Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Heroes martial arts drama Raiders

 Time is a hundred years after the end of the game, place in front of South City in Luoyang, a busy schedule of young people (the protagonist) was standing there muttering, City, small I do not know how many times heard people say about the hero (protagonist of the game Heroes of Jin Yong) deeds, Today, I finally saw the opportunity for the elegance of this legendary figure, just do not know that the Where? such a famous statue I think I should not difficult to find it! short
into the city to say it first!. Shrimps beat the top ten after the master back to the real world, the martial arts in the virtual world of games, all to remember and admire the deeds of Shrimps, especially in Luoyang City, built a statue of the hero!
the prologue of the game, but also Luoyang City to pay their last respects to come by the main character hero statue to reveal this matter.
front of the statue in the main character hero will recognize the same worship of a young man with Shrimps deeds, he is a disciple of Happy Valley, ;, the main character and he hit it off and talked to some of the side of the teahouse. In the teahouse, you have to know rivers and lakes and the hermit, recorded in a variety of martial arts legend, including the heroic deeds of hero arena, the world's top martial arts, weapons rankings, etc., all kinds of martial arts stories are included in the many of the The stories written in books. talked for a while, the valley due to events on Villa in the body, so the first to leave, and he asked you GENOTYPES meet in a restaurant in, and then talk about something good. protagonist will leave the city later stroll, familiar environment and familiar with the game interface. During this period, some of the experiences of its protagonist as the main character will determine the basic attributes, such as the amount of money will determine the value of the protagonist's life. four hour later, the protagonist to turn up to restaurant with Google Yue Xuan meet. While you prepare a drink some time, Gu Yue Xuan suddenly felt this wine seems to be different, to lead not to drink, but it was too late. really had not long, the main character to feel fantastic picture in front of produce, consciousness trance , showing the poisoning of the form. Gu Yue Xuan rushed quickly to lead a Purifier dose, but has not seen any results, it seems that the protagonist of the drug is not an ordinary drug. So Gu Yue Xuan decided to lead back to Happy Valley, turned to master ; flawless child. ? C favor, he will teach you to send your fishing tackle and fishing, fishing games into .4. miners give you mining tools, mining ore to be carried out in the blacksmith Tiepu play games, learn to make weapons .5. In casino gambling game .6. antiquities in the antique shop to learn the skills identified .7. herbs collected in the forest, back pharmacies selling .8. to help apprehend fugitive official.)
this incident is the original Happy Valley The dispute triggered by the same door, the poison the man called greatly changed his mind and act surly, always with the flawless against children. This was originally a disciple Valley crucial months of his Villa, but did not think it accidental injury to the yin yang wrong protagonist. flawless hero son after the diagnosis had greatly surprised to see Young used to poison a lot of skills have improved. I remember when he devotes himself to medical school, The Young Quedui great interest in using drugs, this deliberately smooth Gu Yue Xuan lead back with Happy Valley, medical treatment, not from embarrassed and wanted to test his medicine to the. flawless child thought for a long time, it begins to heal under the needle protagonist, but this drug is very obscure, we must take three months to heal.
