Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Business Planning Thinking Training

 The success of business planning activities, depends on higher education and professional training well, with the quality of comprehensive planning staff. Therefore, business planners to improve the quality and ability is of great significance.

capacity with the brain training: work hard at their brains is to develop the primary method of planning capabilities, to want to be a master plan, first we must develop our own good at the ability of the brain.

diligent with the brain: scientists believe that a person's brain including the brain, midbrain, cerebellum, pons, and medulla in five parts, with thinking, understanding, memory and other special abilities. Ambition to become a planner, you have to move 8 times more than normal brains. Because brain cells are the more you use the more flexible, and used up a lifetime, so do not be afraid brains. Want to develop their own planning ability, you must be diligent in their brains is the first step.

coordinate the left and right brain: the 19th century, 60 years, scientists have confirmed that Rogers Burleigh After the study, people left and right brain hemispheres, each with different functions. Head left brain language, writing, calculus, logic and other functions, the rational side of human bias and analysis of surface; the head of the right brain images, music, intuition, inspiration and other functions, tend to side with the creation of the human emotional side.

to planning force, the collection of information, problem solving, etc. are left brain functions; and free imagination, such as the dissemination of ideas are right brain functions. To enhance the planning skills, must develop the right brain thinking. There are two methods. First, inhibition of left brain, the second is to stimulate the right brain.

balanced left and right brain thinking: According to professor of the University of California  study found: When the balance of left and right brain thinking, generally thought to improve brain function than the 5-10 times, then, most likely appear creative. Many famous scientists, both scientists and artists often dual role of left and right brain are very well developed. Ruhe Rang Sikao it left and right brain balance, available from the education curriculum and reading habits of the two aspects to improve.

often fantasy: the human brain in addition to thinking outside. Also fantasy. Fantasy is a virtual rather than real thought. Many psychologists from clinical and experimental results showed that fantasy is not only a completely normal phenomenon, and can change a boring environment in which to live with colorful, many great scientists, musicians, activists know fantasy benefits, both know how to use illusions. Planners understand this principle, you should make more use of the bus, bed or bath generated fantasy, fantasy ride for some, when the good ideas will start to emerge.

imagination training: who has the imagination, through the imagination, people can be perceived through the things in the past to transform the image, thereby creating a vivid image to increase. Imagination is not only to create the image of things, but also to create the image of something not there.

imagination endowed the human brain's ability to create a new image, then how much sense this ability it? First, the imagination is the memory of the Fifth, all the creative activity of imagination is an indispensable basic elements.

planning in order to increase your power, you have to quickly restore imagination.

break the habit: breaking the habit is to restore the imagination of the first method, but to do that is not easy. Main reason is that most people long tradition of education and work experience in fixed, so that people form a mindset, it is difficult to accept new things, new ideas and new methods. If you want to be a master plan, it must continue their habit of criticism and reflection, and active in their daily lives to break the habit.

regain innocence: a special instinct of human imagination, each individual in childhood. Originally, has a wealth of imagination, with age, life experience is gained, Zhejiang gradually lost innocence. Yen Fu adult imagination to restore the past, he will have to regain innocence. How to regain innocence


play more and children: adults down shelves, and kids play in together, both to share in the joy, they would have been a lot of imagination.

ask the views of children: children and adults in the eyes of the world is completely different.

curiosity: curiosity for a specific thing that people observe and study, has been to get to the bottom to reveal the truth, came to an end. In the exploration process, not only can stimulate the imagination, have a good idea, but there may be a great discovery or invention.

storage representation: representation is indispensable to imagine the basic material, if our minds have not saved enough representation, then the mind can not be imagined out of thin air. The level of imagination by the appearance of a person with the quantity and quality for the transfer, the more poor appearance, imagine the more narrow appearance of the more rich, more open imagination. The only way to save the appearances, is to actively participate in practical activities, constant contact with all kinds of things.

accumulation of words: appearance is to imagine the raw materials. The appearance is rich with closely related words, because words can be established with the appearance of the corresponding consolidation of correspondence. Rich words to express strong person. Changes caused by the appearance of more diverse, generally abundant imagination. Words can be accumulated by reading books, listening to the radio, writing exercises and other expanded. As long as the persistent, rich with words and appearance, imagination, there would be ten more rich, enhanced.

a wealth of knowledge: words can lead to a corresponding representation, but the words to cause appearances, words must be understood as a prerequisite, but knowledge is the basis for understanding the words. The more profound knowledge, the more profound understanding of words, mind showing a more accurate representation, as the material in this representation, through the imagination, build up the image, meaning its value is relatively large.

