Thursday, March 3, 2011

A knowledge of Conan episode 51 ~ 70

 51 killings set golf driving range (golf)
know, golf is a beautiful environments in the noble entertainment. because equipment is expensive to play this game, so in some countries called it Scotland. then shepherd the sheep of the stick used to play a stone hit the game, hit farther than anyone else hit a prospective, this game was later turned into golf.
golf course is generally located in the scenic lawn , the middle need some natural or artificial obstacles, such as the Heights, sand, trees, shrubs, ditches, streams and so on. stadium shape is no uniform standard .9-hole area of 3034 square meters site ; 18 holes of the site area of 6,400 square meters. the hole diameter of 10 cm, depth 10.5 cm. each hole next to the plug side of the flags from the hole located 100 meters or 500 of a ball point.
Golf is made of solid rubber ball, a layer of rubber coated wire, coated with a layer of white paint. the ball 42 millimeters in diameter and weighs 46 grams. stick about 1 meter, the end of the stick can be made of wood , a layer of metal can package.
game is generally divided into singles, doubles, 1 to 2, round robin and so on. competition, athletes in the tee in order to use sticks to hit their ball, then walked off the ball point, continue to hit the ball until the ball inside the hole. who with the least number of times the ball hit into all the holes to win.
Legend 52 killings set fog dog (cherry)
cherry, alias campanulata. is the rose family, deciduous trees. bark purplish brown, smooth and shiny, with stripes. Leaves alternate, elliptic or obovate elliptic, margin Mountain teeth, apex acute, while glands, the surface dark green, shiny, paler on the back. Stipules lanceolate linear, serrated edge thin crack, crack terminal gland. thirty-five each flower, as umbrella inflorescence, sepals at the Standard, petals notched apex, white, red. flowers and leaves in March with the release or leaves after flowering. nuclear sphere, the beginning of red, then purple-brown, mature in July.
cherry origin of the Yangtze River and Japan. of hi sunshine, also hi humid, shallow root system, smoke and wind resistance on the weak. very beautiful cherry blossoms, in full bloom, garden trees in full bloom, clouds like Xia is a famous early spring flowering ornamental plants.
fans like 53 sets The murder weapon events (fishing rod)
fishing rod with a tool.
set 54 video game companies killings (storage)
in the hotel, the station provided hh charges or free sites hosted articles place.
55 killings trap set train (train schedules)

railway train schedule has an economic, safe, punctual, comfortable, fast and other characteristics, social demand for rail transport in increasing year by year. In recent years, as countries increase investment in transport infrastructure and the strengthening of the railway sector market awareness, newly built railway line to increase the train speed, train increase, leading to the railway passenger transport information corresponding changes. In order to strengthen Rail transport information building, and the railway sector to better serve passenger services, so that the majority of visitors can get timely and effective passenger and cargo transport information to develop a comprehensive application of the national railway train information system. The system can provide a variety of ways to meet different query the user's needs, support a total mileage, total time, the fare displayed.
set of 56 cleaning companies killings (camera)

digital camera is a digital video input equipment, the use of photovoltaic technology to collect images of the internal circuit through the pixels of these representatives of the collected by the simulation tools for image acquisition, and through a dedicated analog-digital conversion components to complete the input image.
digital camera is an important component part, according to the different components into CCD and CMOS.CCD ( Charge Coupled Device, CCD) is used in the photographic camera's high-end technology components, CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor, metal oxide semiconductor device) is applied to lower the image quality of the products, it has the advantage of manufacturing lower costs than the CCD, power consumption is much lower. Although technically quite different, but the performance gap between CCD and CMOS is not great, but CMOS camera, the light source requires to be higher, but now problem has largely been resolved. the size of the current multi-element CCD 1 / 3 inch or 1 / 4 inch, in the same resolution, should choose the components of a larger size is better.
sensor pixel is a measure of
an important indicator of the camera, one of a number of products will be marked in box 30 megapixel or 35 million pixels. In general, the higher pixel quality of the product the better its image. But on the other hand is not a pixel more high as possible, for the same screen, the higher the pixel resolution images of its products, the stronger the ability, in order to obtain high-resolution images or pictures, it records the much larger amount of data is also bound for the network transmission bandwidth and storage devices will be much higher.