three months of healing in this process (the game into a round system, five days per round), flawless protagonist child would use acupuncture for treatment, and often the sound of the piano to resolve imbalance in the body the breath of the protagonist, so the protagonist's pain reduced. The main character in the medical period, can also chat with the senior sub-flawless chat, a game of chess. and in the process, learn some simple medical knowledge, Qin Li, Qi Li, or know how to appreciate calligraphy, painting and so on. in the whole stage, if the player through some simple tests, showing who is a qualified good, especially the skills of some non-martial arts classes or even interested in showing their talent, such as poetry and painting of three of these doctors, so flawless child will decide to take you to Happy Valley, close disciples. Flawless child received before because of the two disciples on the martial arts only more interested in making flawless child the skills of some other good that no one can be inherited, so that the protagonist can match up, psychological, of course, very happy. so , the main character after the line started rehabilitation ceremony, becoming the third disciple of Happy Valley. But if not being received as a disciple, protagonist step outside the Valley, died unexpected calamity occurred, the game ended. (at this stage a total of 18 rounds, each round you had to find somewhere in Happy Valley flawless child, so that you heal him. and he may appear at the local chess pavilion, Qintai, study, or the alchemy room, different parts of the knowledge that he will teach you different. Finally Examination of a round you his three questions, choose the topic and the direction of the main character, after the passage to join the Happy Valley)
One: the first year
-> Happy Valley Master will start practicing
first teach you to know some meridians, acupuncture points and the location of the camp miscellaneous internal strength, as well as some simple medicine. During this period, the protagonist occasionally sent Hill back to find herbs, practicing medicine or, acupuncture points and meridians to accept a small test . One day, a senior master and have to go out, there was a wounded man ran into the valley, to see you Shihai asked who you are, why do sneak into the Happy Valley, but finished on the Buzhidaode. In this case, the protagonist had to say no bite the bullet and try to heal him (tests), or this person fear fear for their lives. Then everyone came back, I realized that he is the son of the two disciples flawless, but also the protagonist of the two brothers and to know in this case.
After a while, the protagonist's internal organs have become smaller, the master began to teach martial arts moves, first started by the palm method. If the main character learning fast enough, but also to learn other martial arts . (after the main character to accept the teachings of the master, learning the martial arts of the time gate, the protagonist has trained himself to see the speed of completion of a replacement set). In May, the protagonist, if a certain standard, the Master will be sent in advance you out of some small tasks. otherwise you must wait until July, the master will send you a small task. This will teach you to master the middle of some basic poetry and painting, and a small test test you. you have to pass the test, the master before will guide you some more martial arts, because he does not want you to just concentrate on martial arts, to the neglect of poetry and painting.
-> out
in July, Gu Yue Xuan Yin white horse with a lead to Village to catch a wicked rampant in Northern Yinshan Shuangsha.
things are taken after the two men will Yinshan Shuangsha Fuya Luoyang, and the conversation were just catch the history of coincidence Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu's invitation, the two Jiang Jiang Tianxiong of people to attend the fiftieth birthday at home. birthday parties there would be a lot of martial arts will attend, including Shaolin, Wudang, etc. of the door upright. During the meeting, one of Denon's Yasha teach eight congregation to come downtown with some field , the main character could not resist a dare to say something, to teach people that fighting erupted, and Denon, if you lost the fight, Big Brother will come forward to defeat the opponent. Yaksha left immediately after the trouble, all will have to discuss religion Dragon all kinds of evil. In this case, if you perform well, will win all the praise, and even Yasha your new light, favorability increased.
-> Happy Valley practice
September, Master you go to Chengdu to visit a friend for many years in the old man, who is the superb cuisine, Master think of him doing the dishes each to appetizing.
-> out
to Chengdu, you find that in snack bar operated by the old man, three other big city restaurants by the oppression and forced out of business. and Zheng Dangnian old man ready to show its mettle at the annual cooking contest, win back the hearts of customers, they were an accident occurs, the hand elbow injury and can not play. in your insinuations, you know the original of this is directly under the Diet Herbs doors out of the ghost house, so you decided that the old man's daughter on father's behalf in a dispute in the wisdom, the main character to do his deputy assistance cooking contest hope to beat the other in the three restaurants. then you have to accept a series of training on the old man, from material selection, cutting and Daogong to Huohou control, etc., of which some of the training is through a game way to completion. In this way, you learn step by step cooking techniques. Also in this process, you will encounter opponents of the obstruction, including martial arts competitors who hire a troublemaker, and so, were you one by one overcome, finally win the cooking contest winner.