-read: most of the everyday life of each person fairly rigid, flat, just keep the cycle, which is a big resistance to restore imagination. And read, absorb from a variety of fresh material, is the imagination needed nutrients.

(1) Eat slowly: reading, must be careful to chew, swallow slowly, when reading a while, think about it, trying to digest after the author's view into its own point of view. Imagine the more excited the imagination greater.

(2) half the time half of the writing: reading general fiction in addition to no benefit other than entertainment. But the reasoning or reading the classic detective novel, very good for the resumption of the imagination. In addition, if the book can be read cover half, and then write the second half of the proposed document. Is the best way to train their own imagination.

(3) perseverance: Reading, is a marathon, not meters race. It emphasizes endurance and perseverance, rather than speed and sprint.

traveled: a lot of reading as a kind of indirect experience to provide the imagination is most needed nutrients. Travel is a direct experience, more profound than indirect experience and distinct, it will not only broaden their horizons, broaden their horizons. Saw and heard it on the road, and all experienced people, places, and things will stay in the mind deeply into the imagination of the best nutrients.

As a planner, if you view a lot of things, like most people, it is not acceptable. You see, you have to see; we do not see, you must see that it is qualified planners, travel can make your own problems from a different perspective and cultivate a keen observation.

you from a familiar environment to another, unfamiliar environment, you will be exposed to very different race, culture, values, habits and so on. Understanding, you will find: a different race, have different customs; different cultural background, the same problem have different solutions. When you learn from a different perspective, the observation must be more than ordinary people, ordinary people can not see, you will see. In other words, you will have more in-depth than the common view and opinions.

use of association: the so-called association, through the relationship between things, comparison and causation, starting from one thing to speculate on other things. Because it can be in areas known to be associated, from the known towards the unknown areas, it can stimulate our imaginations; imagination to form a new image, must resort to associate this' link. to the mind of the knowledge or representation banded together to form a series of new image.

Lenovo is a unique human instinct can be roughly divided into the following five categories:

(1) similar to Lenovo: Lenovo is also known as analog, which is to take something similar to form or characteristics to stimulate their thinking from one thing to another thing.

(2) opposite association: This is similar to the association is just the opposite, take the opposite of what form or characteristics to stimulate their thinking from one thing to another thing.

(3) connection Lenovo: This is used to connect the original or very close to each other things to make themselves think of other things from the original thing.

(4) causal association: This is based on cause and effect relationship between things, think of other things from one thing. (5) free association: This is an unrestricted, free association, it will usually mix similar to the opposition, connections, causal and other associations.

favorite dream: the dream is the ideal state, but also a source of energy, it can inspire our imagination and potential, to guide us the courage to do what you like, finally reached a remarkable achievement. A good strategist must be a dreamer full of longing for life, not only to create a dream, but reality.

determined to change yourself: most of the status quo, resist change. In order to chase a dream, we must break the barriers of the heart, are honest with themselves, determined to change the white own life and the courage to engage in their favorite work.

cited a variety of dream: Take paper and pen, list one or twenty to make you dream of heart. Dream big or small, no arrests in the form, which can be practical (money; career, status, etc.), it can be abstract (the pursuit of

beauty, truth, etc.), as long as the fire ignited minds.

to find a witness: whether a spouse or relatives, as long as people care about you, that is the right witness. With the witness is no longer a utopian dream, it becomes a goal can be achieved.