is the highest resolution still images taken with the camera and the dynamic image acquisition to the maximum resolution that can be achieved, but generally generated at the highest resolution Photo paper
large pieces of data.
basic camera connections in three ways: the interface card, parallel port and USB port. Interface card in general is through the dedicated camera cards to achieve, vendors and more will be optimized for the camera or add video capture function, image quality and capture the video stream has a greater advantage. but because the manufacturers design of the interface cards are different, the product can not be universal among , plus the prices are cheap, these products should need to pursue a higher quality of the user to select. parallel approach has the advantage of adaptability, each machine has a parallel port, but slower data transfer rates, availability greatly down, for the average user, is acceptable. USB Interface is the mainstream trend, the existing motherboards support USB connections, and now the camera's power consumption low, relying on USB power supply can provide work, this eliminates the need for external power supply.
also known as color depth of color, the color depth of the digital camera camera can indicators reflect an accurate record of the number of colors, color, the higher the value of the median to more likely to restore a more realistic light and shadow details of the Department. At present almost all digital cameras have the color bits to 24 bits, true color images can be generated.
video capture video capture speed
is one of the features users are most concerned that many manufacturers claim the maximum 30 frames / second video capture capability, but the actual use and not always. current camera video capture is achieved through software, so the computer demands very high processing power to the CPU fast enough, then the requirements of the different picture, capture are not the same. Now the camera to capture a maximum resolution of the screen 640t480, nothing in this resolution digital camera under head can reach 30 frames / second capture effect, and thus the screen will have jumps. more realistic to rely on in 320t240 resolution combination of hardware and software up to standard rate may capture index, so for complete video capture speed only a theoretical target. users according to their real needs, choose the right products to achieve the desired results.
set of Sherlock Holmes fans 57 killings (former series) (Doyle)
Arthur. Conan .
Arthur Doyle. Conan Doyle. Sir (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859 年 5 月 22 日 -1930 on July 7) British novelist, for shaping a successful detective characters - Sherlock. Sherlock Holmes detective stories become history's most important writers. In addition, he has also written a number of other types of fiction department, such as science fiction, historical fiction, love stories, drama, poetry.
Conan. Road Seoul was born in Edinburgh, the age of 9 he was sent to preparatory school, when he left school in 1875, Doyle has produced aversion to the Catholic and became agnostic .1876 a year to him in Edinburgh between 1881 University to study medicine after graduation as a physician onboard to the West African coast in 1882 after returning to practice medicine in Plymouth. But he was not very successful practice, during which Doyle began to write. moved to the South China Sea in the City (Southsea) after He began to spend more time in writing. Doyle's first important work was published in Study in Scarlet), the protagonist of the novel is after the fame of Sherlock. Sherlock Holmes.
set of Sherlock Holmes fans 58 killings (later series) (Sherlock Holmes)
Sherlock Holmes . Sherlock Holmes is a writer of detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle, geek, and now has become a common name synonymous with the best detective!
Holmes that he not only calm, observant, reasoning ability is unparalleled. (Also, his sword is also very clever)
Usually he is relaxed in the B-211, Baker Street, room, smoking a pipe to wait for commission door. but once received a case, he immediately becomes a chase hounds wolf, began to lock the target, the whole event unraveling the layers of filtration, until the final truth! his friend Huasheng Bo who though a bit
small files Holmes Detective nineteenth century England, is a veteran intelligence agent 007.
Baker Street headquarters in London, 221, B.
tall, long face, thick eyebrows, black hair, aquiline nose, gray eyes.
mind sophisticated, Yanguangruili of poison, anatomy, medical research has a deep,
talk fast, high tone.
best partners: China Dr Watson, is also the author of this memoir.
the streets of London a group of street children was his handling of the best assistant.
1891 年 5 月 4 day and with Professor Moriarty fall into the valley of death. because of Conan Doyle. tired of this role, deliberately; repeated requests of readers, however, revive Holmes.
Aini. Antill loved one Sherlock Holmes.
Holmes is the new one of the most idol.
59 killings set for the first time to run errands (corner mirror)
a bend in the Road to facilitate observation of road conditions for drivers and pedestrians in the mirror.
60 killings set painter illustrator (contact lens care solution)
contact lenses used for cleaning and preservation of supplies.