When you finish the race, the two brothers thorns suddenly appeared, that he happened to work nearby, he said he was invited to Qingcheng to do a notary public. original Qingcheng School head suddenly passed away, sending the two high-seniority people, Qingxia child and decided to contest the decision Ziyang child who will head the next person, especially a number of martial arts are invited to come to the ceremony. When you arrive Qingcheng, the impressively Dragon to teach that there is actually one of eight call Luojia Mount invited by the child to come to the ceremony Ziyang, said some strange things. Ziyang after the contest the results of sub-win, as the new head of Qingcheng, however, sub Ziyang Gu Qingxia child and most do not oppose the disciples decided to teach an alliance with the Denon, Denon teach you became aware of the child and has been annexed by Ziyang Qingcheng.
just the two of you to leave Qingcheng, the unintentionally never heard the door of people referred to the knife, military weapon, the sword were the Buddha, knives were magic, but the message spread in the rivers and lakes in the post, causing some people coveted. which days and must knife gate Jianmen most attention, the number of troops deployed to snatch. Finally, everyone in Leshan Buddha on the duel, two senior standout from the crowd, defeated Simon Jianmen peak days and must Qi Nie knife gate, got the sword Modao Buddha.
-> Happy Valley in early December
practice , the master will tell you that you three called the Frontier, Happy Valley has received a Wudang issued by the make disciples of the younger generation can learn from each other martial art, and can add some experience. Master's meant to be attended by the most this young protagonist of the General Assembly. Before his departure, the two brothers will exchange blows with the protagonist, and protagonist pointing about it, urged him to take good cheer.
-> out
young hero in the Wudang meeting, representatives of different schools have come to the launch, including the Fang Yunhua Wudang, Cold Mountain School of Fu Jian, Kunlun high school wins, Kongtong faction leaves solitary, Tianshan Pai Shen Xiang Yun, beggars of Xiao Yao, Simon Jianmen peak days, absolutely non-Jaap knife gate, gate operators gossip Chung Ren, Changhong Escort's Guan Wei, Ren Jiannan Villa swords, Tang Men's Tangguan Nan, Qi Li wild punches the door and so on. protagonist wins the screening if more, then the increase in the more prestigious, if won, more is greatly famous.
II: the second year
-> Happy Valley practice
February, Master wants you to lotus valley, with his good friend lotus seven free learning learning They are the Drunken Master, Chess Minds, flowers Dion, needles, string seven women, stylus, Danqing. had seven free all lotus has a special hobby, like, were calligraphy and painting will teach you some martial arts-related skills. In this one, horticultural training is very important, because a festival, you will come and spend Weng breed new varieties with peony flowers, to Luoyang to participate in Flower Show early lead with the new breed to the Luoyang peony Peony attend the game. flower in the flower you will know a woman stone no clothes, in fact, she is four Miyaji Shura Palace. If your Peony won the title, it will win her the favor (by a certain woman ages, the can begin to give him gifts, gifts for the town where Happy Valley Inn or servant). After the game, do not forget to the lotus valley of training, you want to tour the nearby city of Hangzhou, some Shunpian Dai funny thing you know there is a local, that is, Yi Chun School in Hong child there was a very famous courtesan, known as the First Jiangnan courtesan. come here especially to see the four people who are very much her style, but no one will see a few on her side. courtesan who have had to see through the Ronaldo looking man singing and dancing. When the star passed the test after four, and finally to see the Hong children, it really was a great beauty, but also exudes a natural body aroma, a smell people below can not help but mind waves. chat, the protagonist and his similar again tomorrow at noon in the meeting in the West.
Yi Chun left the hospital, the stylus left beggars suddenly catch a glimpse of a collection of signs on the wall, I thought for a long time not to visit an old friend of beggars , so now go all the way down the flag, and finally in a room to see the elder Lee stylus friend beggars. old beggars get a message that was well-known loyalists of General Qi Dong Chang who was caught, held in Temple, the protagonist, who then also joined the rescue operation at midnight. When the Temple all night attack, it will encounter a master Dong Chang, behavior, was about to move towards a fat, anti been Chengong Gong sent people caught up martial arts. This year, although the General Qi rescued, but the collaborators been destroying evidence, and only then be to collect evidence in order to Chen Gonggong Executed .
