Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Party general, the central importance

 Four committees focused on the National Party Central Committee attaches great importance to general
People's Daily Commentator article: the election of local party committees do a good job
Xinhua Xinhua Beijing on May 14 this year and next, provincial, municipal, county, township four Party committees will focus on the general level, this is the political life of the party a great event, the central attaches great importance to the entire party and wide public concern. committees and organization departments at all levels must be engaged in the overall situation is related to the long-term strategic perspective, do a good job of work to fully understand the significance of the general, the general as a major political task, according to central planning and requirements, and successfully carry the work to ensure the election of success.
this place Party general, is building a moderately prosperous society in the crucial period of. , and to implement the scientific concept of development to achieve a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of heavy task, and deepen economic reform and improve the level of opening up the heavy task to maintain social stability, the task of building a socialist harmonious society heavily promote the construction of a new party great project of strengthening the Party's governance capability and advanced nature of the heavy task. the face of such an important historical period, improve the general work of great significance. local party committees of various undertakings in the region, the core of leadership, economic construction, political construction, cultural, social construction and party building has overall leadership responsibility, plays overall situation and coordinating the important role of the parties. improve the general and building vibrant, energetic and promising of all level of local party leadership is directly related to the We should, through general, and enhance the leadership of party committees at all levels, overall quality, and further implement the scientific concept of development to improve the ability to control the overall ability to handle the capacity and interest in the ability of pragmatic and innovative; through the general, party committees at all levels to further optimize knowledge structure of the leadership, professional structure and age structure, so that a reasonable division of labor groups, professional support, complementary advantages, and further enhance the overall function; through the general, the implementation of the central leading group on the local party committees with the goal of reform, the establishment of a new local party committees and leadership structure and work to further strengthen the economy and society on important affairs of the region's leadership and coordination, and better perform the functions of the local party committees.
the election of local party committees to do this, the key is to adhere to Deng Xiaoping Theory and represents important instructions, effectively those political firm, the ability to highlight working style, people trust, and good at leading the outstanding cadre of scientific development to leading positions in an effort to build local leadership committees at all levels to become firmly implement the Party's line , and unswervingly take the socialist road with Chinese characteristics, pragmatic, innovative, diligent and honest administration, united coordination, energetic and promising strong leadership. Therefore, we must strive to do the following: First, strictly related to ideological and political quality. a comprehensive measure of the ability of cadres, style and moral conduct, for both the cadres in the ideals and beliefs, political opinions, political discipline and implement the central authorities of major decisions and plans and other aspects, but also look at the crucial moment and cadres involving personal immediate interests of specific performance, both the weight capacity and heavy virtue, both re-performance and heavy political ethics, with particular attention to the masses reputation. The second is to follow the scientific development concept and a correct view of the requirements of assessment, selection of cadres . To insist on the principle of ability and political integrity, from performance to see moral and, with moral and with cadres, the ability to adhere to scientific development, to create stand the practice, people and performance test of history as an important basis for selection and use of cadres. do for both the economic construction, social development, but also look at the situation; only see the result of economic and social development, but also look cadres in the process of subjective efforts; for both the cadres of the potential performance Excellent clean and honest Party cadres as the main leader. The fourth is to enhance the body's overall function effectively. According to and leadership; further improve the team's knowledge and professional structure, not only to select familiar with the party, ideology, discipline, etc. Political cadres, but also to enrich the familiar economic and social management and government cadres, party committees at all levels to better perform their duties.
the general focus on local party committees, pressing, heavy and demanding. Party committees at all levels must attach great importance to the election of their agenda, to strengthen the leadership, co-ordination arrangements, carefully organized to ensure general work smoothly. organization departments should give full play to the role of advisers and assistants, serious and responsible way to do specific work. We should give full play to advantages of the party's ideological and political work, targeted to do a thorough and painstaking ideological work, education, the level officials firmly establish a correct outlook on power, status, interests, party spirit, the overall situation of discipline, the correct treatment of personal retreat left turn, and consciously to the organization arrangements. to be more serious organizational and personnel discipline and resolutely prevent and severely punished Buying and selling the thought lingers, the order is not arbitrary, continuously, through the general cohesion of the people, promote unity and boost morale, promote the reform and construction can proceed smoothly. (End)

be launched nationwide local party general < br> improve the study of democratic reform and optimize the structure to expand the effective
those political firm, the ability to highlight working style, people trust, and good at leading the scientific development of outstanding cadres to leading positions in selected
leadership level in streamlining the number of reduce the number of deputy secretary level, and expand the party and government leading members of the cross has made substantial progress office
provincial party committee focused on four general
county should implement the scientific concept of development for assessing the actual effectiveness of the fundamental achievements of cadres standards as the fundamental basis for evaluation of cadres to implement the Party and the masses
of cadre selection and appointment information, participation, choice, and to supervise the focus, to seize the nomination, election and other key aspects of study and actively explore the development of the party in effective ways and means of democracy, the expansion of democracy within the party throughout the entire process of
general, according to Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 14 - under the County and township party committee focused on four general. CPC Central Committee attaches great importance to the recent deployment of specialized, put forward specific demands.
