Chen again Road. It wants to ratify the future.

four in 1957 anti-rightist struggle is correct, but later expansion of the. Tsinghua University, said some young paste posters: anti weeks people will be anti, anti-hair country will chaos. This level is very high.

night in the November 27, Deng Xiaoping also told this to say: Chairman, that would not talk to people, but about the problem, pay attention to appropriate and pay attention to the consequences. some things, not to mention Chairman Mao, we should not mention, to mention a disadvantage. newspapers should be very careful. crossed the step, the truth to into a fallacy of the ... ...

12 月 8th, the Central Political Bureau meeting, Wang Dongxing were examined at the meeting. December 13, He also gave the General Assembly a written examination.

this day, is the central work conference closing session, Hua also made a check.

this connection, Ye said: Party Central Committee ', a direct write' Central Committee 'on the line, which is modest virtues. This modest inescapable. ) Yes. The atmosphere to pass

early before the meeting, Hu Qiaomu to as the drafters of Deng Xiaoping speeches prepared a speech for him, which is in accordance with the meaning of Deng Xiaoping to do to me. Speech content is twofold: The first part discusses the shift the focus of the work of several aspects of the historical significance; second part discusses how to implement this change.

from which can also be seen in the pre-thought in the square, so long as to convince the Central Committee endorsed the focus shifted to economic development to achieve the objectives of the meeting.

But in the session, the meeting unexpectedly changed the situation, the deadlock has been broken. Deng Xiaoping, was keenly aware of the historic turning point opportunities emerged. In this case, many new situations and new problems about to mention on the agenda. Deng Xiaoping, Hu Yaobang

found, said:

12 2 April, about Hu Yaobang, Deng Xiaoping, Yu Guangyuan, etc. at home and talk about the re-drafting speeches, and took out his hand written speech outline. Re-drafting and revision process, the drafters of Deng Xiaoping and talk with, literally one by one review, and personally prepared speech topic.

After about 28 years, Yu Guangyuan and papers one day pulls out a pile of precious manuscripts, was actually prepared the year Deng Xiaoping's speech in person, the old man excited.

He recalled:

12 2 March, Deng Xiaoping, Hu Yaobang, and I look to the drafting of speeches about his family problems. Deng Xiaoping's speeches to write an outline, a total of eight questions is ... ....

Deng Xiaoping first said: thought for a moment, not going long manuscript. The first problem is the evaluation of the meeting. He said: This meeting is great, not after 2057, 2057 previously had, Yanan (period) there. The atmosphere to pass, (which is) a very good life party, the Party's work style is conducive to stability and unity, (it helps) to prevent ideologically rigid,UGG boots, it is gratifying.

The second problem is emancipating the mind and start the machine. He told us to write this question, He said the arguments (referring to the criterion of truth discussions) very good, more and more good, more and more a political issue is the fate of the country's future. He proposed to solve new problems, the National Party to use their brains. The third problem is

promote democracy, strengthen the rule of law. He pointed out: the present time but also to strengthen democracy. Focus for so many years, now is the lack of democracy, we can not say that fear.

fourth question is to look ahead. He said: This meeting looks back to solve some problems, the purpose is to look forward. Not across the board to address the remaining issues to be fast, neat, will not take long. Can not completely satisfied. Also said that unity is very important. Chairman Mao's

The fifth issue is to overcome the bureaucracy.

sixth part of the problem is to allow businesses, regions and members, the first better. He said it was a big policy.

seventh issue is to strengthen accountability.

new measures to the eighth issue is the new problem.

Xiaoping had such a detailed outline, but also made such a specific conversation, those of us who drafted easier to handle. Deng Xiaoping came back from there, Hu Yaobang, and I am looking for young Jian Lin, State Council Research Office, who quickly drafted the manuscript, about two or three days to draft better.

this speech, Deng Xiaoping, that is, December 13 closing ceremony of the Central Work Conference that famous speech, entitled The. Speech caught a brief outline of the most fundamental turning point in history, pointing out that the It is a completely new theoretical perspective, inspired the whole party ideas, inspired the people's spirit towards the whole country for the promotion of building socialism with Chinese characteristics played a key role. Emancipate their minds, unite to look forward, from efforts of the people of China, concentrating our attention on the basic slogan of economic development, reform and opening up new era declaration.

to December 12, the day before the scheduled end of the General Assembly, Ye Jianying, Deng Liqun 0:00 to call in person, and then modify the statements required to echo the spirit of the speech of Deng Xiaoping, Deng Liqun wrote this at 3 am point, and even too late to get printed, Ye had to read the manuscript at the conference.

13, the General Assembly held a closing session, the Central Work Conference of the end of the this can be felt on behalf of Deng Xiaoping's speech is very important to have requested an extension of two days of learning and discussion. Until Dec. 15, up to 36 days of the Central Work Conference ended really.

It took another three days, December 18, 1978, Beijing Rui Xuefei ancient dance. 10 am, the historic Third Plenary Session of the CPC held in the Jingxi Hotel. The conference is only open 5 days.

communique was issued by the Third Plenary Session:

meeting decided to focus the party's work and the people's attention shifted to socialist modernization. Assembly criticized the Identified emancipate our minds, brains, pragmatic, united and forward-looking guidance. Domestic and international situation at the right of the plenary session on the basis of the decision to stop using the

the end of the Third Plenum of the smashing of the From today to see, winter 1978, this meeting is simply a great Chinese nation, a historic turning point, and its far-reaching and will continue to have appeared clear to the world.

Hua: I resolve to call you the next speech, given to all invited, we should let everyone speak, brainstorming

exactly 30 years later, today, all major media are searching for the History of 30 years, recall that in the case and Pictures of 30 years, dating back to the source, we have actually seen such a gorgeous central work conference, it still exudes the charm of endless , so look for those whom every eyebrows.

2008 年 8 20 March, 87-year-old Xie Hua Guofeng. The former Communist Party Central Committee to give a high evaluation of senior leaders. More surprisingly, the eldest son of Hu Yaobang is also a high-profile author, said Hu Deping:

why the Why national newspaper to be published? Why all over the party, government, and military leaders to show their attitude?

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