After this incident, the stylus and lead back to the lotus Valley Danqing take leave, while the protagonists are noon to turn up to the West to meet with the Hong children. in your lake and the period of the Hong children will be met Willow Hill The Liuruo Bo, because he liked the Hong children, so will find you the trouble. swim lake, the protagonist take leave of the Hong children, is preparing to leave Hangzhou back to Happy Valley when they were in the gate, and the willow Villa Liu Ruofeng South Shaolin Master tact people stopped, because willow Villa Jia Ding evidence that you actually killed Liuruo Bo, which makes the main character and his head fog, but he had a fight with them. Liuruo Feng and tact when you beat the master when Yuantong master died suddenly, but the protagonist did not shot, but everyone thinks you killed. lead to confusion with the willow in the Villa and the Temple formed a certain distance.
back to Happy Valley, you will be subject to announce his the Master, Master think things are Seikei awakened, sending a senior Hangzhou check it again. But the Master also blame you cause trouble everywhere, punishment forbidden you to go to a good reflection.
-> off-limits in practice
After three months of the day, two brothers came forbidden to tell you that Big Brother is the Shaolin Temple Tulv shut up, and he sent a letter sent, that is to take you to the Shaolin Temple in the master to a account . However, just something out master, thorns want to go to Shaolin Temple to ask you a senior, you want to do for you into the sky, of course, to bear the responsibility, so go with Shaolin and thorns.
-> out
to the Shaolin now, you would like to insist forcing can not be used, because a certain beat, so to play it by ear. In this way, you caught a Shaolin monk before he gave the brothers a place to be shut, and then took the path around to the back of the mountain. and then the mountain, though you beat the keeper of the disciples, but still lost to Hui Neng Zen master, but he saw the three of you martial arts, and according to his recent observation Valley Yue Xuan of man, seems to have non-evil. and Gu Yue Xuan also has been found little prospect of a solution, so he gives you a month's time, to find out what you will, and then return to Shaolin to explain.
According to a senior to say, the key lies in Yi Chun School in Hong child's body with Ronaldo, because they Actually, who are charged with two martial arts, so you went back to Hangzhou. Yue Chun came to the hospital, I asked you under, they also acknowledged. the original Dragon Hong teach children is actually one of eight Gandharvas, good and easy capacity operation, and when she was thin because of angry Liuruo Bo, so the appearance of turning the protagonists into the Liuruo Bo kill, in fact, caused by Yirong Shu martial arts scores in the unknown that he had good play good. In addition it will dance the Law It is also one of the eight Dragon tight taught that Romania, tact Jackson made his hidden weapon is to be killed. the three of you wishing the two of them back to the Shaolin Temple, then a fight. even if you win, they will took the opportunity to escape. a last resort, three of them had to return to the Shaolin Temple, the abbot that the clear, and that Happy Valley will take to close the Gandharvas and the responsibility that justice Law. Of course, the temple also Dragon to teach more and more worried about the evil deeds.
three back to the valley with the master report, the master of the three has reprimanded a lot.
-> Happy Valley Triple
practice: third
day of the servants came back from outside the valley, told a crowd outside the rumors, said Xuan Ming Dragon sub-Shishu recently joined the teaching, doing a few pieces of bad things against martial arts, and religion and the door of decent Denon disputes between also increasing. Master heard remark after a long think about. Five days later, flawless child will be called in front of three disciples, and said he had recently developed a set of three composed by the matrix method, if you use it, there will be great power. then this flawless sub-matrix method will teach three. three disciples could not bear to know that Master is personally clean house, and to three of them later for the Happy Valley with a clear set of martial arts portal.