immediate action: selection of a viable dream, immediately take action, from action among the naturally produces wisdom, confidence and strength. ability to analyze problems

training: analytical thinking, knowledge of things through all aspects of features, especially the ability to understand the essence of things. Anyone who wants to understand things, you must first take care observation. With the Therefore, the analytical nature of things is to recognize

in the creative and planning process, a diligent analysis, analytical people who have greater advantages can often see through the superficial things, the nature of things, find the crux of the problem. In particular, the occasion of the sudden change, to make himself correctly identified all the complex events taking place around and push heavy fog, dangerous shoals around the reef, the ship of the creative and planning course is always in the right forward side to success has been .

analysis problem is the phenomenon of materials for manufacture, to extract the essence of the thinking process. By its nature very deeply hidden and difficult to find, if not the correct approach is careful not likely to catch it. Therefore, mastering the necessary analytical methods to improve the quality of the analysis, to achieve the purpose of analysis, and enhance their analytical skills are very important.

approximation: We understand things, the first to know only the surface of things (that phenomenon), so it is very superficial. Through the layers of analysis to the core of things (ie nature) step by step approach, the final touches to the deep nature of the regularity of things to explore. This gradual approach is the approximation.

the use of approximation can be carried out by two steps. The first step, to reach out to the external manifestations of things that phenomenon. Phenomenon boils down to two types, one is false. The other is the truth. Only by grasping the truth of things, eliminate false. Can use this channel to approach its intrinsic nature. The second step, by the nature of the phenomenon of approximation. When we have a lot of the phenomenon of material, must seriously consider each phenomenon, careful scrutiny, comparative analysis, considering, will begin from phenomena to grasp the connection between the internal links of things to achieve the purpose by the nature of the phenomenon of approximation .

ask in the end the law: everything that occurred, have adopted the attitude of asking in the end, in order to find the ultimate cause. Once caught the final reason, then the series will have a profound understanding of the results.

analysis method: when we are faced with a large range of internal factors are more complex factors and things, how easy to grasp the essence of things do, some people used to be on such complex things to break it down, divide it into many parts (or aspects), then each of these parts (or aspects) to study, investigate, so as to understand the nature of things more convenient. In fact, this is the Broken down into various parts of the whole, or aspects of investigation, analysis, is an important way to understand things. analysis method can be used

to carry out three steps:

first step, to break things, but the decomposition of different things, not exactly the same way, generally in three ways. One is from the spatial distribution of a thing to break down into component parts, the other is the development from the time down into the various stages of a thing, then one is divided into the various factors will be unity, direction, attributes and so on.

second step, examine the various parts, the phase factors, find out their role.

third step. Further analysis of the various parts, the stage of the interlinkages between the factors, the interaction of the situation. After this three-step general will be able to grasp the essence of things, find the key to solving the problem.

analysis method for the planning of the concept of mining is also an important method of analysis. In the analysis of the concept of planning, abstract concept formation process, an important analysis of the principle of

out of law: law is the problem out of all aspects of statistics, arranged, and gradually eliminate them invalid aspects or factors. To the nature of the problem and find the main aspects of the decision, to solve the problem of the purpose of an analytical method.

can be used out of France to carry out three steps:

first step, thought to be under the full impact of the various aspects of or factors to be statistics, order.

the second step, these aspects or factors to be examined one by one study, can not afford a major role in the problem areas or factors to be eliminated. With the investigation and study, out of the ongoing process, gradually narrowing the scope of investigation and study, examine the object of study is less and less.

third step, or factors must be able to find many ways to play a key role in the problem areas or factors, or factors to seize this regard, the problem can be satisfactorily resolved.

out the concept of law for the planning of mining is also an important method of analysis. But the use of phase-out law to the attention of two things: One is to size to have accurate analysis. Otherwise, the boundaries between primary and secondary aspects or factors unknown, and ultimately unable to determine the key aspects or factors, the purpose of the analysis can not be achieved,

master a variety of subject knowledge: a wealth of knowledge helps to improve the analytical power, and analytical knowledge to improve and contribute to the understanding and acceptance, so that further enriched their knowledge, on the whole, Children's memory is very strong, but they are smaller than adults, the ability to acquire knowledge because of the ability to analyze things

far less than adults. Therefore, we can just start from the increase of knowledge, the result will be Any knowledgeable, analysis ability, appropriateness of a personnel work, often to foster this process is successful.