the general guidance of the national local party idea is the Party Constitution as criteria to Deng Xiaoping Theory and ; Three Represents construction, cadres adhere to the leadership with a reform, improve the cadre investigation, and further expansion of inner-party democracy, and truly those of political firmness, the ability to highlight working style, people trust, and good at leading the outstanding cadre of scientific development to leading positions in an effort to leaders of Party committees at all levels team into a resolutely implement the party's line, and unswervingly take the socialist road with Chinese characteristics, pragmatic, innovative, diligent and honest administration, united coordination, energetic and promising strong leadership, to promote economic and social development, building a socialist harmonious society organizations to provide a strong guarantee.
than in the past, the local party general there are many new features.
first major reform. According to the active and steady, focused, step in place requirements, and actively explore new party leadership system and working mechanism, give full play to the role of collective leadership of Party Committee Standing Committee, to strengthen the economic and social committees at all levels of the major issues of leadership and coordination, and continuously improve the ability of party committees at all levels and leadership. < br> Second, provincial and municipal party committees focused on four general county. Third, the use of new approaches to general inspection. should implement the scientific concept of development cadres, the actual performance for assessing the effectiveness of the basic standards as the fundamental basis for evaluating cadres. to formulate reflect the scientific outlook on development and application of the requirements of the local party and government leading bodies and leading cadres of comprehensive methods to evaluate, adhere to both ability and integrity and outstanding performance and recognized principles of the masses, through the democratic recommendation and evaluation, public opinion surveys, performance analysis, individual interviews, etc. ways and means to highlight the comprehensive evaluation, moral and strive to understand the quality of cadres, comprehensive, systematic, objective and impartial investigation of cadres. cadres should pay attention to examine the ideals and beliefs, political opinions, political discipline and implementation of major decisions and plans of the situation in the Central , hardworking and honest cadres focus on checking, the implementation of democratic centralism, pragmatic and psychological quality and other aspects, focusing on inspection of cadres at the crucial moment when the vital interests of individuals involved and the performance of cadres and practice-oriented study of Eight Shames participate, to choose and to supervise the focus to seize the nomination, election and other key aspects of study and actively explore effective ways to develop inner-party democracy and a way to put a general expansion of democracy within the party throughout the entire process. in the nomination link To improve and standardize the method of nomination, nomination of strict customs. in the study areas, talk to appropriately expand the scope of study, not only to listen to the views of leading cadres, but also to listen to the views of ordinary cadres and the masses; only listen to the views of the internal unit, but also to listen to clients and the views of relevant units; only value the views of the majority, but also a careful analysis of a few people or even the views of individuals. implement inspection notice to candidates on the inspection object to be promoted within a certain range of publicity, and expand the proportion of the difference between the inspection. in the election links representatives to respect the right to choose an appropriate increase in members, the difference between the proportion of alternate candidates to improve the way of introduction candidates, to actively create a favorable environment for voters to fully express their wishes and conditions. Meanwhile, according to the structure of the ranks of Party members change, adjust the representatives of the structure, appropriate increase in work, production representative of the first line, and expand the difference between the recommendation and the difference between the proportion of elected representatives, choose the right party congress.
through general, selecting cadres, with strong leadership . First, selecting team members with strong party leadership. To attach great importance to the major party leaders matching, optimizing team's knowledge and professional structure to make a reasonable division of labor groups, professional support, complementary advantages, and further enhance the overall function. Second, the strong selection outstanding young cadres. strive to those who stand up to heavy play up the selection of outstanding young cadres. The third is to actively promote the exchange of cadres. a general communication should take into consideration, overall arrangement, focusing on the major leading cadres, cadres and key positions, with training the future work of outstanding young cadres and the need for exchange of cadres. particular focus on western development, the revitalization of old industrial bases in northeast China, and promote the central region and encourage the development of the eastern region to lead to further increase the central authority and local governments, between the local and the local, economically developed areas and less developed regions the exchange of cadres between the intensity.