three months later, the servant brought back Xuanming child's message. the original Dragon and the decent people has taught several battles took place, before the Dragon to teach the disciples and the single Emei school siege in Huangshan Heavenly Capital Peak, and several other camp being rushed to the rescue. flawless child to hear this, immediately rushed to the Heavenly Capital Peak to the three disciples to help upright.
trio went to the Heavenly Capital Peak out of the way, meet Mountain Denon was sent to teach the ambush, then shot to help the rescue, after all be grateful Mountain Pine, Mountain Valley, head of the Cao Dai Yue Xuan compliment of Canada, the head of the female calyx Hua Cao seems quite a good impression on Big Brother, but you will find the two brothers look weird side (later learned that two brothers of Cao calyx has a good impression of China). Huashan Pine on the way some delay while the late, Wudang, Kunlun, Kongtong three factions in the Heavenly Capital Peak should have been taught to pay with the Dragon on the hand, all Lianmang Gan went up the mountain. to the top of the hill, see the door is in a vulnerable and honest, Fortunately turn around after the three joined to defeat the Dragon to teach people, but they take advantage of the chaos to escape Shishu. after all come to acknowledge , said Xuan Ming Happy Valley, although the child out of the way of the wicked, but also to teach a child a flawless three good apprentice. the side seems to have found Fangyun Hua Hua and Cao Dai Cao calyx Gu Yue Xuan on quite a good impression, look very bad. after the three returned to Happy Valley, although the issue of Xuanming somewhat helpless child away, but the performance of the three disciples was very happy, of which Big Brother Gu Yue Xuan of the more obvious. (because of the melee at this time, the two sides casualties heavy, martial arts in the time being quiet for a while)
-> Happy Valley practice
day Lingnan master wants you to do things.
-> you do go out
After going back to the Valley after it encountered a gang of horses are besieging the guy who sticks called the history of justice, you see the name of a good guy though effort, but also getting people under siege in time why he did not, so you addition of meddlesome attempt to save him. had this man has got a treasure map, caused by various people in the coveted, hunted. his martial arts good to see you, now and Jidao problem to be solved, ask you treasure hunt with the intention that you want around all right, to find the treasure is not bad. But the history of meaning that the current partner is not enough, we must also find some special talent to join, to successfully find the treasure. These partners are: First, God shooter, living in the mountain cabin. Second, Thief, has missed is official caught in Luoyang town hall of the customs. Third, explosives expert, was imprisoned in the Black Wind Village. you guys first find the shooter took Yi, to persuade him to join. Then go to Luoyang City prison raids, rescued Thief swallow. Finally, you use the terms entering into the dark and stormy cliffs to defeat the three headed Black Wind Village, explosives experts rescued the Iron Mask. In this way, is gathered together to complete the first treasure hunt step. The next question is how to go, because the map shows location of the hidden island is located in the southeast, but also know how to get boat who sailed before traveling, so the history of justice decided to go to Dongting Lake, to seek the sea shark Help the help of the Lord bears Tianba.
to help the discussion in the sea when the shark, the Yaksha suddenly appeared, said she was very interested. While you do not want her to participate in the same time, help the woven sea shark suddenly returns There are many La official of the warships to help the sea surrounded by sharks. and war and all had to go, and try to grab a boat out to sea along the Yangtze River. But, unfortunately, you broke a big hole in the ship, the protagonist must be limited time to dig out the water, otherwise it will sink. (rescue ship game)
escaped after the official's looking, you finally reach the treasure island, and each also played their good skills, solve all the puzzle, for example, will sometimes take Yi arrow located to the cliffs, sometimes rely on the Iron Mask mountain exploded, and sometimes rely on Thief unlocking, etc., and finally found the treasure. more than just your joy, surprise, surprise some people have secretly to have you trapped inside the original thief out of you. Remember you had to go to Lake, the Iron Mask, said he had to go prepare some material to the Dongting own later join up with you? It turned out that when the Iron Mask secretly to inform the East plant, then the officers and men will occur sea shark to help suppress the event. The Dongchang united EGL pirates, according to the marks Impartial following you all the way to Treasure Island, wait until you find the treasure before coming out. now you are trapped in the cave, and they will walk away the treasure away.