61 killings set of Ghost Ship (prequel) (telescope)
initial idea was not Galileo, was inspired by others before self and to improve, but based on his contributions, we all thought he was the inventor.
17 day of the century, the Netherlands, a Scimitar Town of Bryant Stauch optical shop owner, he checks grinding out of the lens quality, to a convex lens and a concave mirror arranged in a line, look at the past through the lens, the distant church tower that seems to become larger and closer, and then inadvertently found that the telescope principle .1608 made on the telescope for his own patent, and to comply with the requirements of the authorities, made a pair of binoculars. It is said that advancement of several dozen glasses Scimitar Carpenter claimed the invention of the telescope, but is generally considered Libi He is the telescope inventor.
invented the telescope news quickly spread in European countries, the Italian scientist Galileo learned this news, to home-made one. first telescope can only magnified the object 3 times. A month later He made a second telescope to zoom in 8 times, the third telescope to zoom to 20 times .1609 he made on Oct. 30 times magnification of the telescope.
Galileo observed the night sky with a homemade telescope, the first time that the uneven surface of the moon, covered with mountains and a crater cracks. have since discovered Jupiter's four satellites, the sun's sunspot movement, and made the conclusions of the sun in the rotation.
almost the same time, Germany astronomer Kepler telescope began to study his . But Kepler did not create his telescope described. Scheiner in 1613 m1617 years for the first time to produce such a telescope, he also created in accordance with the recommendations of Kepler's third convex lens with the telescope, the two rather like a telescope lens made into a just as. Scheiner made 8 telescope, a cloud of a platform to observe the sun, Which one can see the same regardless of the shape of sunspots. Therefore, he did not dispel few people believe that sunspots might be caused by dust on the lens illusion, proved indeed observed sunspots real. In watching the sun shade when the special glasses fitted with Scheiner, Galileo is not added to this protection, the results of injury eyes, and finally almost blind.
Netherlands Huygens order to improve the accuracy of the telescope made in 1665, a nearly 6-meter long tube telescope, to detect Saturn's rings, and later made a nearly 41 meters length of the telescope.
using objective and the eyepiece is called refractor telescopes, even longer tube, precision machining lens, it can not eliminate color aberration, British scientists in 1668 reflecting telescope, Gok decided the color aberration issues. telescope first against a very small mirror inside the telescope is only 2.5 cm in diameter, but has been able to clearly see the moons of Jupiter, Venus in the profit and loss, etc. .1672 Newton made a larger reflector, send to the British Royal Society, there is still the Royal Society of Minamata library.
Newton once thought hopelessly off-color aberration, later, the British proved too pessimistic .1733 Hal made a refractive achromatic Telescope .1758 treasure in London also made the same telescope Rand, he used the principle of different refractive index of glass manufacturing convex and concave, respectively, to each edge of the formation of colored offset.
but not easy to create great lenses , the world's largest refracting telescope of a diameter of 102 cm, installed in the elegant younger brother of Sri Lanka Observatory.
there is astronomical reflecting telescope developed rapidly, making 1793 the British Herschel reflecting telescope, mirror diameter of 130 meters, with a copper tin alloy, weighing 1 ton .1845 Los manufactured in the United Kingdom reflecting telescope mirror diameter of 1.82 m .1913 counter telescope at Mount Wilson Observatory, the diameter of 254 meters. Palomar Mountain in 1950, installed a mirror diameter of 5.08 m reflecting telescope .1969 north of Perth in the Soviet Caucasus mountain soil Hof installed 6 meters in diameter mirror, it was the world the largest reflecting telescope, now mostly use large reflecting telescope observatory.
