Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Meteor Shower

 The evening of 14 December 2007, has a half past ten. Wash finished going to sleep, his daughter went to the balcony from the study spend a long time. Behold the playground! Maybe that is the moving meteor. In the balcony window, open the window to see the night sky. cold winter nights, cold wind through clothes, through the skin, piercing the man's bone marrow. The sky was dark gray sapphire blue, hung with countless sparkling stars, no moon tonight, just looking at the stars.
the past few minutes later, a meteor across the sky! moment! in my blink of an eye. The first time I saw a meteor! heart is full of surprise and gratitude. downstairs open space of several little girls came screaming, thank God, in ordinary life, gives us this feeling. On average there is a meteor every few minutes across the night sky. silence of the night, to see Gemini meteor put May my life full of happiness in the ordinary moving! glorious love always willing to come, save the most beautiful in my life memories.
picked some introductory articles meteor science:
What is the meteor
dust particles into outer space the Earth's atmosphere, friction with the atmosphere, resulting in a lot of heat, so that the gasification of the dust particles. In light of the process of the formation of the meteor. dust particles called meteoroids.
a tiny meteor speed
body is sufficient to produce hundreds of kilometers away can see the light, the reason is that high-speed meteoroids.
a meteor meteor is a meteoroid the color of the chemical composition and temperature of the reflected : sodium atoms issued orange light, yellow iron, magnesium is blue-green, purple, calcium, silicon is red.
meteors do not usually issued
voice can be heard the voice. If you do not see it, then , it will silently swept away by. for very bright meteors, someone heard the sound. The focus on low-frequency band sound. a very bright meteors, fiery meteor, you may hear the sound.
persistent meteor trails
sometimes it left the track by a long-lasting trails. I track more than the main color is green, is a neutral oxygen atoms. Duration is usually 1 to 10 seconds. rapid decline in brightness visible trail, in the limiting magnitude 4 to 5 such cases, the general sustainable 1 to 30 minutes. The light from the Chire in the air and the meteoroid metal atoms.
meteor shower
in Some days a year, you can see a large number of meteors falling from the same division one day come. This is the meteor shower.

meteor showers come from comets meteor shower is due to the formation of fragmentation.
why leave the parent comet meteoroid
comet composed primarily of ice and dust. When a comet approaches the sun, ice gasification, so that the water like a fountain of dust particles as the comet is ejected into orbit while the mother.

meteor shower activity in the comet dust particles in orbit meteoroid cloud group called 『』. just returned from a comet when the meteor smoke particles, their distribution is more regular. As the role of gravity planet, these particles will gradually spread in the whole comet orbit. Currently, the process is not very clear. meteoroid swarm through the earth, the various forms of a meteor shower may occur.
the old saying about the meteor
1, According to the old saying, After, and only a dream in my heart all day long to seize the moment that lightning flint. This desire may have finally achieved.
3, a meteor crashed into the atmosphere are the stars,UGGs, is time br> Leonid meteor shower every year on November 14 to 21 or so appear. In general, the meteor number about an hour 10-15, but the average 33 to 34 years, the Leonid meteor shower will occur once the peak of meteor number could be several thousand per hour. This phenomenon is universal and Tan - Tuttle comet's cycle. meteor shower occurs, like a meteor from the sky seems to be a specific point on the launch out, the point known as the ;, the Leonid meteor shower radiant point in Leo, hence the name.
Gemini Gemini meteor shower meteor shower every year on December 13 to 14 about the emergence of peak flow rate can reach 120 per hour, and great flow of relatively long duration. Geminid meteor shower from the asteroid 1983 TB, the asteroid by the IRAS satellite in 1983 discovered, scientists determine that it may be It is well-known meteor shower.
3. Perseid meteor shower Perseid meteor shower
annually in July 17 to August 24 there this time, it is not only quantity, but almost never in the summer missed the sky, is the best non-professional observer of the meteor shower meteors, the status column of the year the first three periodic meteor showers. comet Swift-Tuttle is the mother of Perseid meteor shower in 1992, before and after the comet passed perihelion, Perseus Meteor Shower shine, the number of meteors per hour over 400.
Orion Orion meteor shower meteor shower, there are two radiation points in the vicinity of Betelgeuse meteor shower usually occurs around November 20; radiation n points in the vicinity of the meteor shower occurs on October 15 to October 30, maximum at 21 October,Discount UGG boots, we often say that the Orion meteor shower is the latter, which is caused by the famous Halley's Comet, Halley's Comet every 76 years will return to the core area of the solar system, scattered fragments of the comet orbit, forming the famous Orion meteor shower.
Taurus Taurus meteor shower meteor shower in the annual October 25 to November 25 days or so there, the general November 8 is at its maximum, Encke comet debris in orbit to form the meteor shower, a great day on average to five meteors per hour can be observed drag space and over, although its throughput, but because of its cycle stability, the vast number of enthusiastic amateur astronomers one of the objects.
Draco Draco meteor meteor shower in the annual October 6 to 10 about the emergence of a great day is 10 8 May, the annual meteor shower is one of the three periodic meteor showers, the highest flow rate can reach 120 per hour, the great general close to the new moon day, compared with no moonlight effect, to provide a good observer observed conditions. Giacobini-Zinner comet is the origin of Draco meteor shower.
7. Lyra Lyra
meteor shower meteor shower occurs each year usually April 19 to 23, usually 22,cheap UGG boots, is a great day. The meteor shower is China The earliest records of meteor showers, in the ancient books, in astronomy also plays an extremely important position.

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