Monday, January 3, 2011

Stomach old experience of Chinese medicine

 Speaking of sweet Chinese red dates
Rupi, acid hepatic, eating sweet and sour taste of the dates can Spleen Stomach, but also benefit the liver. Cooked dates sweet and warm, with deficiency, and raised sedative effect of blood, spleen and stomach, diarrhea, fatigue, inability to eat are suitable.
peanuts eat peanut
recommended in the elderly. Peanut is rich in nutrients, including unsaturated fatty acids can reduce blood cholesterol, triglycerides, can reduce blood viscosity, improve blood circulation, improve brain cell activity, enhance memory and thinking skills. eat peanuts on thrombocytopenia who also very good. pantothenic acid stomach nausea eat peanuts, can effectively to vomiting acid.
Geda Tang
Geda Tang or flour soup, easily digested and absorbed, Nuanwei. fever or physical weak, in the rehabilitation of drinking flour soup, is conducive to rehabilitation.
When cooking, put some white pepper Amomum villosum
appetizer dampness, warm the spleen to stop diarrhea, can increase appetite and help digestion and absorption. of warm white pepper, with a cold, stomach function. fever after put more points when cooking white pepper to help sweat Quxie.

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