set of Ghost Ship 62 killings (Part Two) (Gold)
Gold is first discovered and used the metal one. As early as the Neolithic times (about 1 million years to 4000 years ago), humans have identified gold. China no later than mid-Commerce (14 BC to 13 century) have mastered the skills of manufacturing gold, excavated in Anyang, Henan Shang relics that is gold. the rule of the. According to legend, as the Warring States period, the business developed to become the currency of gold, coupled with the luxury of the feudal ruling class decorated living needs, the need for gold increases. Spring and Autumn Period phase Guan Qi asked for the name of . to the number of paint)
generally two types of paint, commonly used for liquid paint is thick, divided into materials and metals used in oil-soluble paint (bright paint) and for the ceiling and walls of water-soluble paint (latex paint). soluble paint to paint on the brush at the bottom; latex paint without primer, but to brush more than twice in order to cover the surface of the original color. The second category is the beginning of paint to use for non-flowing paint , also known as thixotropic paint, gel paint or paint layer. This paint was jelly-like in the tank, but the brush to the wall is in liquid, then into a jelly, easy flowing. This paint than ordinary paint thick, strong adhesion, easy and primer combination. This paint although the price higher, but the durability is not expensive than other paints. outer layer of paint (ie, final coat of paint) can be a bright paint, semi-matt varnish or lacquer. Some paints contain additives, fire-resistant than ordinary paint to help prevent fire spread, suitable for brushing the polystyrene panels, materials and other combustible materials. the type of paint cans on paint can follow Description of choice, usually the kind of notes will specify what kind of paint used for brushing the surface, the required drying time, apply thinner, and paint the tank could be brushing the area and so on. The following lists the various paint performance for your reference.
inner paint
Uses: indoor and outdoor surfaces have been painted in primer, paint the top and then cover the outer layer can also be applied to dark surfaces.
performance: more than outer layer of paint contains more pigment, the color works well covered.
Usage: coated with a layer and if the following still see that color, to apply a second layer. paintbrushes after use petroleum solvents to clean .
outer paint
(bright paint, oil-soluble paint)
Uses: indoor and outdoor wood, metal surfaces, can also be used for walls and ceilings.
performance: a decorative and protective effect, paint thin compact, the role of non-color cover.
use: painted wood, to brush the inner layer of paint, brushing the metal is not necessary.'d rather brush thin layers, and do not have a layer of brush thick. paintbrush with petroleum solvents to wash immediately after, so the paint Results lumps.
flowing paint
use: light non-flowing paint for indoor and outdoor wood, latex paint for the ceiling.
performance : paint both inner and outer characteristics of paint can be attached to the paint brush, and easy for beginners to use.
Use: covered with two layers of dark surface to be brushed. Brushing tools to v oil solution after washing net.
indoor latex paint
Use: for wall and ceiling.
properties: water-soluble, brushing tools are easy to clean and dries quickly, will not leave brush marks. Some of the additions of propylene acid resin, good wear resistance.
use: First brush the inner layer do not have to paint. can be diluted with water when the primer used. brushing with a coated high speed. may have to brush two or three times. brushing tool of water , soap or detergent.
outdoor latex paint
Use: for exterior.
properties: water-soluble, highly wear-resistant. rain will wash away with a small amount of paint with dust, it can keep the walls clean.
use: paint all the walls prior to mend the cracks, because the paint thick enough to fill cracks. paintbrush at least 5 inches wide, or with coarse drum. after use wash with soap and water.
emulsion paint (acrylic paint)
use: the new wood used outdoors, can also be used indoors.
properties: water-soluble and some are painted again, both at the end paint, paint the inner, outer layer of paint effect. some should be coated with two layers, the first layer as a primer, the second layer of paint for the inner and outer coating. surface breathable, allowing moisture to escape, reducing from phenomena such as bubble and peel.
use: First brush if necessary, stabilizers and fungicidal agents, and fill all crevices. paintbrush to clean water after use.
asphalt paint
purposes: used for outdoor metal pipes, gutters and concrete surface.
performance: for surface water.
use: asphalt paint brush, you can not paint the other paint, but to continue to pitch paint brush. paintbrushes after use kerosene cleaning, asphalt paint brush can only be used in the past.
coarse grain coatings
Use: interior walls are not smooth and the flower board, or not noticeable on the surface.
Performance: viscous than paint much more dense, forming a permanent coating, difficult to remove.
use: Unless otherwise stated, the manufacturer, usually with a coarse brush roller. dry brush in the paint on the back. coated coarse grain coatings wall can not be wallpaper. Brushing tools to petroleum solvents after cleaning.
imitation condensation paint
use: bathroom, kitchen and any room with steam.
performance: the semi-porous latex paint can absorption of moisture in the air, the air dry, while still allowing water evaporation, prevent water droplets formed on the surface. usually contain fungicidal agent to prevent mold growth.
use: for interior latex paint to use, can not eliminate the condensation of water, but reduce the rising surface of the water droplets. brushing tools side, after washing with water and detergent.
purposes: for metal, wood, children's toys and furniture.
performance: non-toxic, expensive, Some enamel with rust inhibitor.
use: do not brush the inner primer and paint. the most appropriate brushing a small area. paintbrush after using the oil-solvent cleaning.