the Central Organization Department of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission in the notice emphasized
the election of local party committees to further serious organizational and personnel discipline
Xinhua Beijing May 18 Xinhua recently, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Central Organization Department issued general work smoothly.
notice that the first half of next year from this year, the national provincial, city, county, township party committee will focus on general batches, this is the political life of the party a great event, but also for leading cadres important test of party spirit. cadres at all levels should earnestly study organization, regulations for the personnel work conscientiously abide by the general discipline. to strengthen ideological and political work, education and guidance of leading cadres at all levels maintain the advanced nature in mind the requirements of the new period and conscientiously adhere to the The socialist concept of honor, to firmly establish the Marxist world outlook, outlook on life, values and correct view of power, interests, status, and from the overall interests, and actively support the leadership disposition, subject to organizational arrangements, the correct treatment of personal retreat to stay turn, the correct treatment of the election results, strict discipline, and resolutely resist the malpractices. general election, to enhance the education of party members and representatives of the party's ideas, the party's cause and interests of the people, the right to exercise their democratic rights and fully play their vanguard and exemplary role. to take various forms, selection and appointment of extensive publicity to the work of cadres and the general election policies and regulations, so that the cadres and the masses to understand the requirements and regulations, and better exercise of cadre selection and appointment information, participation , to choose and supervise.
circular emphasizes organization departments at various levels under the leadership of party committees should earnestly implement the party's cadres line, strictly in accordance with the standards and procedures for selecting and appointing cadres. cadres to conscientiously implement the team, trust, good at leading the outstanding cadre of scientific development to leading positions. resolutely prevent cadres objects are concentrated in the votes personnel, fully embody the principles of the people accepted. Meanwhile, in order to prevent the vote from people simply. to reflect the scientific concept of development requires the use of local party and government leading bodies and leading cadres comprehensive methods to evaluate the required well organize a general tour. on the issue reflects the inspection object, where a serious nature, specific, clear clues, we must seriously investigate and verify. of candidates to be promoted in the submission of party standing committee discussion, the situation must listen to the discipline inspection organs of the Independent Commission Against views, the discipline inspection organs should be serious and responsible way to respond. Party candidates standing committee to discuss the decision and recommendation of candidates aspiring to be brief one by one, to ensure that team members fully express their views, collective decision-making. to strengthen the sense of discipline, adhere to fair and honest, merit prohibited by personal likes and dislikes, to see closeness between the employer; to adhere to the procedures, non-simplified, modifications or reverse the process; seek truth from facts, is strictly prohibited in the inspection of cadres to hide, distort the truth; adhere to democratic centralism, individual or small number of people forbidden to say operator; insisted conservative confidentiality of the work is strictly prohibited disclosure of the appointment and dismissal of cadres discussed the situation brewing. cadres to strengthen the audit and file management, selecting and appointing cadres to provide objective and accurate archives. should strictly follow the Election of the Chinese Communist Party grassroots organizations Interim Regulations strengthen the general supervision of the whole process. intensify its efforts, earnestly, together, identify problems promptly corrected. strengthen the We should conscientiously implement the violations during a disciplinary problem. First, the the organizational activities, we must resolutely investigate and deal with, has been promoted removed from leadership positions, the circumstances are serious disciplinary action, violated the law, and transferred to judicial organs. The fourth is the former general surprise promotion of cadres, leading cadres to seriously look into the question responsibility, in violation of provisions of the appointment of cadres decided to be invalid. Maiguan five is bribery, and should be punished according to discipline according to law, on bribery buying, and be first removed from office, then regulations. Sixth, to further implement the Party Wind and Honest Administration, where the malpractices in the region and serious corruption, as well as investigate violations of organizational and personnel discipline actions ineffective, should be investigated for party committees and relevant departments responsible persons. notifications particular emphasis on the violation of organizational and personnel discipline, especially the first removed from their positions, and then severely punished according to discipline and law. typical case should be notified as a warning to educate the cadres.
notification requirements, discipline inspection organs at all levels and departments to enhance the political awareness organization, the overall situation and sense of responsibility, in the party leadership, strengthen coordination and close cooperation, implementation and maintenance of strict party discipline, and take the lead in selecting and appointing cadres to comply with the provisions of the electoral process, to provide for the smooth election of a strong guarantee. (End)

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