Monday, December 20, 2010

Inside the May Fourth Movement to force Japan's Australian start

 1919: Paris swordfight
mm detonated May Fourth Movement, the Australian diplomatic wrangling
  feel our way across the river: why reform of drowning? April 30, Beijing Story Broadcasting (Beijing Radio, AM 603 kHz, cable FM 89.1 MHz), >>
triangle, triangle chain
1919   4  11th night, Paris, France, Versailles Palace.
here and will be held in Paris (Paris Peace Conference), held in the evening the League (League of Nations, referred to as of the League of Nations), the prohibition of all forms of racial discrimination.
is completely one-sided result of the vote, 17 members attended the meeting, including representatives of Wellington Koo of China included, up to 11 people voted in favor. and in and will play a leading role in the United States and Britain, but voted against the U.S. President Woodrow Wilson presided over the meeting (Thomas Woodrow Wilson) said that because the British Empire from the opposition too strong, so unless unanimously agree otherwise, the amendment should not be about to join the League of Nations.
fact, beneficial. However, its exchange a little brother in Australia has shown this motion, almost hysterical opposition: participation and will of the Australian Prime Minister Hughes (William Morris Hughes, also known as Billy Hughes) announced that if the bill is passed, Australia will immediately withdraw from the Paris Conference.
little Australia, in the tragic First World War, the British Empire contributed to the tremendous power, only soldiers who died in the battlefields of Europe there are 60,000. Hughes Wilson was asked: I represent the 60,000 souls, how much do you stand for? Australia and New Zealand forces landed in the Turkish beach suffered defeat on April 15, the two countries have since become a national holiday, is still.
Obviously, motion of racial equality in Japan, the experience is the treatment of racial inequality. But, so was surprised that, after a high-profile efforts to promote the bill in the end for the Japanese, but forbear the. Plenipotentiary of Japan was extended by Makino beautiful language, reiterated Japan's position on racial equality, but then said he would the overall situation, not forcing the proposal through.
In fact, the Japanese people stare at another more important goal: grab the privileges in Shandong, China, Germany, which means to suppress the same as the victors of the Republic of China. Japanese abacus is very subtle: as a battle after the victory of one of the top five, if Japan continues to launch an attack on racial equality, national Union about will not pass, the National League even if we manage the establishment, but also a lame duck. The League of Nations is precisely the United States, Britain and other countries of the highest goal. If Japan race equality issues concessions, the United States and Britain must be reciprocated. at the expense of the interests of China , although the level of political philosophy, there must be some bitter struggle --- especially for the United States, the U.S. diplomatic documents detailed records of their delegations to face Australia, Japan, the difficult trade-offs in the triangle - - but after all, they have long been accustomed to being taken advantage of China to act.
the Paris Peace Conference, addressing the most important issues of institutions, was originally called the composed of five States parties 2. But soon, where the only eastern countries have been pushed out of Japan,'d very high-sounding reasons: The Japanese delegation did not the head of state led his unit, therefore, attended by U.S., British, French, Italian Heads of State composed of Hop into this bargaining mundane affairs. Japanese ate Yaba Kui, had to forbear. to April 23, Italy because of his request was not accepted by other major powers, angrily leaving the Association, became the supreme body of the United States, Britain, France and heads of state game in Australia, Japan, China finally settled among the three, drum stops, the consequences finally reached precisely the bottom of the food chain in the hands of China.
news, one person fainted Chinese delegation, the delegation After an emergency meeting and decided resolutely refused to sign the peace treaty. China will set off a massive protest movement, called the on a it is a shame the civilized world, public opinion is full of anti-Western militant. and went to Shandong to the Japanese seized the privileges, they did not ecstatic because they think it is deserved Imperial Army soldiers fought a bloody war booty, not to mention, Shandong fact has been under Japanese occupation.
Australia jubilant, triumphant Hughes in triumph after a speech to Congress, declared that Australia has made in Paris and at the defense of He firmly believes that Australia's racist, and no one has a noble spirit of the people can not accept, Australia in Paris and at the Kangaroo
stories from the bird, keen and alert, wary of Asia, first in China, after Japan.
1851, the discovery of gold in Melbourne, Australia, in the next 20 years, some more than 40,000 Chinese people into Australia, where they said have made a great contribution, and even became the main force. The back of the head keep the Chinese people are part, has never participated in any organizations like trade unions, to and against bosses, or alcohol for the chaos, by the owners of all ages.