trapped in the cave in this time, you inadvertently found that there is a secret channel, and through the Midao go, will reach a secret room, which things of higher value, which also includes the profound martial arts Cheats, we speculated that it might Shrimps left by senior year (the original of this island is the island of Taiwan, a treasure of Location is the Vice-line across a plot, all the pirates back to strike back at Fort EGL, the one grievances)
through so many ups and downs, the protagonist finally returned to Happy Valley.
-> Happy Valley practice
Stanford: fourth year
-> Happy Valley practice
day, you see two brothers in the valley and outside the group of people are arguing, but Big Brother was injured down the side. listen to their conversation, good two brothers, as is the son of the Shishu Xuanming instigation, killing the big brother, but also into the valley framed ready to master. (the original in your period of time drifting in the outer islands, a senior Yue Xuan, dry valley under several major events, appreciated not only by the master, intends to head the bit in his mouth, and the feelings of China and Cao calyx is also getting better and better, and even discussed marriage. and these things are the thorns that two brothers can not stand and watch children being Shishu Xuanming out, so Xuanming child to covert provocation and set traps for bush made a mistake). This morning, two other brothers and Shishu met a group of people outside the valley seems to handle what two brothers fall on their hands In the course of argument caught by Big Brother. Big Brother and the school reprimanded Young traitor how together, the results of thorns in the uproar of others, coupled with a long backlog of mind under the injustice, and big brother fight. thorns martial arts The big brother to insidious, so the fight will eventually brothers wounded. wounded after a senior, thought the matter had been irretrievably lost, meaning others are submissive, want to plot against the master into the valley. protagonist saw the situation, loudly denounced and his two brothers and a fight. The campaign lost the game if the protagonist is over, if won, will also be Xuanming child shot next to attack an old man, who is martial arts, the protagonist goes before a fall, was beat up fight down the valley.
play the protagonist falls in the valley of the animation on the way, in fact, is to enter a end. In fact the protagonist goes before a fall, must be will not kill you.) must play the course in the fall, point to where a branch (a total of five opportunities), to leveraging on the bomb to a haystack, or it will fall in direct rock, falling to pieces, the end of the game.
protagonist disaster while not dead, but also seriously injured, in a little luck can barely walk after. In checking the surrounding environment, we found that there is a lake here, and next to the mountain There are a large jade wall wall, inscribed above the door actually the most powerful martial arts miscellaneous. here is a gift from the original Happy child martial arts retreat place that year. protagonist practitioners must place three months after the only way to cure yourself injury and increase their skill in order to remove a large, Shek Mun, pass through Midao forbidden to the camp and return to Happy Valley.
-> jade wall in practice before a return to Happy Valley
later, right there in the South Seven Drunken Master and chess free old man two predecessors, learned to talk under the thorn and the Dragon Master has been teaching people to kill, and thorns that time together, will lead knocked the valley Dragons were actually taught the former Renjiao Zhu Li heaven. It is said that this person very, very high powers in the political arena of human thought that he was master of the year siege of the nine dead, can not think of amazing that appeared dead, the future will not have a reign of terror between martial arts the big storm. As a senior Google Yue Xuan Miao is heard is taken prisoner, and the thorns make him wear a body detoxification effect suffered torture, do not want to let him die so simple. protagonist, after hearing this sad news, sad endless, before the master spirit of this great newspaper has vowed to revenge. grave to the master after beating too far to rush to the rescue Miao Big Brother.