Syndrome Society of the way of thinking: the so-called dialectical thinking, that is, to think according to dialectics, which focuses from the contradiction, change, process to examine the object, from the diversity and unity to grasp objects. A number of ways to learn through dialectical way of thinking: one's own practice through long-term activities; the other is consciously and systematically learn to dialectical materialism. Especially after the analysis of a force to improve their economical and ideal way.

develop the habit of diligent analysis: analysis of questions is the beginning. Work or study, can not be satisfied with ready-made conclusions, but should ask a few why, frequently asked As long as the spirit with 打破沙锅问到底, we can continue to promote their own thinking, to analyze in depth. Analysis - Practice - Summary, constantly repeated, can gradually develop the habit of analysis, analytical skills will be increased.

analysis of problem solving training: We have been in high school mathematics, physics, chemistry, problem solving training, personal experience to solve problems is not easy, requires thinking and analysis, to some extent from the increase in the number of , management, analysis of force to resolve the formation of entitled adults made a

stimulate creativity training: the so-called creative, is a creative idea, that is, ideas. Any planning and creativity are always closely linked, and left the creative, it can not be planned, at best, can only be regarded program. Only creativity can the plan to become strange, lovely. So, how can we inspire creativity?

combination method: the so-called combination method. Is to two or more of the old elements together. To stimulate creative way of thinking, the U.S. advertising guru James Young has a famous saying:

combination method has the following types:

(1) the old ten old = new: in the development of new products, the pantyhose is the old products a new combination of pants and socks, tape recorders are old products a new combination radio and tape recorders, tank old products is a new combination of cars and artillery; innovation in science and technology, if the old method of ultrasound combined with a variety of immediately generating ultrasonic cutting, ultrasonic cleaning, ultrasonic grinding, and other new methods.

(2) Intelligence Information = ten new products: Kao soap listing a neutral aluminum foil packaging powdered shampoo powder, when asked the views of consumers of new products,UGG boots cheap, many people feel that powder to be dissolved later to use, very troublesome. Then again Kao soap powder and liquid companies combined, have given rise to today's popular with consumers of shampoo. From this example we will know, the so-called


improved method: Change Act, also known, is by changing the shape of the product or the product zoom in or out, or attached to other things in the product in order to stimulate creative way of thinking.

substitution: modified method of deformation, improved method of emphasis on product shape change (enlarge or shrink) or attached to other things in the product; and alternative rules emphasis on product materials, components, parts, process, alternative energy.

reverse method: the so-called reverse the law, that is, starts acting strangely, the problem one way of thinking upside down. Such as: upside down, left and right reversed, reversing, subject and object translocation, as well as the things upside down, so things upside down, looking for negative things or negative things, positive and negative inversion and so on.

Focus method: focus method is a way to think about the use of Lenovo. Because the association thought process, like the camera must be aligned as the focus of the lens, so it is called the focus method.

indirect method: the so-called indirect method, the problem is not with the frontal impact, and take turns playback means, provide a bypass to solve the problem of thinking.

new use law: the so-called new use of law, that is, by finding new uses for the product or change the product's use, in order to stimulate creative way of thinking.

change the point of law: the so-called change point of law, is to use new or different angles to see some old things.

similar analogy: the so-called similar to the analogy, is to form something similar to stimulate their own creative way of thinking produces. Similar analogy using the most convenient way is to be found from the similar nature of things, this analogy, the trigger out of inspiration.

analogy method: the so-called analogy of confidence, is through the other things to stimulate themselves in order to derive a kind of creative thinking. Other things referred to here may be inadvertently seen natural phenomena, may be someone else's words inadvertently, it may be a passage of a book.

property enumeration method: method and focus, as it is to think about the use of a method of association. Associative thinking process because it is listed first, then add product attributes to change, so called property list method. Its principle is based on This method is most often used for new product development, improvement of old products, product promotion, product providers and so on.