However, the world's most unlikely , that is, those who desperately want to get rid of In order to protect their own jobs and interests of United States and Australia's 1861 in Australia Lambing Flat riots, Chinese workers have been beaten bloody, and in the local council refused to ratify the anti-Chinese agreement, insurgents began armed attacks on government institutions, government had to mobilize the army and police opened fire suppression. who hired Chinese laborers business owners, the radical organizations of workers were demonized as compete for employment opportunities from the markets, the rise in Australia's social stability and unity to influence the political issues. very practical politicians, and not many choices .1851 on November 16, the Australian colony of Victoria (capital Melbourne) established the Governor a committee for the study of regional ethnic conflicts gold solution, the Commission decided in 1855 began to collect Chinese follow.
despite being a farmer and business owners of the boycott, the powerful ILO prevailed. to 1888, almost all the colonies of Australia Asian immigration legislative restrictions. Sino, the ; in the West become the trend, worried that Japan led the West in general rise of Asia. Australian Prime Minister held a joint meeting of the colony, decided to strengthen on all non-white immigration restrictions, directed mainly against Japan, but it and the New South Wales (capital Sydney), South Australia and Tasmania, the three treaties signed with the Japanese colonial conflict, limiting the Bills can not be approved.
the British Empire on the overall situation in Australia so do not speak, do not speak of political behavior is offensive. the British in Hong Kong Governor of Victoria bluntly warned his colonial counterparts, if it continues to row in Asia, will result in serious damage to British interests in Asia. British magazine the wrong policy Australian lawmakers in the .
in the formation process of the Commonwealth of Australia, the must act to clear them out, to maintain racial intermarriage, exchange without incurring degradation, also means that the same concept hh their advantages: they are boundless energy, the ability to accept new challenges and better than competitors endure harsh living conditions. The first overseas military action is to north China, to participate in eight-invasion, the first pieces of legislation is Commonwealth Parliamentary records).'s first Prime Minister of the new federal public declaration: the , Japan's rapid economic rise, the vast China market even under the British flag coverage of the Indian market, were the Japanese occupation to 1914, world exports of cotton yarn 1 / 4 from Japan. even more worried about Australia and the whole of Western is that the Japanese are becoming the idol of Asia, the yellow race's pride, being inspired from the success of Japan.
after the outbreak of World War I, the Allies and the Allies on both sides of the fierce Japanese ogle, look East Asian Tigers only plug in the back of a knife in the other. after careful balance, Japan would throw Hydrangea by their own Germany is Islands, and the meager forces of the German concession in Qingdao. Correspondingly, it touches the Republic of China was weak, seems to act as a hail of bullets in front for the Allies to act as Foreign trade, exports of American doubled, quadrupled in China, six times the growth of Russia! Japan quickly became the reliable, and due to theft of intellectual property rights (designs, trademarks, etc.) and constant friction with the West, the surplus amazing.
Canadian Prime Minister Borden (Robert Laird Borden) exclaimed: Britain and Japan. ; we must work hard like them, otherwise, like my ancestors did retreat from the fertile plains to rugged barren mountains ; to discuss the Wei Man (World War II when the last Japanese prime minister hanged as a war criminal by the Allies) and Yoshida (Makino stretch-law, the first Japanese postwar prime minister) and others.
the Japanese delegation to set their own The Scheme, and the conflict of racist policy of Australia.
victorious gesture the first time appeared in the world in China, also sent, including five foreign experts, including the 65-member delegation, headed by Foreign Minister Lu Cheng-hsiang, members of the Embassy Minister Wellington Koo, London Minister Sze, Wei Chen minister in more than government representatives Zhengting Group and Guangzhou. Kuomintang Wang Ching-wei, the accompanying However, high specification, including the incumbent Prime Minister Hughes, former Prime Minister, now Secretary of the Navy Cook (Joseph Cook).
a diplomatic drama will be staged in the Opera of Paris.
Japan, Australia and conflict
League of Nations about the draft, article 21 on freedom of religion, the Japanese proposed to be added to racial equality in the content of this section 13 .2, Makino stretch submitted the motion, issued a lengthy and emotional speech, he said: In war, the different races fought side by side, mutual interest.
immediately the British representative, said the issue is too controversial, best left to be resolved later. while suffering from problems of the Greek religious conflict, it is recommended that section 21 should be abolished throughout; Portuguese is that if the treaty does not involve God, they will not sign. so noisy, the Japanese have been temporarily shelved the proposal.