-> out
in Miao, although you martial arts extraordinary, but the Hmong has been known to make drugs, so it is still difficult. Fortunately, you get the former leader of the Blue Miao Ting's help, can be successfully rescued by Big Brother. because the blue-ting to teach the intention to cooperate with the Denon, but the hands of law enforcement from the dissent, it usurped the place of her leader, the fight in her ability to train you, you were able to break through and his side of the python, a senior rescued smoothly. In this process, you may win the favor of blue-ting.
Although rescued a senior, but his serious condition, toxicity has been invaded Lotus, Blue ting may be only something of that can save him, but something of and easy to find, not many people know his whereabouts. But early had heard people say that living in Chengdu. protagonist in Chengdu in the military, finally found his home leads to speculation that he may collect herbs in Hubei's Shennongjia, then indeed you found something of Shennongjia. In something of Gu Yue Xuan reading after the injury because he has a thousand of the body left by snake venom, only find the legendary snake killer a special hunting animals, trained animals factions.
-> Beastmaster Beastmaster Shonai training
to the village to see the suzerain million hills, that had come, they will receive some hunting to lead the training, including animal tracking, archery quasi-head, etc., these are the way to game performance. Finally, ask you to capture a rare animals as a training test. reached after the test, the protagonist and the Beast will be companion to the desert village Capture Mirs Garuda.
-> out
After a search in the desert and layout, and finally let you catch the Mirs Garuda. but think of the original before the bird is Tian Long Ba Bu Luo, one owned by Garuda. this person very high powers, and unlike other religion, like the evil Dragon. hero with his fight before, and beat after each other martial arts was very admirable, but rather sympathetic up . He promised not to endanger the lives of Big Bird, let the protagonist take some blood to the Big Bird. In his conversation with the protagonist feeling that he was lovesick, the original when he fell in love with the Asura, but then place a misunderstanding, leading to the establishment of the Shura away Asura palace, and he left to teach seclusion in the desert among the Denon.
Big Bird to be achieved after the blood back to the Shennongjia, something of Yue Xuan finally saved the lives of Valley, but because Big Brother's injuries take some time to recover, so you will remain in something of his residence medical care, their thorns to inquire about the news of the city of Luoyang.
in Luoyang city, you meet the beggars of the Lee, they are To go to a small town in the northeast, intercept collusion Dong Chang and Manchu letters.
in the pursuit of Dongchang secret process with the Manchu warriors, you will not accidentally break into Shura Palace. After some twists and turns after the You will not only help beggars to Chen Gonggong collaborationist evidence seized, but also to resolve the Luo and the Asura Garuda misunderstanding.
Ng: The first five years
back to Luoyang, you heard that south-cast Villa to hold a sword, Villa to take a closer look swords. But to go to Villa sword, you must obtain an invitation Caixing. So you have in Hangzhou city, was invited to defeat a swordsman, made him the invitation, so you can successfully enter the swords Villa.
sword in the General Assembly in this trial, and the brightest to the swordsman Qi, you have to face and beat them one by one. to get you to the famous sword is about to win, the thorns finally coming out, and the strange sword France will beat you. had thorns not only worship the heaven to the Li division, also received guidance Jianmo the sword, sword at outrageously high. thorns while your beat, but he does not kill you, he said that you had previously saved his a life back to you today, I hope you do not appear in front of him, otherwise he would not forget the past at the same Xiuguai door of friendship. thorns are famous sword, the sword master actually also to kill, because he did not want The swordsmith recast the other better sword. swordsmith before dying to tell you that the sword was also in possession of a tower sword design, this popular figure in the Villa live long sword, but no one to make it cast. swordsmith hope you take this picture, the Kunlun Mountains in search of his Young, the request to complete this sword, the famous sword against thorns. or thorns will be out with his famous sword Suozhu harm rivers and lakes, and that grave sins he may had.
found the swordsmith's Young, he said sword can not be completed because there is no suitable ore. then you go to the Tianshan searching for ore, and ore back The two together make a sword, and this sword name. (there are five ore, the sword can be a different cast, such as bronze can be ...

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