estimated the amount of surface paint porous, there is a pattern or the original color, will affect the use of paint. porous surface will absorb into the amount of paint, especially paint. Similarly, some decorative walls, such as the pebble walls, embossed wallpaper and paint, and other coarse grain , absorption is also a lot of paint, or even to double the amount originally estimated. dark surface often takes two inner paint brush to cover the original color. walls of the outer layer of paint brushes at least twice to Royal rain erosion. Most paint cans are marked on the average amount of paint per unit area can also refer to the table.
a liter of paint to the size of brushes:
general inner primer paint 130 square feet 170 square feet
< br> 150 square feet of bright paint
130 square feet of non-flowing paint paint

1O8-140 square feet of the third set of 64 killings fingerprints (fingerprints)
dustpan, bucket, screw carefully observed pattern
finger a finger his belly, you will find a variety of fingerprint forms: dustpan, bucket, and spiral patterns. It is these shapes reveal the nature of human Xi. There are different combinations of fingerprint, Only a few fingerprints.
loop: This is the most simple fingerprint, the spiral pattern is the most complex fingerprints. there are two or three scoops of the most common (10 scoops of the most rare). For more than a dustpan people, physical potential potential is not as important is the psychological quality and personality. Generally, they admit defeat, too proud, responsible, high prestige, strong team spirit. Such people if and when the leadership will stubborn and targeted. They can be called energetic work, but in extreme circumstances .
spiral pattern: spiral pattern and more people are show that the psychological profile and more fragile, and easily excited. the one hand, responsive; the other hand, psychological unstable, negative. they are picky, can excel in sport. In 100 individuals, to find 3 to 4 of 10 a spiral pattern of the people.
fingerprint is basically the same people do not often encounter a very complex combination of the fingerprint. For example, bucket and dustpan combination even for the less important work can do everything. If in addition to bucket, dustpan , there are spiral pattern, then this is not that the main practical ability, but that he could not accurately estimate their strength. Doo and the spiral pattern combinations that this person has great potential, able to adapt to the most complex environments. < br> PS: a human finger and palm skin belly many uneven pattern length by the length of different shapes, thickness of the uneven pattern lines. This pattern of people with life-long characteristics of the different . So, why people have such fingerprints it President?
humanity in the long process of evolution, learned to make tools and use tools. but if the fingers and the palm surface is very smooth, people in the grasp, pull, pull something easy to slip.
still can not find the world has fingerprints exactly the same people, then why each person's fingerprints are different then?
This is people's genetic characteristics of the decision. people included in the genetic characteristics of chromosomes, chromosome from the genetic makeup. each gene controls their hair color, eye shape, the characteristics of the fingerprint.
fingerprint is arranged on the skin made of many small particles. because of the were arranged in different ways to form a different fingerprint.
these small particles on the skin feels very sensitive, as long as a hand to touch any object, you will find a touch of the object is smooth or rough; is hard or soft; is hot or cold. to feel that the message conveyed to the brain, and brain, according to information given instructions that direct the body's movements
set 65 crab and whale kidnapping (tables and chairs )
on the Mirror of view, the table first appeared in the literature is 03. Han Ji Han Ji No. 017 Volume IX (BC140nBC134) . Zhou No. 39-42 Winter officer Kaogongji Volume VI p-0631
Nine Inch Bi Cong, princes to enjoy the emperor. Valley Kyu seven inches, the emperor to employ women. The same applies large Cheung, princes to employ Female?. Large Zhang, in Zhang Nine Inch, while Cheung seven inches. shot four inches, thick inch. golden spoon, green gold, the Chu in the. nose-inch, weighing inches. There reeling. emperor to patrol, were I wish before the horse. engraved lines Guizhang eight inches, eight inches Bi Cong to balcony, employed. teeth Zhang, in Zhang seven inches, shot two inches thick, inch, in order to play armies to Zhibing keep. powerful horse Cong five inches, were later that right. Great Cong Shi Youer inch, shot four-inch, inch thick, is that within the town, keep the following cases. powerful horse Cong seven inches, nose-inch with half an inch, the emperor thought right. two Kyu five inches, with Di to worship, the brigade looked in all directions. engraved lines Cong eight inches, princes to enjoy his wife. case Shiyou Er-inch, dates, Li Shi Youer columns, nine princes of pure, pure five-doctor, his wife in labor princes. Zhang Di radio, prime power; Yisi mountains, so little grain ration. 〔2〕
partner in the development of the chair and stool has experienced hundreds of years, this is a little invention. the invention of the chair are inspired by love. Lan Yangcheng a loving couple, the husband late at night reading, love always hold quietly behind him, he will never forget that warm, invented the chair!