However, racial equality proposal racist policies in the United States caused great concern, the western United States politicians issued a public warning, if this provision passed, the consequences will be very serious. Although President Wilson was a liberal, but the rapid expansion in the Asia Pacific Japan, also made him feel very unhappy, not to mention, he must also consider domestic public opinion.
In fact, the Japanese still face more on the pursuit of equality. Back in the war, Japan row to win the U.S. presidential veto on bill to reach a gentlemen's agreement with the United States: United States did not openly practice anti-Japanese laws, while Japan to implement self-restraint, control the issuance of passports will be any tendency of Japanese immigrants to block the United States in the country.
Japanese to the two tasks at Paris, at the conceptual level are contradictory, while they sing racial equality, on the other hand seeking to China from the same hands of the victors get to their
and Japan this They are reluctant to world public opinion, and the choice of silence, only Australia shows secretly applauded. in Paris and at the meeting, Australia has simply become a masquerade naked into kangaroos, although ridiculed by all sides, but its own way. For example, in the most sensitive issue of German claims, Australia's proposal is 240 billion pounds (24,000 Million) price claims, the world was shocked. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson asked Hughes, Australia do not care about world opinion condemned their appetite you, frankly and directly, Hughes replied: That is nothing more than the size of it size. ; White Australia doctrine, The purpose of the First World War, October 25, 1916 !, to act in accordance with their own mind, but I can only requirements in accordance with my duty to act. River or into the Paris Opera, he warned the British delegation, that would mean Australia would withdraw, and to exit the League of Nations.
Although Japan and Australia in the interests of the smooth progress of the talks, both sides in the divided German possessions in the Pacific , the agreement quickly, but the issue of racial equality in this, tit for tat. Cowboy Prime Minister in Australia, when large fat cattle temperament, the Japanese also released relentless, racial equality is critical for Japan, recognized by foreign powers, Japan is determined to withdraw from the League of Nations feel uncomfortable, but in the case of no time to care of the East, still hope best to keep the alliance in the East. Paris Peace Conference, the United Kingdom is the entity in the most friendly to Japan, attended by British Prime Minister Lloyd George continued to explain b When the United Kingdom in 1917, when almost into an impasse, it is time the Japanese navy's hand, only anti-submarine warfare in Germany to live. And, if there is no Japanese naval escort, Australia and New Zealand armed forces can not safely to the battlefields of Europe. so kindness who seized the opportunity, racial equality on the one hand motion in the If racial equality privilege motion and seek two objectives can be achieved in Shandong, it is the best policy; and if not successful, will assume the racial equality proposal cover the task of seeking the privileges in Shandong. and will be held before, the Japanese cabinet's Instructions Peace Ambassador case : win U.S. support. After World War II, the rapid rise of the forces of the United States, much to replace Britain as the world situation of a brother. The United States is following Russia, Japan's biggest rival in the Far East, particularly in the China issue, the United States hold high the than its cause resentment in China. When the Japanese declared war on Germany, many soldiers thought it was to attack the United States.
in Paris and the meeting, throughout the United States as Japan's biggest obstacle. and will be held nine days after the (January 27, 1919), noted that the intelligence, the Chinese delegation is prepared to immediately notify the defense of the secret, and even careful to suggest that the Chinese delegation, said Lu Cheng-hsiang disease avoidance, in order to allow room for maneuver. meeting, the United States would adhere to the issues related to the content of Shandong, to be At the same time listen to the views of China, Wellington Koo of China Representative to speak at the conference, the requirements of a comprehensive rebuttal of Japan. Japan originally proposed to issue as Japan and Germany in Shandong bilateral issues played down, by the United States such a Japan and Germany in the triangular, and even international issue, China has finally gained valuable voice.
transparent to the pressure is huge in Japan. In a debate with the Chinese, the Japanese have repeatedly the international community to declare: full respect and recognition of Chinese sovereignty over the Shandong Peninsula, the Japanese are seeking, simply inherited in the region of Germany before the war enjoyed economic privileges, which completely eliminates the sovereignty of the Japanese public for the region coveted. < br> of contention between China and Japan, then the sovereignty and focus on what is in the Shandong Peninsula, China should be returned directly or indirectly by the Japanese surrender after changing hands. Japan on the grounds that the Japanese and the Shandong Peninsula, is the hands of the British Heli from Germany liberating China. The Japanese believe that, under the Sino-Japanese Treaty of 1915 (the the return of Shandong Peninsula, China matters, has long been a consensus reached.