class enumeration method: type enumeration method is listed after the product categories, plus the combination and change, so it actually can be said to change the law with the above combination method variant. Usually improve or develop new products, old products, the most common type of the enumeration method. Its method is very simple, first you want to improve old products (or development of new products) the following categories of products listed in detail as far as possible, from each other and change the combination of inspiration.

role-playing method: This method is through the play of others, standing on the position of others, to consider the issue to get creative. Stimulate creative role-playing method using the key is to learn to swap the location with others.

many products have been able to be with color, charm, imagination thing, because the planners point of view by standing on the customer, from customer requirements, expected starting and find new ideas, and according to creative the clever planning.

four discussion method: a good idea from the idea of a great many ordinary, and even some bad ideas. In other words, creative ideas from the many (including bad idea) conceived. Some people have an idea, for fear of ideas being stolen, or you walk, usually deep heart, tight-lipped. Planner is doing exactly the opposite, they know the same concept like jade. The more touch more smooth, more polish more synthesizers. Therefore, their ideas, not only do not confidential, but discussions with people around.

当 you want, playing his own idea to tell someone else, you must first sort out in my mind a clear concept, this process is actually the original idea also done a number of changes and filtering. Discuss their ideas with others, especially to discuss the different nature of work, after received from others inspired, to make themselves more like a brain, or how long, like a pair of eyes.

multidimensional Thinking: Thinking is more for a problem, from many different point of view and a way to stimulate creativity.

problem-solving skills training: planning is to achieve a goal or solve a problem, with the brain tried to think a good idea after the fermentation. And planning skills, creative thinking is to use the ability to solve a problem. Ten problem-solving skills training approach.

definition of the problem: In the face of complex problems, to conduct in-depth and thorough analysis to find out where the crux of the problem, that way the problem easier to solve. In order to solve a problem, you must first define the problem and then identify the key points.

free bondage: our lifetime by many conventional self-restraint and can not detect, such as: regular quantitative, walking on the right, in uniform and tie for men and women as married as married, male superiority, men outside the female Lord, peer mutually exclusive and so on. These tangible and intangible constraints, not only stifle our innate creativity, but also indirectly affect our ability to solve problems. At this time, we can head to think that

lateral thinking: lateral thinking is thinking in terms of relative to the vertical. The so-called vertical thinking, is a logical cause and effect before and after the traditional thinking methods. It is the same as digging wells, meter by meter to dig deep down sequentially. The level of thinking, both illogical and there is no causal relationship before taking leap of thinking, when the digging was stone obstruction, immediately give up, then dig a new well next to another, it can even be from the

brainstorming: the so-called collective wisdom is a good idea to collect all, the meaning can be of great help. Therefore,cheap UGG boots, the main features of this method is that a collection of the wisdom to solve the problem, where the meaning of

During the discussion, in order to collect opinions and wisdom of the crowd, the host must maintain the following seven:

(1) must be fully prepared: host to a few days before the seminar, the issue told the participants. So that they have sufficient time left thinking about solutions to the problem.

(2) the time to master the discussion: not less than 30 minutes of discussion time, and do not exceed 15 minutes. If the time is too short. Speaking time may be insufficient; time, if too long, it is easy cold market.

(3) so that participants have the opportunity to speak: It was eloquent. It was stiff reticent, the host should be properly grasp, so that we have the opportunity to speak. Everyone's views are taken seriously and included, so that it can draw on collective wisdom.

(4) must not be criticized: the discussion process. Regardless of any outrageous comments, criticism and can not be questioned, if allowed to criticism and questioning, will stifle innovative, leaving the discussion becomes a debate.

(5) quantity rather than quality: the better the views of any absurd ideas are acceptable. There are many ideas first, and then will get a good idea from which, therefore, must first find the amount, and then seek quality.

(6) Welcome to the bizarre idea: the more bizarre, the more exotic ideas, the more it can stimulate creative people; there are many excellent ideas. Is odd and strange ideas stimulated, brewing out.