have said that the chair is the Northern and Southern Dynasties in China ~ ~ ~ ~ introduced to China by the nomadic ~ ~ ~ had previously been learning to sit. Now look at home in Japan and South Korea, they are sitting on the tatami ~ ~ ~ ~ on are from the Chinese custom of the past ~ ~
Night Road 66 killings set ( cigarettes)
Tobacco Origin
current consensus is that the tobacco originated from the Americas. archaeological discoveries, man is still in the primitive society, the tobacco to enter the life of the residents in the Americas. At that time, people in the acquisition of food, unconsciously put off a piece of chewing the leaves of plants, because of its highly irritating, just to recuperate and refreshing to play the role of playing strength, so they are often taken to chew more times, and has become a hobby .
archaeologists that the earliest ever found evidence of human use of tobacco is a state in southern Mexico Jia Pasi times Lenk's built in 432 AD, the temple of a relief. It is a semi-relief paintings, relief on the picture of a pipe dangling from the Mayan long pipe, in the sacrificial ceremony was held in order to control the scene blowing smoke and smoking, the head is also wrapped with a leaf. archaeologist Indiana Northern Arizona is also people lived in caves, discovered in the left pipe smoking tobacco and ash left over, according to research about the age of these relics around AD 650. while smoking tobacco is recorded in humans in the 14th century, El Salvador.
Long ago, Native Americans have worshiped the sun and the ritual of smoking practices. Some archaeological analysis also found that 3500 years ago, the American people will have the habit of smoking. As to further explore American history, history of tobacco may be the earlier period of Indian history extension. safflower planted with tobacco in today generally likes the warm, tropical tobacco from the American point of view is even more convincing with a.
important findings m Columbus brought tobacco
Italy Christopher Columbus, people naturally think of the New World. Indeed, the world-famous navigator of the voyage that not only found the New World, but also another little-known but important discoveries in particular m tobacco. tobacco found that Columbus also recognized tobacco as disseminators of the world.
1492, Columbus was the King of Spain awarded the one. So the rich spirit of adventure navigator, led the expedition, began his colorful voyage.
2 October the same year, Columbus's fleet reached San Salvador Island, one of the two crew members see that many people, men and women holding torches and grass in the suction. in one hand and a long tube, mouth and nostrils, a plume of fog-like smoke. After some investigation, finally opened the mystery. It turned out that it is a kind of grass leaves (ie, tobacco ) paper made from the leaves of maize.
10 27, the fleet sailed to the coast of Cuba, Columbus sent a team of people ashore, looking for their long-awaited gold. because he believed he had reached the sailing initial target m India. When this little expedition on November 5 in the same year to return the boat, just visited the cottage and the local indigenous people are treated, but did not get gold and see the king. but also found a lot of mouth, long pipe tobacco person. Christopher Columbus in his voyage diary, described the tobacco was found:
the half-way, one case of a canoe sailing from the island of PEI South Mary; its people to bring a piece of homemade bread, and its as big as a fist, the water poured, a little red, crushed, and to rub, and another dry leaves, in the We have great value in mind. In San Salvador Island, he had more than a little fed. published materials, this event is then sailing with Columbus on his second and then into the Indians and the bishop of Las Casas for the legacy, they are parts of the Indian Ba Tuolun U.S. historian.
1536 years 5 month, a man named Gatti explorer after a long adventure, witness the return of American Indian use of tobacco on the case, he made a more detailed written account of Columbus:
sun dried, and then hung in their neck of a calf on a small bag, a hollow stone or wood, like a tube; moment when they are happy, they then placed in the tobacco rubs Unqualified one end of the pipe, lit the fire at the other end will be breathing deeply through your mouth ...

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