the Chinese delegation to Japan and the United Kingdom as the first China declared war on Germany from the moment, all the agreements between China and Germany automatically revoked, so-called privilege of Germany in Shandong, has gone, should not be included in the Shandong Peninsula, Germany should hand over the range, but by its original owner back automatically. As mentioned Japan's > In this struggle, the United States has a clear stand on the side of China, .4 16, There is no doubt that should be returned to China in Shandong, but should be and will be temporary possession. Japan this strong protest, insisted that Japan should return, according to Japan by the Japanese to the Chinese agreement. U.S. representative asked the Japanese: and the Council aim is to Preparation of the German peace treaty, all issues must be resolved collectively, how can a State monopoly?
this point, Japan and the meeting of the two major tasks have emerged deadlock. If you can not persuade the United States and Japan, it can not Shandong international recognition on the issue. The Japanese hand the only bargaining with the United States, is the motion of racial equality.
Japan, the United States racial equality yield
motion directed against the United States and Canada, but surprisingly, Australia to come forward, the Americans big relief: the British Big Brother to the dilemma it, they can hide in the side boon. But with Japan - Australia, Japan - in the increasingly fierce conflict, the United States found that, in racial equality Shandong issue, probably can not have both fish and bear's paw, or the United States pushing hard it would be difficult to establish the League of Nations. taking into account the enormous political pressure on the United States, the United States must give priority to ensuring racial equality is not included in the motion about the League of Nations.
April 21, racial equality, rejected the motion by the United States forced the tenth day after, Tolerance days of the Japanese finally see Figure poor dagger, made it clear that: Shandong problem is that Japan's bottom line, do not reach targets, no contract, and not participate in the League of Nations. This is in fact made it clear that Japan is willing to exchange with the motion of Shandong racial equality issues.
Britain to come forward at this time to help put pressure on Japan to the United States. According to Lu Cheng-hsiang May 1 the President issued a secret power Shichang , United Kingdom said that if Japan did not join the League of Nations, Britain refused to join will be taken. and feel even more pressure that the United States, Japan, suggesting that it may be with the old enemy Russia, Germany and the other group an international organization. even more surprised the United States and China that, as the conditions of the Japanese declared war on Germany, Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Japan has entered into a secret understanding that the five countries agreed to the transfer of German interests in Shandong to Japan!
United States is still trying to persuade the final, well-meaning warned the Japanese, if we insist on grabbing privileges in China, it will completely infuriated China, which I have set a persistent enemy, an angry China will also have a huge impact on the world. The Japanese certainly do not listen, the delegates Tokyo Group issued a final command: If the Japanese are not privileges in China, will make the contempt for the Chinese population from Japan, all Japanese interests in East Asia will be seriously jeopardized.
the same time, the Japanese were thrown out in a timely manner to the powers of the olive branch: to ensure an immediate withdrawal of troops from the Shandong Peninsula, Shandong Peninsula and the port and railway are open to foreign powers.
had been sidelined in the French, have begun secret talks with Japan. According to the intelligence of the Chinese delegation, France The Government explicitly requested the media under government control, not the content published in China's favor, the press censors so The United States weighed several times, finally found, if you want to successfully reach a peace treaty with Germany, and the establishment of the League of Nations, Japan can only accept the privilege of Shandong Peninsula requirements. Wilson unable to explain: this is The most that can be reached satisfactory results. and will be the supreme body of mention of race issues, that the boycott, the issue taboo United States and Britain in particular can not accommodate each other consultations, the Japanese concessions Tibang States by the motion of equality, the British are still not able to allow. Japan will be referred to the Union within three months of the Union shall not be l r one has arms, by resolution of the case originally, to the Fifteenth Meeting of the motion but also by the British representative, soldier deleted. British decent solid attention in Japan, and there are alliances and other relations who, in the interests of both countries since the not a little sacrifice, then of course he can be to swap the country. Therefore, the Japanese at the two ends of the abandoned its claim to another question for the exchange, the British maintain that the problem can not in Jiaozhou Japan to strive to the U.S. President. br> Lu Cheng-hsiang so he sent his famous exclamation: support or acquiescence of Australia, forcibly rejected Japan's proposal, and completely on the chopping block. We can definitely say that if the motion is not racial equality, When Japan did not end

in Paris to promote racial equality motion, Makino stretch was pointed out: any country if it is not fair and equal treatment, the League will be the guiding principle of loss of confidence, which the survival of which a solid basis for harmony and cooperation is very harmful his own and created hostility. Japan's failure at the negotiating table, and finally after a few decades, so that Australia is the first time withstood the baptism of war, the Japanese air force bombed the northern city of Darwin in Australia, while the Japanese navy's submarine ...

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