(7) encourage the improvement and combination of ideas: to encourage others on the basis of ideas derived from new ideas, or ideas to a few people together into a new idea. Combination of improvement and not criticism, this is just the way good idea.

dismembered: the so-called split up, is to large, complex problem into several small problems. When you encounter a complex problem, if you like a careful look like the problem separately, start small part of it, will solve the problem.

change the view: change point of view, is the intractable problem for the original, or change the subject, or to explain the different point of view, to the old problem again under the new definition, the problem may be solved. Do not underestimate the change in perspective. It is often the key to solving the problem.

of defects characterized by: the characteristics of defects, not trying to minimize the shortcomings of the limits, but rather take advantage of disadvantage, the impossible and successfully solve the problem.

Quweicunzhen: the so-called Quweicunzhen, that is,UGG bailey button, when faced with a difficult problem, all the collected information or to enumerate all possible circumstances, and then eliminate them one by one, and finally a way to get the answer.

transplanted elsewhere: the so-called transplant elsewhere, is known in the field of the new principles, new techniques, transplanted to other areas of the unknown, to solve the problem.

subconscious thought: the so-called unconscious thought, the subconscious thinking is the use of human conception to birth,UGGs, and finally find a solution to the problem.

size up the situation: put the idea into a concrete plan should also be in time and space in the plan are in need, financial, and material for careful deployment of the program to obtain optimal results, which formed a specific plan, after careful evaluation of these programs, screening, select the best solution, a planning case.

creative and planning of the initial ideas, but also to the objective situation, based on rigorous analysis and planning, to develop specific programs, can effectively implemented. In the process of programming, the most important thing is to size up the situation in time and space to cleverly logistics. Logistics is the means to develop strategies or planning. Means strategizing behind the development of strategies.

ability to predict the future training: planning from the proposed project to the idea of filing, final decision, adoption, implementation until the completion, it will cost a lot of time. And completion of planning the future of events at the beginning and the planning process must clearly understand the situation after completion. So. To the planning people, must have excellent advance awareness and the ability to predict the future.

trend method: trend forecasting method is a basic method. It is predicted that in the future, should grasp the trends from the past to the present, and assuming the current trend will continue for some time, and then developed in the future to extend the trend line approach.

trend method easy to understand, but when in use must be aware of the following three points:

(1) pay attention to qualitative change: the essence of things changed, the future development will follow the path running past and present, forecast to be accurate; when a qualitative change in things, the future development not in accordance with old running track, forecast not accurate.

(2) S-shaped curve graph: whether the rise and fall of a dynasty, or the ups and downs of an enterprise, the development process to show a large change in s-shaped curve. The so-called s-shaped curve, referring to the beginning of the slow development of medium-term rapid growth tends to slow later stage, the process seems to s-shaped.

(3) must be adjusted: trend method has its limitations, because the current trend will continue for a period only, so it can not always without any restrictions continue under the old track, so this method predicted the future, in use for some time after, it must be done according to the objective situation was appropriate modification and adjustments, so as to maintain its accuracy.

circulation method: the so-called iteration, is based on the movement of the universe as a way to predict the future, such as the Lunar New Year round solar terms in the formulation, that is, under law the use of a typical product cycle.

Marketing inside the If you were from sales of products with the ebb and flow rates to observe, similar to the human life cycle, there are certain cycles can be divided into introduction, growth, maturity, saturation stage, the five stages of recession, marketing scholars call it the product life cycle.

observation: the so-called observation, is from the surface to see some of the signs, we can predict trends or

a way to truth. Observation of training, up from human observation.

projection method: projection method is known, according to data reported through reasoning, analysis and estimation, the method to predict the future.

intuitive method: intuitive method, also known as sixth sense, which is produced without adequate logical sense of the visual straight. It based on readily available information, at the crucial moment to make the right prediction.

think people can be divided into rational thinking and emotional thinking. Intuitive thinking is emotional, but rational thinking is not entirely ignore the fact that the two are complementary to each other-order phase arrest, usually the founder of successful businesses have a keen intuition, and they often use intuition to make decisions.

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